favorite Studio Ghibli film?

Grave of the Fireflies. I both hate and love this film. It makes me cry every time without fail. It's a masterpiece in story-telling but just so goddamn sad.

Spirited Away is a close second and is my favourite 'happy' film.
That’s such a hard question but I’m going to have to say Howl’s Moving Castle. It’s the first Studio Ghibli film I’ve seen, so maybe that’s why. It just produces so much dopamine to watch lol. I am so frustrated that you can’t buy a digital copy on iTunes! I hate having to resort to seedy Putlocker websites to watch it :(. Or a physical DVD. iTunes needs to make SG movies available in the store!
My neighbor totoro was the best anime experience i had as a kid
howl's moving castle and, dont kill me, i really like the english dubbed version

I share this view as well; it's probably one of my favorite instances of dubbed voice acting.

I share this view as well; it's probably one of my favorite instances of dubbed voice acting.

same, i usually hate dubbing and i prefer subtitles with the original version but this one is an exception! they did a good job and it just feels natural...
Spirited Away, it was the first one I watched and it's always been the best one to me. Not saying I don't absolutely adore the other ones though.
I like almost all of them, but I prefer watching movies that make me feel relaxed, which is why I'd say my favorite is either my neighbors the yamada or my neighbor totoro
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My favourite is dedinitely Arrietty (I've cried so many times watching it multiple times), but the ones I've seen up until now are definitely good, too.
I just love the background music so much! :)