favorite coffee?

iced caramel latte or regular coffee from dunkin’ donuts is always my go-to
I've never had Starbucks coffee. I don't drink coffee anymore because of health reason (apart iced coffee made of syrup) but I used to like latte, moka, cappuccino ...stuff like that, and of course my favorite one: an expresso with one scoop of vanilla ice cream.

However I disliked flavored coffee (made of flavored beans) and those with too much stuff on it (like caramel, candies and whatever)
Brazilian coffee was okay once in a while.
At home: with a little stevia and milk.

At Starbucks I like caramel and mocha lattes. :)
I don't think it can be called black coffee if you put cream and sugar in it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I personally like all coffee.
i usually only have frappes and lattes and i go for caramel/vanilla flavourings
lattes with almond or coconut milk! and with ice in the summer! i cant have flavoured syrups anymore for health reasons so i just dump a few packets of sweetner into it lol
i dont know a lot about coffee but ive recently started making it at home with a french press and freshly ground beans and its a really nice process. i still love going to coffee shops because i enjoy the ambience and theyre my favourite places to study at but im trying to cut back on that bc i cant really afford it.... im starting to treat coffee shops as reward for myself rather just my regular source of coffee lol
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I usually just drink cold coffee like cold brew. I usually drink it black or sometimes I'll add a little cream or milk (usually almond milk) and maybe add cinnamon flavoring if I want something sweet. My favorite types of hot coffees are lattes and flat whites.