FE Heroes discussion

Feh Pass is terrible, it doesn't only ruin the anniversary celebration which is great otherwise, it leaves a bad taste on the whole game which I have played daily for three years now. omega yikes

Yeah I mean PC was bad and now they had to ruin this. But I agree with Aaron if there is someone you want really much why not try it (only reason I caved for PC plans were because hydrangea cookie and they like rereleased it once when i wasn't playing sooo)

(also whoever got tanith im jelly af)

trying to get that microwavin girl from a star is born since i got the other three but im about to give up lol
Also wow that new plan is really scummy, even though you can "abuse" a couple of time (thanks aaron) it seems like they have to do this because they improved other things and further ruin/jumping the bandwagon. Also the fact that some goals requires you to be in it.. like okay no.
Omg feh pass is so dumb. Now it is like look here are rewards you could have cleared, but you can't accept them unless you buy the subscription. Why are you even showing me the quests?! This just makes me want feh pass even less.
Whenever I return to the home screen, I see that Arabic numeral -- 6 -- on my fountain. Forever doomed to stare at that unholy physical incarnation of P2W: it taunts me, reminding me that one whale is worth 10,000 of us F2P scum. For eternity and longer I shall tap, expecting to be rewarded. Instead only misery awaits, reminding me again that I can't have Cordelia's art fixed until the day I sacrifice my firstborn to the tyrannical owl we call GOD.

My units gather in the hall, bewildered. "There are quest rewards, unclaimed!" they shout. "Why would you forsake the fruit of our toils?" they cry. I have no answer. None that they would understand. I cannot explain the invisible chains that bind my prizes, for they have no concept of The Owl and Its machinations. So they stand, unknowing and ignorant of the promise land that waits behind the Wall of Pay.

Do You enjoy my suffering? Are You satisfied holding the things I desire most mere inches from my face, and yet impossibly far away? Is there some purpose to Your cruel games, or am I merely a toy? So many questions I have and yet You simply sit. Perched. Sleeping. Resting peacefully in a mockery of the sleepless chaos You have inflicted upon me.

And yet I return, broken and tired, to this hall. This temple of orbs is my prison, and I cannot run from it more than I can run from the air I breathe. Like a puppy to its abuser -- an addict to his dealer -- I RETURN. Again collecting what badges and trinkets The Owl allows me to forfeit back to It. The digger of my own grave, I log in. As all my senses fade, I see nothing but The Owl, and hear nothing but the one sound that pierces the veil:

The new Valentine's Banner is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.
Click this link for the voice clips of the new Valentine's units.


I'm obviously going to skip this banner when it comes around due to my New Year's resolution for the game. Though... If I were to summon on this banner then I would definitely go for Valentine's Faye and Duo Hero unit Alm. Having another Alm alt would be a great addition to my collection of heroes and Valentine's Faye looks really nice here. Can't wait to get Valentine's Silque when the Tempest Trial+ arrives to Fire Emblem Heroes.


Update: The amount of orbs that I currently have is at 936. During the 3rd Anniversary Hero Fest Part 1 Banner with my tickets... I was able to get a +DEF/-SPD Brave Camilla and a +SPD/-RES Brave Camilla. Did try a bit to see if I could get a Brave Eliwood, but luck wasn't on my side on that one.
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I spent about 30-40 orbs on the new Valentine banner. Free pulled Alm/Celica which was sweet (-spd iv but I'm learning to not let bad ivs bother me too much anymore). Not long after got 4 star Conrad (who I've since promoted to 5 star), and the circle after that I got Phina (I didn't want her but she's a pretty good dancer and I didn't have her, so I can't complain). Overall a really lucky banner for me considering I was Hoping to get Alm/Celica but I also wanted to save my orbs.
that duo hero is so nice and flower crowns -w- but yeah not gonna waste more til i got paid lol..

also i guess indeed that plan is worth if there is someone you need or just need 5* ones you really like but yeah it's just scum and the quests should def not be locked behind it. i kinda caved and that auto battle thing is sadly worth it when training units lol
I just recently saved up around 30 orbs today from doing the new Romance Whirlwind paralogue. Went to the summoning banners and decided to summon on the brave heroes one, and ended up getting five star Brave Camilla with around five orbs remaining!


