my favourite holiday is, and always will be, christmas. while my family doesn’t really celebrate it anymore, i’ll always cherish the good things that come from it; i love getting to see all of the pretty decorations that people hang up and love how warm the holiday season feels. however, my overall favourite part is that every year, my mom and i will go on a drive at night just to look at christmas decorations and while it’s such a simple thing, i always love getting to spend that time with her.
I've gone on more than one long spiel here in Brewster's Cafe about why Halloween is my favorite holiday (as if my username wasn't a dead giveaway), but I guess I'll try to give a condensed version of it. I've always been fond of scary stories, movies, etc. for as long as I can remember and Halloween gives me an excuse to watch horror movies throughout the whole month of October. I was born in Autumn (November, unfortunately, instead of October) so I feel a connection to that time of year and love the beautifully colored leaves, both those still on the trees and giving us gorgeous scenery and those that have fallen to adorn the ground, and the more tolerable temperatures compared to the extremes of Summer and Winter. I love pumpkins, whether actual, physical pumpkins used for carving jack-o-lanerns, canned pumpkin used for baking pumpkin treats, or the myriad uses of pumpkin spice flavor for stuff like lattes. It's just a wonderful time of year and a celebration of the darker side of life.
Christmas is my second favorite because I enjoy picking out gifts for people and seeing (or hearing, for those long distance) how they respond, baking cookies for the immediate family and to mail to friends and extended family, listening to Christmas music, and the general vibe right near the end of the year (with New Year's also being a pleasant time of year as well). Christmas loses out compared to Halloween because, for as much as I love it, it's more involved and stressful.
Best is New Years. Lots of appetizers, quiet reflection looking into the night, confetti, maybe a drink or two. I like looking back the year in retrospect. I also I dont need any friends to enjoy it.
I love both Easter and Christmas! For Easter, my family does two big egg hunts (even though my siblings and I are all adults now) and we get super competitive so it's really fun to see who can find all of their eggs first. After the egg hunts we play games together and have an awesome Easter dinner prepared by my grandma!
I also love Christmas because my family spends two days together just hanging out, playing games, watching movies, and having fun. On Christmas Eve, my grandparents come over and we eat cookies all day, and my mom and I make a ton of food for a big dinner. Everybody gets to pick something for us to prepare for the dinner, then after we eat we open gifts. On Christmas day, my mom always makes lasagna soup and it's soooooo good. Then we usually go see a movie or two, or we rent things to watch at home if there's nothing good at the theaters. I will really miss my family this Christmas, but I am hoping we will play more games over zoom like we did for Thanksgiving!
Halloween! Nobody I know actually celebrates it or really takes notice of it, it's more of an excuse to party. But I love seeing halloween-themed art online and seeing different costumes! It's actually really nice not being pressured to be with family to celebrate or do anything on halloween. Christmas is very stressful because of this D:
I love Christmas. It's my absolute favorite holiday, which, this years Christmas made me sad, due to COVID and everything, it just didn't feel like Christmas.
I love the snow, I love being around my family, I love the music around this time of year, I love decorating the tree, giving gifts, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like receiving them, either. I am usually the happiest around Christmas time, but this year was so different and just felt off. I am glad though because I received one of the best gifts ever; I got a plane ticket to visit my friends in New Hampshire. It was an early gift since my parents obviously wanted me to be with them for Christmas. It was such a fun time being around my friends and even making new friends!
Christmas will always be my favorite holiday mainly because I just love how cheery everyone is. I love seeing people happy.
they aren't really holidays but my favourite time of year would be diwali and raksha bandhan
i love visiting my grandma's house and seeing all my cousins plus diwali festivals are so pretty ♡
but if i had to pick an actual holiday, i would pick halloween
i don't go trick-or-treating but i love to dress up, it makes sitting around the house fun
plus the whole spooky theme is pretty lit ☆
Christmas! Winter is my favorite season, and I love the lead up to Christmas for the whole month of December. The holiday just feels so magical and I have such good memories of the holiday from my childhood. Now I love it because of the decorations, the movies, the food, and just the feeling of the holiday. Plus, the time off between Christmas and New Years is so nice because it's just a good break from everything to spend with family or friends.
Christmas was always my favourite holiday when I was very young for the magic of Santa and spending time with family. While it doesn’t quite hold the same magic now I’ve grown up it will always remain my favourite for the nostalgia and great memories, plus still spending time with family which makes it extra special. I’ve also always loved the build up to it with all the decorations and cosying up in front of a fire with a nice warm drink throughout winter and listening to all the Christmas songs, always gets me into the spirit of the season.
christmas, even though my christmas this year wasnt very well spent due to covid : (
but every year i get to spend it with my grandparents and i always feel so cozy at their house since it actually gets cold where they live, and i get to just snuggle up next to the fireplace they have and just being there with my family brings so much happiness. i also love seeing christmas decorations, theyre always so nice to look at <3
Halloween and Christmas are both my favorite holidays but my top favorite holiday has to be Christmas because I love decorating the house with christmas decor and lights. I also really like trying to find presents for my family/friends and see what they give back hehe