FE Heroes discussion

Everyone's art on this banner looks really good, save for Lyon looking super awkward just kinda chilling behind Ephraim. They really did Cormag justice with his art.
I'm glad to see that Python was demoted. He's definitely going on my list for my next merge project.
Speaking of Python, just got a 4 star +Atk copy. I also managed to get ideal ivs for my Gordin and Chrom (both already +10 but I want to change their ivs). Just need the feathers.
Update: I summoned on the new banner and was able to get Duo Ephraim just like I wanted. It took me 131 orbs to actually get Duo Ephraim; however, his IV was +HP/-ATK and that made me very upset. So... I ended up getting a neutral IV Duo Ephraim with 195 orbs later. Adrift Male Corrin (+RES/-ATK) and Ylgr (+HP/-ATK) had pity broke me when I was trying to get Duo Ephraim. Pity broken by Adrift Male Corrin for the first Duo Ephraim and pity broken by Ylgr for the second Duo Ephraim. Though... I was able to get a 4-star Bantu (+ATK/-SPD) and a 4-star Valbar (+DEF/-SPD) while summoning on the banner. I had 717 orbs before I used my orbs to summon on the new banner and the current amount of orbs I have now is at 391. Only wanted to spend around the 200-300 mark, but I went a bit over than what I wanted. Spent 326 orbs on the banner. I'll probably not gonna try to get Ewan or Gerik after getting my neutral IV Duo Ephraim. Not really sure about it yet. Going to make my final decision on the last day of the banner.
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It's been hard to save up orbs for Spring Chrom. But is been going sort of ok. I need 5 more of him so it's not too bad but I am a bit worried as he shares a colour with Spring Camilla. I have Camilla at +1 I'll be so mad if I +10 her and not Chrom. I'm glad colour sharing is much more rare on new banners nowadays.
I'm still bummed I haven't had a chance to play Binding Blade yet as I don't know any of those new heroes. I'm glad we are getting more heroes from the the game though.
Spent more than 100 orbs since returning to the game and finally got...


An IV neutral Tethys from the oldest current banner. I was originally planning on saving up my orbs, but I’ll add her to one of my sub teams. There’s several heroes in particular from some of the new banners that I want to summon, so I’ll be doing that instead of saving up my orbs (F2P life, amirite?).
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Update: So... I had decided to use orbs to summon Ewan and I ended up getting a +DEF/-SPD on him. :T He didn't have the IVs that I wanted on him, but I am really glad that I was able to get him since summoning to get him was quite painful. It took about 238 orbs to get him. I got worried that I would be pity broken because the rate was getting pretty high for me. At the moment... I only have 258 orbs and I probably won't summon when Legendary Ephraim comes around. Not sure if the amount of orbs I'll get by then would be enough since my summoning luck is kind of bad right now.
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I really wish Lene wasn't in the five star pool. If I could get my orbs back for every time she pity broke me at a high pity rate I'd have a ton of orbs.

I straight up just send her home now without a second glance.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I really wish Lene wasn't in the five star pool. If I could get my orbs back for every time she pity broke me at a high pity rate I'd have a ton of orbs.

I straight up just send her home now without a second glance.
Feeling quite indifferent in general about the latest Feh channel. The new mode doesn't look terrible but isn't all that exciting to me either.

While I do like the new book 4 style it does feel awkward in a Fire Emblem game, though thankfully it's just heroes at least and not a main game. I do like the new free hero we are getting but after already having Legendary Azura she feels way too similar. I wish she had been a different tome colour at the very least. I will probably ditch Azura once I get Peony as I didn't really like Legendary Azura's design all that much anyways and I rarely use her outside of training new units. Even if people will still consider Azura superior after Peony drops.

Also, I know I'm in the minority of players who are attracted to males more so than females, but where are the guy fairies at? Sure I'm long used to the female bias the series seems to have but you couldn't even give us one new main male OC along side Peony? I'm kinda getting bored of single main female leads. Oh well.
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Other videos to check out: FEH Book IV Trailer - Tips & Trick for Mythic Hero Peony - Voice Clips for an Upcoming Enemy & Upcoming Units


