Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

Haruchu...good deal, add me, I will add you, and open my gates, going to do some weeding with my gate open to wait on you...:)

Gonna need you FC number...
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Butch has been adopted...:)

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Bree the mouse is now available for adoption, if you would like Bree ...please sure to have an open slot..
I will give Bree approx. Ten minutes...Thanks
cycling on

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Mathilda the Kangaroo is now available, if you would like her and have an open slot, please post...
giving Mathilda approx. ten minutes....Thank you

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cycling on
Bill the Duck is now available... (really cute) if you would like Bill, and have an open slot, Please post...
I will give Bill approx. ten minutes...Thanks
Wow.. this is amazing..
Write a guide.. share the secret!! I'm planning to get another ACNL game and I wanted to watch for my close friends, and then start a giveaway too.
Gigi the frog (purple) is now available.... If you would like to adopt Gigi ...please post...
Gigi will be held only approx. ten minutes

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cycling on

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Moe the cat is now available, if you would like to adopt Moe and have an open slot, Please post...
I will hold Moe for approx. ten minutes...Thanks

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Its odd, I have never heard anyone talk about Moe but he is really cute... shocking that he is not more popular than he is...
Moe is really adorable! I would take him but I'm holding out for Jeremiah, Rasher or Kiki ^___^
Moe is in the adoption process, will cycle on shortly...

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Moe has been adopted, breaking for dinner be back in a flash...:)
Gladys the Normal Ostrich is now available, if you would like to adopt Gladys and have an empty slot... please post
I am giving Gladys approx. ten minutes...Thank you
Aw, I loved Gladys, I had her in GC. Such a cutie. Already have 4 normals though
Boone the Jock Gorilla (Baboon) is now available... If you would like to adopt Boone and have an open slot...please post.
I am not into the Gorilla's in this game at all, but Boone is the coolest that I have seen to be honest...
Boone has about ten minutes before I cycle on...
niceguy678 add me, I will add you and open my gates...Town name is Banana

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gate is open

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Boone has been adopted...going to try and cycle one or two more... Still have to maintain my main town before bed, have not done that yet today...:)