Favorite video game you've played recently?


☆ Roxie of Avalar ☆
Aug 23, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Friday the 13th Candy
Corrupted Rainbow Candy
Glow Shroom
Rainbow Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Red Candy
Orange Candy
Yellow Candy
Green Candy
Blue Candy
I've seen threads for all-time favorites, and childhood favorites, but what about the present?
Is there a game you've played lately that you really loved?
Gush about it and/or recommend it to others here!

It's no secret I've been playing a ton of Baldur's Gate 3 as of late, but it's also no secret how great it is, easily one of my favorite games of all time.

Another game I've been enjoying is Tunic, the game is challenging but the exploration in it is very unique, and in a way, nostalgic. You need to find pages of the instruction booklet and then read them to learn how to play. It feels like a mix between the first Legend of Zelda and Dark Souls.

I also recently played through a much simpler title, Lil Gator Game. Also taking inspiration from LoZ, it's an adorable story about growing up. Feels a lot like A Short Hike and lives up to the quality of it as well. Highly recommend for a cozy time.
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Lately I've been stuck on Transport Fever 2 more than ever. My current map has been my favorite to work on so far, and I've lost way too much of my time to it. I think about the map so many times during the day and all the little improvements I can make to it, then get on after work intending to spend maybe half an hour making those fixes, only to realize that I've been playing for hours and the sun is already starting to come up again...

Another recent favorite is Indigo Park. It only has one chapter right now and is admittedly a little basic at the moment, but that incredibly cute critter that is the Park Guide, Rambley the Raccoon (my Avatar) carries so much of the game for me, and the game itself is great fun too even after multiple playthroughs! Chapter 2 is still a ways out, but I can't wait!
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The last one I was really impressed by was Lunistice. It’s an indie game inspired by games like Sonic Adventure and imo it controls much better. The graphics are low poly, but super colorful and charming and the music is pleasant to listen to. I’d recommend it to anyone who enjoys 3D Sonic or just 3D platformers in general. It’s probably one the best $5 I’ve ever spent on a game.
disco elysium but i CANNOT talk about that game uahsadjkdas ill be here forever and i'm 99% certain ive already wall-of-text'd about it. like too much. i love it. i did another playthrough. incredible game i love everything
disco elysium but i CANNOT talk about that game uahsadjkdas ill be here forever and i'm 99% certain ive already wall-of-text'd about it. like too much. i love it. i did another playthrough. incredible game i love everything
I actually just started my second playthrough of Disco last night! Truly excellent game!
Alba: A wildlife adventure (playing it for the second time)
I love videogames where you are a kid in a summer Adventure :)
And Road 96. Gosh I love that game so much (second time playing this too 🥹)
Alba: A wildlife adventure (playing it for the second time)
I love videogames where you are a kid in a summer Adventure :)
And Road 96. Gosh I love that game so much (second time playing this too 🥹)
Oh I played Alba and liked it too! if you haven't played them yet, then I think you'd love A Short Hike and Lil Gator Game!
Recently? Bugsnax. The only things I have played for the first time this year are Bugsnax and Side Order, but the other is just DLC for Splatoon 3, so I won't count that.
I really like Bugsnax. I think it's an interesting and unique concept. I don't want to spoil anything, but the story is quite surprising.
Recently? Bugsnax. The only things I have played for the first time this year are Bugsnax and Side Order, but the other is just DLC for Splatoon 3, so I won't count that.
I really like Bugsnax. I think it's an interesting and unique concept. I don't want to spoil anything, but the story is quite surprising.
I love Bugsnax! It was so much more fun than I initially expected to have. My sister and I are planning on having Bugsnax themed birthdays this year.
Pikmin 4 has been my latest! Pikmin 3 became one of my favorite games when I played it on the Wii U and I'm having so much fun with this one, it's everything I had hoped it would be. Lil Gator Game looks so cute I'll have to check that one out