Favorite and least favorite npc visitor?

redd is my favorite by far, i just have always loved his vibe and shady personality and i love all of the art pieces in the game. also i love the music that plays in the tent/on his boat in NH. he’s just cool lol
kicks is also great, love his merchandise and he’s adorable.

least favorite is saharah, i don’t really care for her design or personality and the wallpaper and flooring isn’t important to me anymore now that i have my house fully finished. the rugs are cool though
Kicks is my favorite NPC, always has ben for... obvious reasons!!; my least favorite is def Cj, I don't enjoy his personality and i hate fishing/fish in game soo :l
I might get a lot of flack for this lol but I don't really like Isabelle for some reason. I don't know what it is about her. I don't see the point of having her. She's just kind of annoying to me lol. I don't know if I would say she's my least favorite NPC but she's probably one of the least. Sahara kind of annoys me too lol in NH. She talks too much about bells. Like I get it, you love bells. lol and my favorite's are probably Tortimer ever since they brang him back, although they kind of changed his personality a bit and I def liked him a bit better in the GC version (then again they made everyone's personality less exuberant etc in general :/) And probably like Rover/Tom Nook/KK. Something about Rooster makes me like him too lmao. He reminds me this Asian friend I had in High School lol. And whenever he says Coo I imagine it as the short version of "cool" xDD like "coo, coo" (cool, cool)
Ok. My favorite is kicks. He’s so cute! And he always has a good stock! Plus you can buy as much as you want from him. He’s very polite.

My LEAST favorite is Sahara. I find her extremely obnoxious. Plus her quote is
“I will visit again. May our wallets find togetherness in the future.”
Which rubbed me wrong from the moment I met her. Plus she pouts if you say no, and no one else does that. Also you can only buy 3 carpets a day I think and you can’t pick them.

Cursed Sahara image:View attachment 409799
Don’t trash on anyone else’s opinions in this thread, and if you disagree with someone else, it’s ok. There’s probably someone who likes Sahara, and that’s their opinion.

Also, the word “hate” is not allowed here. Use words like I find this npc (adjective here) or I really dislike them because (explanation)
ooo i love sahara shes my fave 😭 i love the wallpapers and floorings she sells and each time she comes to my island i buy everything she has in stock! i thinks that my least favourite is leaf... nothing against himi actually think hes cute but i just dont anticipate his visits at all hehe
My favorite is Celeste. I love her as a character, I love her diys and I love shooting stars.

My least favorite would have to be Label. I just don't care for her clothes and there's no real challenge involved in her fashion checks.

The one with the most wasted potential is Wisp imo. I would have loved if he could have given us ghostly/spooky diys or items.

Saharah is annoying to talk to... but I get excited when I see her because I want her items. So that kinda balances it out. I'm SO happy she has a stall now though and you can actually see what you're buying.
My favorite is Celeste. I love her as a character, I love her diys and I love shooting stars.

My least favorite would have to be Label. I just don't care for her clothes and there's no real challenge involved in her fashion checks.

The one with the most wasted potential is Wisp imo. I would have loved if he could have given us ghostly/spooky diys or items.

Saharah is annoying to talk to... but I get excited when I see her because I want her items. So that kinda balances it out. I'm SO happy she has a stall now though and you can actually see what you're buying.

Oh snap you're right. He didn't even appear during Halloween. That's so weird... Smh lol
I really don't care for C.J. at all, but I can still order some bug models from him. Label though? Absolutely useless.
My absolute favourite npcs are Celeste and lief. I’ve always love lief even in new leaf and even tho I’ve never really loved Celeste in pervious games but I didn’t hate her either. But for some reason in new horizons I really like her character even though she can be a pain to locate on your island lol. For the npc I hate it would probably be Saharah not because I hate her character but I hate her mechanic like I don’t wanna randomly buy different rugs from her I wanna see exactly what I can buy from her that day that way I know wether or not I should buy it. I don’t like the random lucky aspect of her. Since opening her up at harvs island I only really buy things from her then. I don’t bother anymore when she’s on my island.
My favorite npc visitor is Leif! i always love flowers and plants since they add vegetables in the game, i am so happy now!! ;-;
My least favorite npc visitor is... euh... i think... it's Tom Nook because BELLS!! (lool, just kidding, i don't have least favorite npc in ac series, i love them all) C:
K.K Slider, without a doubt. After the first concert, which is exciting because you unlock terraforming, having him in the plaza EVERY single Saturday is annoying. It makes it hard to navigate the plaza, I don’t even know how many times I accidentally sat down on one of the chairs because I needed to go to the other side of the plaza. Also, he doesn’t add anything to the gameplay, especially when you collect all the music he has to offer. Definitely the worst NPC
My favourite is Redd because the art and various colour items he sells are great. Cutest is Celeste though. Worst is Label for me, since I don't really have a use for her items. I did gift her coat to a Snooty villager tho!
My favorite is Leif and runner up Celeste 🥺 I have never wanted to hug an NPC in my life more than I want to Leif. He is dang precious!
My least favorite is CJ. I never talk to him.
So I Like or dislike NPCs for different reasons whether it’s function Personality or both

Wardell is my favorite functionally and design wise. He is adorable and I love his shy personality
Kicks is another favorite but mostly personality and design. He never brings anything good to my island anymore even though I know they added new bags and stuff in the game so I feel like they might be exclusive to Harvs and I haven’t unlocked him there yet

Brewster gives me coffee so yeah

cj is annoying. I just want to sell him fish not do stupid challenges

my absolute least favorite NPC is Pavé. I can’t stand how he talks in third person. It’s so obnoxious
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Visitor Faves
Flick - Awesome design, awesome models, helped me earn bells early on
Kicks - Adorable design, nice personality, wish he carried a bit more at a time though
CJ - Solid design, alright models, helped me earn bells early on, and he supports Flick
Celeste - Awesome design, cute DIYs, neat night time visitor

Visitor Least Faves
Saharah - Too much dialogue, kind of greedy, shocked they haven't fixed the gender or replaced them with a new villager to have the NPC have the same gender global
KK Slider - I find his placement annoying, I find his model weird, I hate that he blocks the move out bubble
Wisp - Lips are weird, task takes too long
My least favorite is CJ because I don't like fishing and he won't let me sell without doing his stupid challenge, and I'm really not a fan of the influencer stuff. Leif too because I don't need new plants every other week so he's essentially useless (especially now that he's on Harv's island permanently) Oh, and the way K.K. talks rubs me the wrong way for some reason.

My favorites are Flick because I just like him and Kicks because he's the most useful.
wisp is probably my favorite bc i have fun hunting his spirit pieces and i get a new piece of furniture! also hes really cute

my least favorite is label, i usually ignore her since i dont care much for her clothing line
CJ is my least favorite because he looks and acts like the definition of a little twerp. My favorite is probably Redd because of his art and also because his boat looks so cool! (I made him a special loading dock on my island)