FE Heroes discussion

Oh wow thank you so much! Before I was just putting units in that spot until it wasn't X'ed out but now I understand!

Also for the Saizo build its just his eff dagger, with close foil/counter, null follow-up. I'm currently using rouse def/res in his c slot
@ObeseMudkipz I only just read up a bit about Fatal Smoke and it sounds like it could be good on a fully invested Saizo like yours. His prf is great for debuffing foes so an added healing block status could potentially make his debuffing even better.

From what I read Fatal Smoke not only prevents healers or healing towers from healing but any healing in general such as renewal and specials like sol and aether. In terms of the specials they will still trigger just they won’t heal the unit. Which is pretty nifty as I’ve come across a few spammy healing special teams.

Now, I didn’t pull Líf myself so I haven’t been able to verify if what I said above is 100% true but it seems to be what people are saying.

If Saizo is one of your faves (which I’m guessing he is since you’ve invested in him heavily already) I say go for it.

I gave my Spring Chrom (also heavily invested in and a fave of mine) Spurn the other day and I don’t regret it one bit. He tanked a bold fighter and special procc from the new Alfonse alt like a champ. Initially I was like “oh no he’s gonna die” forgetting that I gave him spurn haha.
Im kinda bummed with my pulls from tickets ;_;
I got Luke, Balem and Henriette. I kinda wish I'd saved my orbs for longer so i could of also gotten tharja from the dark desert rituals summon ;_; I do like the events so far tho and i feel like this is the most free orbs we've gotten.
After playing for awhile again I forgot how sad it makes me to see I can't use any of my favorites units outside of PvE. My units, even with heavg investment, are getting wrecked by all these new units :((
After playing for awhile again I forgot how sad it makes me to see I can't use any of my favorites units outside of PvE. My units, even with heavg investment, are getting wrecked by all these new units :((

Yeah I feel you there. Several times in arena and AR it matches me with teams that are impossible for me to win against. So I don’t really try all that hard in those modes. I just do them to get my rewards (even if they aren’t high tier) and call it good. Thankfully AR has that auto dispatch feature now so if you at least do those you can likely maintain your tier even if you lose all other matches.

I love to use old favourites even after they are long powercrept and outclassed. At least they are still fun to use for story maps and certain quests.
I really want to fodder one of the Shinons I summoned to build up a fates archer, but I'm conflicted on who :-(. I wanna do Takumi, but then hes kinda hard to get rn and he also has CC which a bunch of my units need. Maybe I can do Niles, but then I'd have to buy his respledent form to remove his art
Whelp rip my orb stash for Legendary Chrom lol.

As soon as I saw Lex in the video thumbnail I figured Azelle would be joining him as well they are pals afterall. Azelle is my most wanted unit not in the game so I’m 100% pulling until I get him. The colour sharing is annoying but thank the gods the spark system is a thing so I’ll probably stop at the spark and bonus if anyone shows up along the way.

Interesting to finally see upgraded duel skills I know people have been complaining for awhile that they were outdated. I personally don’t really care as I don’t try too hard in arena and am happy to stay status quo.

At first I’ll admit I had no idea who Annand was but now I know why. Her name in the translation patch is drastically different and she’s non-playable.

Also Lex being a demote is a welcome addition I know many people really like Lex and a newer gen demoted axe cav is always a welcome addition.
I really don't like how they still are using the VG to decide which unit everyone gets. I wish they'd just let us choose who we want
I really don't like how they still are using the VG to decide which unit everyone gets. I wish they'd just let us choose who we want
As great as that sounds, it’s a gacha game; one that’s 4 years old for that matter. They have to find a combination that keeps F2P people satisfied while also seizing the opportunity for more money (which is why the top 4 will get their own banner).
That being said, VG is ridiculously boring and I don’t see why they can’t just finalize it based on results already
Just saw the top 8 for a hero rises. Not really interested in any of them personally. Legendary Chrom got bumped out of the top 8 sadly.

I only have half of the top 8 but none of the half I I don’t have interest me. Guess I’ll look into who is the best fodder and choose which team I’ll pick from there.
Ok I went in on the new Genealogy banner with approx 200 orbs plus free summon and 4 tickets from Forging bonds. I think I did pretty well. As I said before though thank the gods for the spark system now. Just as a note I pulled everything expect colourless up to the spark.
  • My free summon was a 4 star special red mage Eirika. Gave my existing copy another merge.
  • First pity break was OG academy phase Edelgard about halfway to the spark. Again gave my existing copy a merge.
  • Not long after got a 5 star neutral Lex before I even had a pity rate going again.
  • Second pity break was an Erinys. +Def -Atk. I originally was just going to manual her for fodder later but I really don’t have many Lance units from Genealogy (the version of Finn we have is technically from Thracia 776). She also still has pretty high attack despite the unfortunate bane.
  • On the remaining summons on the way to the spark I got 2 4 star specials. OG Lance Azura and Nephenee. I sent Azura home (no use for her and bad fodder) but gave a merge to my Nephenee.
  • At the spark I chose Azelle of course who was my number one goal. I figured I wouldn’t get him before this (I was right).
  • I still had a bit of a rate going after the spark so I pulled approx 2 more circles worth of blues and reds and got a +Atk -Spd Fallen Ike. Gonna build him I suppose. I know he’s insanely good and I do have a soft spot for fallen heroes for some reason. Darn speed bane though.
Overall I’m pretty pleased with how the banner treated me. Funny how the last two new heroes banners I had to rely on the spark to get the unit I wanted the most (Asbel on the Thracia banner and now Azelle). Really really glad the spark system is a thing.
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Managed to get a Midori off a summon ticket which I'm happy about! Time to heavily invest in Takumi and get him to +10 through the special rate after 10 years (that or I merge up New Years Corrin, but not really sure who'd be better)

