FE Heroes discussion

Apparently Silas' birthday is today. I'm still working on mine, but I guess I'll show the progress anyways. :)

I plan on giving his weapon a Spd refine, and then I also want to replace his A slot with Spd/Def Bond. I'd also consider switching over to +Spd IV's if I get one (one of the merges came from a +Spd Silas, but he was also -Atk which is a big no), but +Atk -Res is still solid until I get there. I'm also still not entirely sure what special to use (thinking Aether), but again, Glimmer is fine for now with his absolutely ridiculous Atk stat. 55 base, Atk/Def Link raises that to 61, Reprisal Lance raises it to 67 on the enemy phase. stronkk boi.
Apparently Silas' birthday is today. I'm still working on mine, but I guess I'll show the progress anyways. :)

I plan on giving his weapon a Spd refine, and then I also want to replace his A slot with Spd/Def Bond. I'd also consider switching over to +Spd IV's if I get one (one of the merges came from a +Spd Silas, but he was also -Atk which is a big no), but +Atk -Res is still solid until I get there. I'm also still not entirely sure what special to use (thinking Aether), but again, Glimmer is fine for now with his absolutely ridiculous Atk stat. 55 base, Atk/Def Link raises that to 61, Reprisal Lance raises it to 67 on the enemy phase. stronkk boi.

Actually jealous, still waiting for some Silas' so I can begin building him.

Planning a Brave Lance DB4 Build with Chill Def, Galeforce, Heavy Blade seal, a standard EP build with Slaying Spear, Aether, Sturdy Stance, QR/Guard/Atk Def Link and Heavy Blade/QR and a classic Berkuts Lance build. Overall wanting +Atk -spd IVS
Really like the look of your Silas build Cress! I wish you luck as you continue to build him. I too am on the lookout for a +Spd one, the one I’m using in the meantime also happens to have the same IVs as yours. He really is fun to use.
Managed to summon a five star, +HP/-RES Loki with around 13 orbs and have since earned those orbs back and more. Still saving up orbs for merges.

Also, woah that Silas is strong. :eek:
Legendary Eirika... :0 If only I had the orbs to attempt to try to get her. :T I'm still worried about my 5.25% rate on the new Halloween Banner. I feel like I should just skip on the potential new Christmas banner. Hoping for a Tempest Trial Christmas unit though.

Edit: I got pity broken by a +Res/-HP Ryoma. Finally. That 5.25% isn't going to bother me anymore. Yay.
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Managed to pull L!Eirika after roughly 100 orbs. She’s actually the first legendary hero I’ve ever pulled. I usually get pity broken by whichever unit shares the same color as the legendary hero each month.

Unfortunately she’s -Atk, but she is +Def which is actually a pretty decent boon. 31 defense, 6 from ODW, and her weapon’s effect can get her to 40 defense before any spur buffs.
Managed to pull L!Eirika after roughly 100 orbs. She’s actually the first legendary hero I’ve ever pulled. I usually get pity broken by whichever unit shares the same color as the legendary hero each month.

Unfortunately she’s -Atk, but she is +Def which is actually a pretty decent boon. 31 defense, 6 from ODW, and her weapon’s effect can get her to 40 defense before any spur buffs.
Congrats on getting Legendary Eirika. :] That +Def/-Atk reminds of my Legendary Ephraim since he is also +Def/-Atk too.
I feel like 9 times out of 10 whenever I’m strictly pulling for one hero, I always get bad IVs. But the pitybreakers I get along the way like to come with optimal IVs.
Feh channel Announced for Wednesday the 7th at 7:30pm PT.

Aka 10:30pm for EST.

All it says is something about new features hopefully it’s something really neat!

Something new in Fire Emblem Heroes. Check it out if you haven't already.​
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  • Corrin Alts - Were bound to happen eventually
  • Mikoto - Never expected her to get into the game
  • Camilla - Why the **** are you here?
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I haven't been in this thread for awhile but

can we please stop shoving the boob demon in every fates banner. please.
^ I second that. I mean this alt of her is probably my favorite of all of her alts but still, I’m over it.
Don't let Camilla distract you from the fact that we're also getting a 4th Azura
Don't let Camilla distract you from the fact that we're also getting a 4th Azura

we're getting a forth??? ughhhhh. I can understand the corrin alts somewhat and Mikoto is pretty interesting but we dont need anymore azura or camila. Im tired of seeing them milk these two dry. It's getting annoying.

All i want is kaden and keaton man ;-;
I am not feeling any of the new characters. I am mostly just happy the Azura is a tempest unit so I will actually be able to get her this time. I agree that Keaton and Charlotte should be in the game. I also would like a regular Noire because I didn't really like the summer one.
Not really interested in any of the new characters. I managed to pull a five star -HP/+RES Hinoka from the tempest trials banner, however, using my free pull. I was literally like, “Okay, there’s no way this is going to be Hinoka”. Then, she literally appeared. Idk what it is with me and free pulls lately, just seem to be doing well on them.

Also, the Aether Raids mode is really, really cool. I’ve already started on increasing my lift in it. :)
Dammit, I'm already at 4.75% pity rate on the Adrift banner. I just want one M!Corrin, IV doesn't matter. Have any of you reached 5% pity rate before?

...oh you want to know the IV's for some reason? +HP -Res and +Res -HP, so exact opposites.