Favorite Villager thus far?

Boone is so adorable I want to hug him so much. ♥

Gigi is my fashion sister.

Gayle is my bff next door neighbor.

Drago is adorable and I wanna give him hugs.

Pashmina is awesome and she is my OTHER next door neighbor from across the bridge.

Olaf just moved in and I already love him to bits. ♥♥♥

Penelope also lives in my town. |:

Avery (eagle) is my favorite villager so far. I have a soft spot for cranky ones. :D And Bertha (hippo) is cute. I'd want to keep these two in my town. The rest I won't stop if they want to move.
I guess Tom but.... I really want Marshall. xD And Bob. And....Whitney. :c Or Kitty. And...Goldie is cute too. ; - ; -sigh-
Cally is my favorite villager by far! She's an adorable little squirrel who keeps telling me about how much she loves reading the dictionary. How cute!
Gayle and Avery are cool. I haven't talked to the others much yet. Gayle gave me a Skull shirt, which is pretty RAWK!

I have some weird villagers though xD Mac, Gigi, Filbert, Harry, Tammi and Deirdre.
My favorite villagers of all time are Bones and Goldie. I really would like them to move in soon! T-T

Of the villagers i've got so far I like Midge (she gave me a wardrobe!! my house was a mess so..) and Bonbon the best! I just visited Bonbon's house a few minutes ago and while poking around in her wardrobe I found a pink velvet stool, and she gave it to me! I was prepared to be kicked out.. xD
I envy those of you with Lobo. He has been my fave villager since 2006!

From my town... I adore my squirrel villagers, Peanut and Filbert. ^.^ Also Pashmina the goat is moving in tomorrow and after looking up what she is like I'm quite excited to meet her!
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Hopper and Kid Cat. I had both of them way back in Wild World, so I was amazed when I had them from the start.
Pashmina is my favorite thus far. Bonbon comes in as a close second, but that's only because she's not an Uchi like Pashmina is.