New Heroes have arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I skipped over this banner because I really wanted some Distant Counter fodder, so I just summoned on the Legendary Hero Remix banner to get as many as I could. The only units that I liked in the trailer are: Azelle and Erinys. Really like Azelle's English voice after hearing his voice lines, but I think I like Asbel's English voice more if I had to compare the two. Erinys has a pretty nice design and I also like her English voice too. Hoping to get lucky to get either Azelle or Erinys with either the redeem pull or the forging bong tickets since I am saving orbs.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.

Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,436 orbs. Spent 155 orbs on the Legendary Hero Remix banner. I was able to get a +Atk/-Spd Awakening Anna (15th Summon), a +Res/-Def Male Kris (26th Summon), a +Atk/-Def Legendary Hector (31st Summon), and a +Def/-Spd Legendary Lyn (35th Summon). Picked Legendary Hector as my free summon after summoning 40 times on the banner. I made the 2 copies of Legendary Hector I had into combat manuals since I was mainly summoning on the banner for Distant Counter fodder and nothing else.

Pretty much going to save my orbs for the Double Special Heroes banner and the A Hero Rises banner. I think Summer Lute might be on the upcoming Double Special Heroes and I am looking for a +Spd IV version of her. At least... That is what I am hoping for when it comes to that. The A Hero Rises banner is going to have some good units regardless who makes it in the top 4 of the voting gauntlet event. So... I am just going to go for the spark on that banner when the time comes since it might be worth summoning on. I'm hoping Legendary Ephraim will be on the next Legendary Hero Remix banner since I just want that one copy of him. Feels like I am waiting forever for him to come back.

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I'm so desperate to heavily invest in my 0 merged crappy IV Bridal Charlotte coz I'm so desperate to use any version of her in game modes.

Also if anyone wants to add me my friends list isn't as active anymore, so I don't have many good units for certain modes and could really use new friends!

3319292766 and I have a +10 tank Silas as my unit :)
I'm so desperate to heavily invest in my 0 merged crappy IV Bridal Charlotte coz I'm so desperate to use any version of her in game modes.

Also if anyone wants to add me my friends list isn't as active anymore, so I don't have many good units for certain modes and could really use new friends!

3319292766 and I have a +10 tank Silas as my unit :)

+10 Silas I like your taste! I have a fully built one as well. Sent you a request I tend to swap out my main as I feel fit but I’m active pretty much everyday.
+10 Silas I like your taste! I have a fully built one as well. Sent you a request I tend to swap out my main as I feel fit but I’m active pretty much everyday.
Ayy nice! What's your build for him? I feel like I should switch my lead as well but they're all gen 1 fates units with outdated stats and sylvain haha
Ayy nice! What's your build for him? I feel like I should switch my lead as well but they're all gen 1 fates units with outdated stats and sylvain haha

Here is mine:
I went for a speed build on him. His speed is just ok by today’s standards (darn power creep) but it was actually pretty good back when he was released with this build. He’s also still a decent physical tank though he can’t take magical hits quite like yours can. I used to run him on my mixed tactics team but now he is on my cavalry team. So he at least gets horse buffs now. He and Ares are the team tanks.
In my heart I want Corrin to win the VG coz of Fates bias, but if Seiros wins I can fodder dragons wall to Garon so I'm fine with whatever.

If the other's one idk what to do with them
For the hero rises voting gauntlet I’m only really interested in the duos Lyn/Florina and Byleth/Rhea.

The latter turns me off a bit as I’m not a huge fan of the amount of fan service they give off with those swimsuits, but at the same time they are by far one of the best red tome fliers in the game right now. While Lyn is an extremely good dagger flier Eir still pulls her weight really well and we all got her for free so I feel like Byleth is the better choice? Still not sure who I will side with but probably one of those two.

Of course if I lose round one then I’ll just switch to the winner of the bracket.
This is hard. I don't know who to vote for. I'm lucky enough to have most of the candidates except for Seiros and Dimitri. Selfish reasoning is telling me to vote for those two, but I think that I should pick one that would benefit the most people. Is Micaiah's fodder still considered good? I stopped paying attention to competitive skill sets after the third year arc. LOL