Here's my thoughts about the upcoming stuff that coming to Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • Mjolnir's Strike: This new mode kind of feels like a voting gauntlet + aether raids mode to me. It's a bit weird, but it is also kind of interesting. I am willing to gives this a shot since the mode doesn't really seem bad based on the Feh Channel video.
    • There's also a new item to receive in the game called Divine Codes in this new mode. I wonder what these would be used for... :T Though... It seems like it's hinted to stock up on them based on what Feh had explained.
  • New Heroes: The new heroes that are coming soon are from Fire Emblem Thracia 776. I actually don't know anything about Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, but it is nice to see new heroes from different Fire Emblem games. Also... I like how they arranged the upcoming banner video for these upcoming new heroes that we'll have a chance of getting. The video didn't reveal all the heroes all at once like in past banner videos. So... That's a really nice change and I hope it continues from here on out.
    • Mythic Hero Peony: Peony's design is very cute and her voice is nice too. Can't wait to get her then train her up and test her out. Plus... She'll most likely be used in F2P guides, which makes training her even more worth it.
  • Book IV Trailer: Watching the Book IV Trailer was... um... interesting. It wasn't something that I was expecting at all. I saw some stuff about the trailer on Reddit and some people had called it like FEH: Winx Club Edition or something of the like. Thought the same way when I saw the trailer and I am wondering what's to come for Book IV once it is out.
    • Triandra and Plumeria: I personally like both of their designs, but I prefer Plumeria's design over Triandra's design. Something about Plumeria's design just lures me in. In any case... Triandra's voice clip is out already to listen on, so I'm pretty sure that we'll be fighting Plumeria at some other chapter of Book IV.
Overall... The upcoming content for Book IV is alright to me. Not surprised that they added lots more female units over males. Though... It would have been nice to see at least one male fairy instead of just having it be all female. That's just my opinion on that aspect. I guess maybe they're saving that idea for another time or something since waifus over husbandos to gain more money.

Update: I am close to getting 400 orbs at the moment. Continuing to save my orbs whenever Legendary Ephraim comes back around.
I am feeling stupid. I played the new story missions on Lunatic to do the other quests and didn't realize the free Peony was already out. I saw her in guides and when I looked back on the story mode, I found her in the normal difficulty. The one time I didn't play normal or hard as a way to hoard orbs... derp.

I also summoned Christmas Sothis which is cool since I couldn't get regular Sothis. The Christmas one is also more amusing so that is a plus. Hopefully I can get a Christmas Chrom too. Legion really wants the Christmas sack for a weapon. lol
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The new units that are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes. Check the video out if you haven't already.
These new units are characters from the game called Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE in case you didn't know.
Itsuki is stated to be a Tempest Trial unit.


I was a bit surprised when I heard that these units were possibly coming to Fire Emblem Heroes before this video was uploaded. Just heard some speculation about it and that was basically it. Not sure how other people who play Fire Emblem Heroes reacted to this news.

Don't really have much an opinion when it comes to these units. The artwork for them is really nice. But... The banner is a definite skip for me since I'm saving orbs for any Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units that I am currently missing and for a Legendary Ephraim. Though... If I did want to summon on the banner then I would definitely aim for Tsubasa. Her songs were quite nice in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and pairing her up with Itsuki would be great.


Update: I currently have 824 orbs at the moment. Still waiting for Legendary Ephraim to come back around.
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im pretty sure the most amount of orbs ive had at one time is like 200-ish, i dont have very good self-control

luckily this banner is pretty skippable for me
im pretty sure the most amount of orbs ive had at one time is like 200-ish, i dont have very good self-control

luckily this banner is pretty skippable for me

Trust me, I have even worse self-control. I’ve never even made it to 200 I don’t think XD

Anyway, I just started playing again for the first time this year and caught up on all the story missions and paralogues. I got Peony and a bunch of orbs from everything. None of the other banners interested me that much, but I had around 90 orbs and wanted to see if I could get Tsubasa from the newest banner. I ended up being able to get her with around 10 orbs remaining.


Now I’ll probably save up again until a new unit comes along that I really want... which probably won’t be too long from now, lol
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im pretty sure the most amount of orbs ive had at one time is like 200-ish, i dont have very good self-control

luckily this banner is pretty skippable for me

Dunno if I ever had that but yeah my self-control sucks more I think xD

also yeah i kinda started again bc i needed something more brainded stuff to relax on and going alright, they def fixed the game to the better..and yeah i love peony idc how crappy/good she is i love my hippy fairy

A new Mythic Hero is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes. Check the video out if you haven't already.


I'm pretty excited for this banner to come. Legendary Ephraim is going to be on this banner and I can't wait to summon for him again. I currently have a +DEF/-ATK Legendary Ephraim. So... I am hoping to get rid of the -ATK on him or hope that I get a +ATK Legendary Ephraim. The amount of orbs that I currently have is at 968. If I wasn't trying to get all the current Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units that's in Fire Emblem Heroes then I would definitely try summon as many Legendary Ephraim units that I can and hope I can get to a +10 on him. He's a unit that I like using a lot whenever I play Fire Emblem Heroes and he is also my summoner support unit. My goal for this summons is to not go too over the 300 orbs mark.


Update: I just summoned on the banner and I was able to get a Legendary Ephraim. It only took 42 orbs to get him. And... He's +ATK/-DEF. I have been blessed on this banner. I currently have 927 orbs at the moment. Time to save up more orbs for the next Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones unit that I plan to get.
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A new Feh Channel video is up to talk about the latest information for the game. Check the video out if you haven't already.


