Favorite Villager thus far?

I want cats. I like most of them, and I have none. :( my bf wound up with three! Merry, purrl, and Tom. My favorite that is in my town.... Probably Cheri and Wolfgang. Pudge and Filbert come in next. Pashmina is okay, and the other two need to go. Klaus and Amelia.. Lol. Recently got Boone to move out, crossing my fingers for a cat, dog, dear, or hampster.
I wouldn't mind a few cats myself.

I've got two frogs, one dorky looking duck. Every time I see a new house space, I'm just hoping it's something cute.
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This is hard since I love all my villagers (except Peaches...)
But my absolute favorite is Freya!
Me and Walker are tight bro friends. The rest of my neighbors are nice but Walker is just one cool cat. Uh I mean dog....
While I love all my current neighbours, my most favourite are Tom, Kiki and Merry..
Merry is like my new best friend now lol.