Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

Sakura0901 , Good Morning, and absolutely you can have Gayle, I am thrilled as I think she is soooo cute. I will add you and open my gates....
Rolf the Cranky White Tiger is now available. I will be taking a quick shower .... if you would like Rolf, and have an open slot, please post here, I will be holding onto him about twenty minutes....:)
I'm almost positive Sterling will show up in this thread, since I won't be online much today D:
Hello everyone~

I'll also be helping here! :D Will hopefully post today, I'm FrozenRoses from ACC, and am a more active user of The Bell tree :D

My reservation thread is post-poned, as both other members have school and they're unavailable to search right now :)

I'll be cycling through villagers shortly, stay tuned! :D
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:O Frozenroses and Onigiri are the same person?
Interesting :eek:
:O Frozenroses and Onigiri are the same person?
Interesting :eek:

Hmm? Does it matter much xD I thought i should finally say something about the ACC, yeah...

I act pretty much the same on both forums~ Why do you sound shocked? :3
Hmm? Does it matter much xD I thought i should finally say something about the ACC, yeah...

I act pretty much the same on both forums~ Why do you sound shocked? :3
Nah doesn't matter at all XD
Just one of those things that's like "huh, neat"
Especially since now that you say it I totally see it XD
Nah doesn't matter at all XD
Just one of those things that's like "huh, neat"
Especially since now that you say it I totally see it XD

Hahah, who are you on ACC? I'm just wondering :D

I always end my sentences with "All the best" In P.M's or long posts, i even do that on fanfiction xD Just a habit~

Also these: ~ and a lot of smileys xD

Well, all the best~ xD

P.S: Thanks for allowing me to join this thread PortaBella! :)
she's 8 months :) and she's a tortieshell, she's mixed with gray, light brown, and white fur :3 her name's aiko lol. AND TYSM for rolf <3
Hahah, who are you on ACC? I'm just wondering :D

I always end my sentences with "All the best" In P.M's or long posts, i even do that on fanfiction xD Just a habit~

Also these: ~ and a lot of smileys xD

Well, all the best~ xD

P.S: Thanks for allowing me to join this thread PortaBella! :)
You wouldn't know me, I mostly lurk XD
But I mostly lurk in the cycling thread so I've seen you quite a bit XD
I dunno, I just never connected it before XD
You wouldn't know me, I mostly lurk XD
But I mostly lurk in the cycling thread so I've seen you quite a bit XD
I dunno, I just never connected it before XD

It's fine :D I tried to resolve something on the cycling thread today, i think i did a good job xD