  • Choose Your Legends: Round 4 - The results for this Choose Your Legends ended up being a Fire Emblem: Three Houses sweep. I wanted Eirika to win CYL 4, but it is what it is and maybe she'll win in CYL 5. In any case... I'll probably pick Dimitri as my free CYL 4 unit since I personally like him the best out of everyone that has won.

  • 3rd Anniversary Hero Fest - It's really cool that I'll get another shot to possibly getting more CLY units. Hope I get some decent units when I try summoning on these banners if I don't get my desire CYL units.
    • Part 1 (CYL 3 Winners) - The goal for this one is to aim for another Brave Camilla and possibly get Brave Eliwood if possible. Currently have +HP/-DEF Brave Camilla and +DEF/-HP Brave Camilla.
    • Part 2 (CYL 2 Winners) - The goal for this one is to aim for Brave Veronica since she's a pretty good staff unit and it would be quite nice if I were to get her. Hoping the IVs are okay if I do get her without spending my orbs.
    • Part 3 (CYL 1 Winners) - The goal for this one is to aim for Brave Lucina. The reason for that is because she is the only CYL 1 unit that I am currently missing. It would be nice to have her in my collection of heroes.

  • 3rd Anniversary Daily Bound Hero Battle Revivals & Summoning Event Revivals - There's like 18 different daily bound hero battles and I guess 18 summoning event revival banners. Cool. More orbs and more units are always welcome.

  • 3rd Anniversary Reward Maps - Another opportunity to earn more orbs for future summoning for the next Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones unit. These rewards map is stated to be themed on the 13 entries in the Fire Emblem series of games.

  • 3rd Anniversary Guaranteed 5-star Special Hero Summon - I was hoping that I would get a Spring Marisa, but I ended up getting +SPD/-HP Bridal Tanith when I summoned for this one. Not what I wanted; however, the IVs on her aren't bad.

  • 3rd Anniversary A Hero Rises - Chose Duo Ephraim as my first vote for this. Wasn't really thinking much when I voted for him, but I did get a nice wallpaper of him after I voted for him. Not really sure who I will choose to keep my votes on though... There's gonna be a voting gauntlet of 8 units to help determine the unit that everyone will get. Hoping the free unit is going to be a good unit.

  • 2020 Valentine's Banner - The chosen game for the 2020 Valentine's Banner is Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Alm is chosen as the Duo unit with Celica. Faye, Conrad, and Rudolf are also on this banner along with Silque (who is the Tempest Trial unit). Valentine's Conrad is also available as a 4-star unit. This banner is a skip for me since I'm working on my New Year's resolution goal for this game.

  • Feh Pass - Feh Pass is going to be a subscription-based service that's coming to Fire Emblem Heroes. There's going to be five benefits that one can get if you pay like $9.49 USD per month. The benefits that's explained in the video isn't enticing enough for me to want to spend money for it. Then again... I don't really spend money on this game anyways, so I am not too worried about the Feh Pass. Lots of people on twitter and reddit have voiced their opinion on this upcoming new service.

  • Divine Codes - Divine Codes will be used to compile Combat Manuals of various heroes. Pretty interesting feature I guess.

Overall: I guess it was a pretty alright announcement with the exception of the Feh Pass. Nothing here is going to make me want to spend any orbs that I will earn during all of this. I already had spent 114 orbs on the Mythic Lif Banner after I got my +ATK/-DEF Legendary Ephraim. Ended up getting a +SPD/-HP Legendary Lucina. Time to continue to save orbs for Spring Marisa.
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Feh Pass is terrible, it doesn't only ruin the anniversary celebration which is great otherwise, it leaves a bad taste on the whole game which I have played daily for three years now. omega yikes
The Feh Pass is a Y I K E S. The features such as Rewind and Auto-Start shouldn't be paywalled, especially when they're free in other gachas such as Dragalia Lost.

The summoner support thing is whatever, just makes clearing some content easier I guess. And the quests are nice, 50 Heroic Grails and 120 Divine Codes twice a month.

What's interesting to me is the Resplendent Heroes. I will say this; locking buffs to older units sets up a pretty bad precident for the game. That being said, you get 2 5* heroes a month (maybe even 3 if you subscribe at the right time) and all the copies of said units you own will be Resplendent, e.g. all Cordelia's owned will be Resplendent if subscribed. Another thing is that you keep the Resplendent Heroes even if you cancel the subscription.

To be honest, I'd only recommend the Feh Pass *if* there are 2 Resplendent Heroes you really like featured. You can take that opportunity aswell to purchase any past Resplendent Heroes you like aswell.