FE Heroes discussion

I think most of us will agree xD

Hey, there are some cool Feh wallpapers on Club Nintendo right now and they don't cost any points. My phone's background is now Hel. :)
Managed to gather around 30-40 orbs today from all the new stuff and spent them all on the legendary banner for merges, but sadly didn?t get any of the units I need. That?s okay, there?s still time. Also, I started off the current Aether Raids season with three successful 5v5 defenses in a row, so I must be doing something right with my set up I guess, lmao. :)
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- Found out these units were coming by a friend of mine on Discord. Naesala will be a GHB unit when this banner comes. I really want to get Leanne, but I am saving for Legendary Eirika. Only have like 300 orbs saved up. :/
The beast heroes look interesting, but I’m low on orbs, so I don’t think I’ll be summoning for them. Before the legendary banner left, however, I got some good merges in and I also ended up summoning a -HP/+RES legendary Azura: Vallite Songstress unintentionally. Now I just need a red-colored legendary hero to complete a legends team I’ve been working on. I also tried the Christmas banner again and ended up summoning Santa hat Chrom to complete a holidays-themed team I’ve also been working on. Other than that, just been working on climbing the tiers in Aether Raids. :)
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I did my free summon for the new banner and I got a +Atk/-Spd Leanne. So... I guess I don't have to worry about spending orbs for Leanne since I got her as my free summon. Not gonna risk my orbs for any of the other units or a different IV Leanne. Orbs for Legendary Eirika.
Apparently, I did spent some orbs on the beast unit banner and didn't get any new beast units. Though... I only spent like 12 orbs. It wasn't worth it for me to spend a lot of orbs. Got the GHB unit Naesala and made my Leanne his ally support.
The pair up missions are really fun. I didn't realize you could battle with less than 4 people. For some reason the 10th stratum is easier fighting with the pair team than one of the theme teams.

Also the new voting thing is weird. I messed up my pick on the first day because I didn't realize you could scroll the screen. Can't they just do a list again like choose your legends?
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Is it just me or are all the banners very unappealing right now? And no Valentine’s Day banner either. Wyd, feh? At least I’ve been able to save up a large amount of orbs because of this though. I wonder if I should start playing Dragalia Lost?
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Is it just me or are all the banners very unappealing right now? And no Valentine?s Day banner either. Wyd, feh? At least I?ve been able to save up a large amount of orbs because of this though. I wonder if I should start playing Dragalia Lost?

The Greil?s Devoted banner is the Valentines banner along with the return of last years Love Abounds banner.

What I?m annoyed about is how our guaranteed free 5 star unit we will get from the Find and Vote thing is entirely random. I?m only interested in one of the 4 winners and odds are I?ll get someone I don?t want. They should have done it CYL style imo.
The Greil’s Devoted banner is the Valentines banner along with the return of last years Love Abounds banner.

What I’m annoyed about is how our guaranteed free 5 star unit we will get from the Find and Vote thing is entirely random. I’m only interested in one of the 4 winners and odds are I’ll get someone I don’t want. They should have done it CYL style imo.

Oh, didn’t know that. For some reason I thought the Greil’s Devoted banner was just part of a random paralogue they decided to throw at us, lmao. Well, hopefully something good is coming up that I can spend my orbs on. And I agree, I liked the CYL style more than the way they’re doing it now.
I've been playing for about a year, I just collect and promote 5 star units. xD
I've cleared most content though.
Finally, a banner I’m interested in. I spent around 70-80 orbs on the new Kitsune and Wolfskin banner and managed to summon a 5 star +HP/-DEF Selkie. The -DEF isn’t too much of a problem as she already has low defense to begin with. Probably a good unit to use against magic attackers and also she’s officially the first beast type hero I’ve summoned in feh. I was going to go for more on the banner, but I’m out of orbs now so I’m going to work on saving up again for future banners and merge needs. :)
How is it choose you legends if you can't actually choose your legend? I got my 4th choice... :(

I did manage to get more than 1 Keaton though. That banner likes me at least. Should I merge them or give Niles special spiral? He currently has desperation for his B slot and I wasn't sure which one is better. Niles's weapon refine makes him much more evil. I love the flashing blade effect.
I wanted Myrrh. Pulled Duma (my second choice so not too bad). Then on my third normal pull on the banner I got Myrrh. I’ll take it.
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