FE Heroes discussion

Nicely done! I?m only tier 14 in the arena, but then again I don?t really battle in the arena anymore. I?m currently in tier 17/18 on aether raids and trying to tier up there, but it?s difficult. It?s really awesome that you were able to accomplish this though. :)

Thanks! I only battle in arena for the 5 consecutive rewards to be honest. If I go up a tier great, or if I go down oh well. Only got lucky this time as I was in 18 at the start of a season with a good bonus unit so I was able to move up twice before the rotation changed.

As for Aether raids I agree it?s really tough. I had to fight really hard to make it to 19. Since then I?ve just been trying to at least stay there but I?ll be honest I barely do. Good luck though!

Just found out that this video is out and decided to share the video in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.​
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if you took the skill descriptions from flora's kit, you could probably fill a page in a novel, yeesh.
if you took the skill descriptions from flora's kit, you could probably fill a page in a novel, yeesh.

Kinda reminds me of when they added the beast units. Whatever you do don’t read their weapon descriptions you won’t get that minute of your life back.
Oh... :0 I am a bit tempted to summon on this banner, but I have to try to resist since I am saving my orbs for the new Brave units. Hope I can manage to stay in control.
I'm probably only gonna pull for L!Alm and W!Eirika and dump the rest of my orbs for Felicia merges and a Flora...

Darting Blow 4 looks so good though, I'm tempted to pull for fodder. Why do you have to make it so hard to choose IS fffs
(I wonder if darting blow 4+3 would make Leo usable....👀👀👀 so many ideas...)
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Wow, so many free summons and I still can't get any of the choose your legends characters. I am sad that the ones I want are all on colorless. It has so many bad pity breaks.
Got 2 Brave Celicas for free so far (first free summon and then one of my tickets). Don?t really want her so more DB4 fodder. Also went in with the few orbs I had and got a Marshmallow Sheep (aka Genny) from the picnic banner. So I?m happy.
I blew around 100 orbs and got pity broken once, but I got Brave Veronica today! And she happened to be neutral. I can't wait to abuse abyssal guides.
The best units I got from the Year-One CYL Hero Fest and Year-Two CYL Hero Fest banners were: Ninian and Brave Ephraim. I was aiming for Brave Lucina in the Year-One CYL Hero Fest banner since she is the only CYL Year-One unit that I need left. Brave Veronica is the unit I am aiming for in the Year-Two CYL Hero Fest banner since it would be nice to get another great healer. Only summoned on Green once then received a +DEF/-HP Brave Ephraim. Not sure if I should merge my neutral one with the new I got... Probably shouldn't yet though.

My current orb count is 797. That's the highest amount that I have ever saved. Hope the Year-Three CYL units are worth it. Skipping Alm and Legendary Alm hurts. Just have to hope that they aren't releasing new Ephraim alts before CYL 3 are out. That would hurt even more if it were to happen. :T
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The best units I got from the Year-One CYL Hero Fest and Year-Two CYL Hero Fest banners were: Ninian and Brave Ephraim. I was aiming for Brave Lucina in the Year-One CYL Hero Fest banner since she is the only CYL Year-One unit that I need left. Brave Veronica is the unit I am aiming for in the Year-Two CYL Hero Fest banner since it would be nice to get another great healer. Only summoned on Green once then received a +DEF/-HP Brave Ephraim. Not sure if I should merge my neutral one with the new I got... Probably shouldn't yet though.

My current orb count is 797. That's the highest amount that I have ever saved. Hope the Year-Three CYL units are worth it. Skipping Alm and Legendary Alm hurts. Just have to hope that they aren't releasing new Ephraim alts before CYL 3 are out. That would hurt even more if it were to happen. :T
Wow that's a lot of orbs! I currently have 160 and I thought I had a lot. I am trying to hoard for whenever Halloween Niles shows up again. Though I am also interested in wedding Charlotte.
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Wow that's a lot of orbs! I currently have 160 and I thought I had a lot. I am trying to hoard for whenever Halloween Niles shows up again. Though I am also interested in wedding Charlotte.
Yeah. I thought saving like around 200+ orbs was a lot, but saving up to 700+ orbs really blew me away. Grateful that there weren't many units that I wanted that have been released. I wish you luck getting the units you want.


In any case... I caved and spent like 97 orbs. My current orb count now is 725 orbs. I was trying to get Legendary Alm and Brave Veronica. Ended up geting a +Spd/-Def Brave Celica, a +Hp/-Spd Winter Eirika, and +Spd/-Atk Legendary Roy. These weren't units that I wanted to get, but it's a lot better than getting units that I really don't want. Thank goodness for that.

I'm in a weird position now with having 2 Celicas (1 Brave Celica & 1 Fallen Celica) and no Alms. :T I guess I know who my free summon of CYL Year 3 is going to be now. Guess they'll have to survive without Alm for a while.

Trying the Pair-Up thing with my Legendary Roy was pretty cool. Kind of curious on who the next Legendary unit is going to be after Legendary Alm.
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Just found out this banner is coming up soon. Put this video on here in case anyone doesn't know.


If I could use my orbs for this then I would definitely aim for Mareeta and Berkut. But... I still got to save for the new Brave units. Good thing this banner isn't tempting enough for me to summon on. Ooh... Fallen Delthea is the free unit. Just found that out somewhere on YouTube. Love getting free units.
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... Ooh... Fallen Delthea is the free unit. Just found that out somewhere on YouTube. Love getting free units.

Not only that, but she's actually strong af for a GHB unit. Her PRF makes her compete with other blues, and since she's easily merged, I'm debating building a +10 fallen delet. We'll have to see though, but it's looking really good, ngl
I got a Berkut, but he was attack down. I kind of blew my saved orbs trying to get any other Berkut to fix this. I got 2 lance Hectors, a Sumia, and Adrift Corrin instead. He is pity breaking me as much as Halloween Niles was omg.

Also is this the attack down banner? Like 3 or 4 of my friends in this game have one of the new fallen units as their main character and they are all attack down. Whyyy???
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Found out that the new banner is Bridal banner. Check it out if you haven't already.


I plan to skip this banner because I'm still saving orbs for the CYL 3. At least... I can get the free unit in Tempest Trial. The free unit is Bridal Louise. She's from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. The artwork for her is really gorgeous. Can't wait for the Tempest Trial to arrive.
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The new Mythic Hero that is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes. Check it out if you haven't already.


This one is another skip for me yet again. I'm determine to stick to saving my orbs for CYL 3. Getting closer and closer to the 800 orb mark. Though... It would be nice to get Brave Hector if I was to use my orbs to summon on the Mythic Hero banner.
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Was hoping for Naga but got pity broken by New Year Gunnthr? instead. Not too mad as I really like the artist’s style (they also did the art for Bride Caeda) and I didn’t have her yet. -Atk but that’s honestly nothing new to me.