So happy I got her to be honest, because now I?m probably going to end up replacing Veronica on my main team with her. Then my main team of heroes will consist of male Byleth, Legendary Hector, Brave Eliwood, and Brave Camilla. :D
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I guess I could show what I have built so far but idk if you guys are even interested. lol

I love getting to see other people’s builds. If you feel up to it you should post a couple of them. :)
Grats on Camilla! Got a couple of pity breakers last night and today but ehh better than nothing maybe someone needs their skills, shrug. At least I'm building some a star is born units, sadly i never got mamoru or whatever her name was but i love those chicas
I love getting to see other people?s builds. If you feel up to it you should post a couple of them. :)
Okayyyy but I broke my phone today. orz

It's drying in a bag of rice now, let's see if it works in two days... *cries*
Just played again daily and summoned five star Mareeta using my free summon on the New Power banner. Up to around 34 orbs saved up now.

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447 orbs saved up for Brave Ike... :blush:

Yeeesh I wish I could summon Mareeta, her B skill would be amazing to fodder off!!
150+ orbs on b!ike merges and i got pitybroken by another yarne, hell yeah thats exactly what i was pulling for
150+ orbs on b!ike merges and i got pitybroken by another yarne, hell yeah thats exactly what i was pulling for
If you want Brave Ike, it's better to wait for the 4% revival banner in March. Since there are only 3 units that share the 4% focus you will actually have even better chances of getting him compared to 4 heroes sharing a 5% focus on Hero Fest!

I'm hoping to get 5 copies in March so Brave Ike would become my first 5 star exclusive +10!

The new units that are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I'm not entirely sure if I want to skip on this banner. I'm really liking Nils; however, he's color-sharing with Fiora. It makes me remember the time I got pity-broken by Performing Inigo fives times during a Performing Arts Banner rerun when I was trying to get Performing Azura. So... I'm not sure if I want to experience a deja vu moment to try and get Nils at all. I wanted to get him for a potential team idea I had in mind.


Update: The amount of orbs that I currently have is at 1026. I was able to get a +ATK/-SPD Brave Veronica with 25 orbs during the 3rd Anniversary Hero Fest Part 2 Banner. Got pity-broken by a +DEF/-RES Surtr during the Weekly Revival 17 banner when I was trying to get another Innes. Spent 65 orbs on that banner. Not sure if I want to keep trying for another Innes, so I am just going to wait until the last day of the banner to decided on that. Hoping to get Brave Lucina with the rest of the tickets for the 3rd Anniversary Hero Fest Part 3 Banner. I originally wasn't going to spend orbs on during the anniversary, but during the 3rd Anniversary Hero Fest Part 2 Banner I really wanted to get Brave Veronica and kept summoning for a little while. With the Weekly Revival 17 Banner, I wasn't sure when Innes was going to come back around and thought I should try to see if I can get him. Welp... There goes my whole "not gonna spend anything during the anniversary" mindset. Hahaha.
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The new dagger unit looks really interesting gameplay-wise... but I gotta keep saving orbs so I can merge Brave Ike!

edit: I got three green orbs on the golden ticket session today and managed to get a Brave Ike!! Only 4 more to go, this should be doable in March with my currently 470 orbs! :D
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Just pulled summer Laegjarn using my free summon on the new Focus: Double Special Heroes banner.


Sitting at around 65 orbs now.
^dang grats i want that hottie ;D

also yeah got some nice 5 stars recently including male and female byleths which are always nice ;3 also got like one 5 star and two 4 star conrad valentines so thats good merges coming up ayy