FE Heroes discussion

Ugh, it got worse. I bought orbs for the first time to break a 4% pity rate. Now it's just a 5% pity rate. Feh is never getting money from me again.
We should be getting the trailer for the next set of new heroes in a few hours, but unless it's some more characters from Echoes I probably won't be very interested. What I am looking forward to though is the next legendary banner, specifically the blue and green units for it.
The new legendary unit should be a green Water unit which could be a neat combination (and there's a good chance that they'll give a bonus to Res which is the only bonus I'm missing so yay). L!Eph looks to be the blue legendary unit so more merges for him sure doesn't hurt. They've gotten weird with seasonals on these banners, but there's a good chance that B!Ninian and B!Sanaki will be here, plus 1 or 2 units from the first summer banner from this year. What I'm REALLY hoping for though is for Sumia to be one of the blue units... because I want to inherit almost all of her skills onto Silas. Maribelle was on last month's L!banner, so the rest of the units from her original banner should qualify now too. But yeah, Silas already has ridiculous Atk and Def, so pairing that with Atk/Def Link and potentially Reprisal Lance would probably get him into 70 Atk and 50 Def wow (plus I better get at least 1 more copy of Silas for merges if this does end up happening). And after typing this all out, L!Ephraim with Shove and Atk/Def Link would also work out really well, so giv me Sumias pls.
And in the event that we do get Echoes characters (specifically Forsyth/Python), then these 500 orbs better put in some work.

Edit: Wait I swapped October and November oops, so the new legendary unit will be Red (still water) and the new green will come out next month. That means Lyn is the legendary green on this banner which is great because I also still need Spd Tactic.
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Welp, I spent a ton of orbs on the Generals of Muspell banner and didn’t get any of the focus five stars. I did, however, get a five star +HP, -DEF Silvia, and added her to my third team to use against mages and such. Time to start saving up again.

Not sure if anyone has seen this yet. If you haven't then here it is and enjoy the video.​

- I tried to see if I could get Halloween Myrrh with my 230+ orbs, but I ended up getting pity-broken by other 5-star units. :T At the moment I currently have like 20 orbs and I need to save up orbs for Christmas banners. Then again... I might pass on that or something. Not quite sure yet. I need more orbs....
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Oh no, I am dreading arena teams of Veronica and Loki already. Hopefully this Odin is better than the mage one.

But in the paralogue, is that Aversa? <3
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Of this cycle of new units, I’m honestly most excited for Aversa, so it’s amazing that she’ll be free. It’s even more amazing that she’s a flying mage, not that I’d expect anything else, but that’s a rare unit type that most f2p players probably don’t have. I never got one until I got S!Tana.
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As nice as it is, I can't help but think that her stats are just gonna be garbage
As nice as it is, I can't help but think that her stats are just gonna be garbage

That's an understandable opinion. Free units have always either been a hit or miss. I think Black Knight is still our best free unit we've gotten so far. It's important to note however that that Aversa is not a Tempest Trials free unit but a Grand Hero Battle instead. Grand Hero Battles units are usually pretty good, and correct me if I'm wrong, but they've also each gotten a prf weapon as well. It'll be alright I hope. There no need to panic and immediately assume that she'll be bad. Fingers crossed!
I got Owain on my free summon! And one of his dialogue options goes on forever as he tries to name the summoner. Lol

Also more Niles fails with the paralogue orbs. Now it's 5.5 percent. :(
I?m surprised to say I currently have just over 200 orbs saved up. I?m usually a terrible person that always spends them all so yeah. xD I?m finally happy with my main team so while getting new units would be nice I don?t really have the need to anymore. I?m also happy enough with my Emblem teams too (well I?d like an extra female Kana to kill for Goad Dragons but that?s minor).

So, I?m now saving in hopes of merging all members on my main team. Arguably the hardest is going to be bunny Chrom as he?s a seasonal but I?m gonna try (I hope they bring him back again). He?s also only +1 sadly. Male Morgan is already fully merged. Silas is currently +4 but I?m not worried about him as he?s in the 4 star pool and I try to pull blue on free pulls. Finally female Grima I?ve been super lucky on legendary banners and she?s already +4 so she will be next priority after Chrom.

Am I crazy or what? xD
Well, it's always possible, but when it comes to mage GHB units, the best we get are typically slow RES tanks.

Aaaaaaand as I was typing this out we got the stats datamined, this was more or less what I expected.

Pretty much what I was expecting, too. She has pretty decent offensive stats so she’d be a pretty good f2p option for flier teams. Meh unit otherwise.

I got Owain on my free summon! And one of his dialogue options goes on forever as he tries to name the summoner. Lol

Also more Niles fails with the paralogue orbs. Now it's 5.5 percent. :(

Failed getting H!Kagero again with paralogue orbs. Pity broken by Nina on a circle with no green orbs. :( At least the gacha gods were nice to you with that free summon!
Wanted Aversa in feh for a long time now, so it’s great that she’s free. I’m low on orbs so I’m probably going to focus on saving up for awhile, even if there’s a unit I really want. Need to work on merging my units more. :)
Pretty much what I was expecting, too. She has pretty decent offensive stats so she’d be a pretty good f2p option for flier teams. Meh unit otherwise.

On the brightside, you get free merges and you dont have to spend a **** ton of orbs just to get her at -atk +def

thanks tana
I’m surprised to say I currently have just over 200 orbs saved up. I’m usually a terrible person that always spends them all so yeah. xD I’m finally happy with my main team so while getting new units would be nice I don’t really have the need to anymore. I’m also happy enough with my Emblem teams too (well I’d like an extra female Kana to kill for Goad Dragons but that’s minor).

So, I’m now saving in hopes of merging all members on my main team. Arguably the hardest is going to be bunny Chrom as he’s a seasonal but I’m gonna try (I hope they bring him back again). He’s also only +1 sadly. Male Morgan is already fully merged. Silas is currently +4 but I’m not worried about him as he’s in the 4 star pool and I try to pull blue on free pulls. Finally female Grima I’ve been super lucky on legendary banners and she’s already +4 so she will be next priority after Chrom.

Am I crazy or what? xD

That's cool, I don't have any +10 units yet. My Niles is closet at +8. Virion could be +10 if I used my feathers on him, but I keep using them on other characters. I had to make an Aversa a 5 star unit. Hopefully I can get the infernal one soon. I am getting close with a guide.
Managed to pull a +HP/-DEF five star (flier) Nino as my free pull from the focus banner. Wasn’t expecting that, so that was a nice surprise this morning. Still saving up orbs for merges. :)
YAY I finally got Halloween Niles! He is totally going to be my new main unit.

Also this is one of my Inktober drawings that was inspired by Halloween Mia. If there can be a flying healer, why not have an armored healer? lol
