Barold the lazy Bear cub is now available, if you would like to adopt him and have an open slot, please post...
Barold will be given ten minute or so , give or take...Thank you
Broffina the chicken is now available... if you would like to adopt her and have an open slot, please post.
I know many are not big on the chickens, but I have a soft spot for Broffina, she was one of my first villagers in my main town and she is truly an amazing villager.... (she would disappear often, and I never could find her, one day I found out where she was, dancing with Shrunk in Club LOL... I tell you this chicken is hysterical)
Lyman the Koala Bear is now available, if you would like Lyman and have an open slot...Please post.
Lyman will be held for approx. ten minutes...Thank you
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Last call for Lyman, cycling on in a moment here...
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Coco is in my campground...hmmm ...should I try and import her to move to my town????