favourite crankies and normals?

Cranky- Static, Ricky, Lobo, Wolfgang, Dobie, Walt, Kabuki, Tom, Buzz and Camofrog.
Normals- Sally (#1), Sylvana, Cally, Caroline, Poppy (love/hate), Flurry, Vesta, Coco, Molly, Lily and Kiki.
Crankies: Apollo, Fang, Lobo, and Roscoe
Normals: Lily, Eunice, Gladys, Chevre, Marina, Pekoe, and Savannah
If I were to do what you were doing I'd have
Crankies: Murphy, Static, Hamphrey, Ricky, Butch
Normal: Sally, Marina, Nan, Daisy, Stella
My favorite cranky villagers are Octavian, Rolf, Static, Bruce, Chief, Lobo, Ricky, and Walt (wow, I actually just realized how many cranky villagers I love lol)!
And as for normal villagers, I really like Bea, Eunice, Olive, Sydney, Nosegay (only in AC:GCN), and Celia!

Also is Jambette really a normal villager?? I always thought she was snooty lmaoo. HOW AM I JUST NOW FINDING THIS OUT GOOD LORD.
Cranky: O'Hare, Fang, Bruce and Buzz

Normal: Coco, Kiki, Nan and Vesta.

I have Coco and Fang in my town currently! Previously had Octavian, who definitely was close to making this list.
Cranky: Gaston, Lobo

Normal: Coco, Chevre, Kiki and Molly

I have Gaston, Coco, Chevre and Molly on my island rn and I love them! Although Gaston, Coco and Chevre have given me their photos, so if they ask to leave I will let them :cry: Looking for Kiki since I had her in the GameCube Animal Crossing lol
I have Roscoe and Kabuki they are both my dreamies for cranky c:
For normals, I have Coco and Poppy. I got them fairly early and I had no idea they were so popular back then. They really grew on me and they are both super cute.
I like all crankies that personality is the best lol, as for normals I’d say Goldie, Daisy, Marina
I love both these personalities too plus lazies 🥺

Fave Crankies- Wolfgang (My best cranky boy), Butch, Dobie and Roscoe.

Fave Normals- Maple, Lily, Goldie, Molly, Poppy, Skye, Fauna and Melba.
Cranky’s my favourite personality and normal‘s my least favourite (I find the personality to be a little bland tbh).

My favourite villager is Ike. He may not be very popular, but I think he’s awesome. His house is pretty cool, and he has the nature hobby so he will observe flowers and trees a lot. Ike is the sweetest and most wholesome villager I know. This is why I‘m obsessed with him. Also, one of my favourite villagers used to be a cranky islander. My other favourite crankies are Static, Lobo, Rooney, Avery, Octavian,

Normal’s my least favourite personality, but there are some really good ones.
My favourite by far is Savannah. She’s a zebra. My other favourites are Molly (don’t be surprised), Sally, Lucy, Cally, Alice, Aurora, Coco, Midge, Dora, Eunice, Jambette, Kiki, Nana (she also had my favourite K.K. Slider song in WW, CF and NL), Sandy, Stella and Sydney.
the crankies I've had so far have been Fang and Dobie, and I love them both! I also quite like camofrog
normals are perhaps some of my favourites, if not for the personality itself then for the cute character designs! I love Maple, Lily, Ellie, Sylvana, and my current resident normal is Olive! I just think they're all so sweet.
my favorite crankies are Walt, Bob and Lobo
favorite normals are Molly and Ellie
Normals are one of my favorite villager types too. I also like the lazy villagers. But cranky are great too. I currently have Bruce as my cranky villager, I like him because we share a birthday! But also the wolf cranky villagers are awesome because I love the wolf villagers. As for normal I gotta say that Kiki is my favorite normal villager. I also like poppy and tia and maple as well, and Lolly too lol
I really love the crankies and normals as well. I just was saying yesterday that I would be a fusion of those personality types if I were a villager. Here are my favorites...

Cranky: Vladimir is an underrated KING. He is my favorite! His face isn't the prettiest but he's a little pink cub grandpa and he gets along so well with all of my villagers. 75% of the time he hangs out at home but I always have the best interactions with him during events, etc. I also currently have Chief and I think he's super cool as well. He's a villager that doesn't really have the typical cranky look but has a great personality. I also ran across Fang the other day at the campsite and he seemed lovely as well. The RNG just wasn't in my favor to bring him on my island. His house is super cool as well. Those are the only crankies that have lived with me so far but I'm planning on looking through everyone's lists and maybe picking out a few more myself!

Normal: Fauna, Lolly, Maple, Merengue, Tia. I have had the first four on my island and I love them dearly. Each of them are at the best friends friendship level since I talk to them so much. I like that they have varied hobbies as well. You can catch Maple out reading while Merengue is out watering the flowers. It kind of makes me feel like they have different personalities even though they're all under the umbrella of "normal", you know? Tia is a villager I haven't had in NH but that I've had in other games and I liked as well.
  • Wolfgang
  • Fang
  • Lobo
  • Cheif
  • Dobie
Honorary Mentions:​
  • Apollo
  • Rolf
  • Walt
  • Kabuki

  • Mitzi
  • Lolly
  • Chevre
  • Fauna
  • Sylvana
Honorary Mentions:​
  • Kiki
  • Skye
  • Poppy
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I love my wolves. Right now I have Wolfgang and Fang. I think of the cranky wolves, they have the nicest houses and Wolfgang has a really nice character design. I previously had Chief and Lobo. While I wasn't a big fan of Chief's house, I loved his character design. His was probably my favorite of the cranky wolves for his looks, but I would say overall, Wolfgang has the best of both looks and house.

Another favorite cranky is Roscoe the black horse. He is really lovely in his character design and in NH his house is very cool. One of the few houses that I admire the interior design of.

Normals are hard because there are so many good ones. I'm also a big fan of the cat villagers so right now I have Mitzi and Kiki and I adore them both. Mitzi looks so adorable and I love dressing her up in sweet dresses. I swear her kind, gentle cuteness has cheered me up many a time during 2020.

Kiki is also so cute, and I love that her name and fur color are probably inspired by Kiki's Delivery Service. Her nose design is a bit odd but I've gotten used to it.
I like crankies but not so fond of normals because they seem rather bland to me. Despite that, I like a lot of their designs.

Favourite crankies: Rolf, Kabuki, Del
Favourite normals: Merengue, Coco, Fauna