my favourite crankies are octavian, camofrog, dobie, and walt! i love a TON of the normals, but my favourites are maple, marina, coco, fauna, and poppy!
Cranky: I'm firmly of the belief that you can latch onto any cranky bc they're so loveable, so it's very influenced by whoever you get! That being said, I've had most of them so I feel bad for choosing! I think Apollo and Wolfgang are my predictable favorites, but Tom and Curt are really underappreciated!
Normal: I loved Chevre and Marina in Wild World, Tia and Vesta in New Leaf, and I currently have and love Gayle! Also the part of me that loves the movie, is legally obligated to mention Margie!
I've had both Aurora and Kiki a few times, and while not my favorite, I can't imagine Animal Crossing without them! Coco and Maple are both adorable but I don't really have a strong connection to either (I had Coco once, but it was in a throwaway town in NL so never got close)
I have 3 normals in my island, since they're my favourite personality type; Norma, Lolly, and Molly (coming soon via Amiibo). All of them are amazing, and I love having their adorable selves on my island.
I am planning to bring Apollo onto my island as my cranky villager. I’ve never had a cranky type before, so I don’t have a lot of strong preferences. I just really love bald eagles!
My favorite cranky boy is Static I also really like Wolfgang, Fang, Roscoe, Octavian, and Camofrog!
My favorite normal villagers are Lolly, Mitzi, Sylvana, Melba, Coco, and Maple!
my favorite cranky is Wolfgang, but i love most of the cranky wolves--Lobo is also great :,)
Kiki is my #1 normal, but like others have said, there's so many cute ones! I currently also have Nan but will probably let her go for an additional cranky or normal~
normal (it always changes though bc they're so cute): bea, daisy, ellie, kiki, lily, maple, melba, molly, skye, sydney
cranky: butch, dobie, fang, gonzo, rolf