A new Legendary Hero is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.
Pretty much going to skip this banner because I spent some orbs on the Double Special Heroes banner and I'm also planning to summon on that A Hero Rises banner. Can't wait to see what four units are going to be on that banner when the time comes.
In any case... I was a bit surprised to see that Claude would be the new Legendary Hero because I actually thought he would be a wind elemental legendary hero. I guess Byleth is gonna be the wind legendary hero instead since they decided to go with Claude here. Legendary Claude seems pretty cool and I hope to be able to free summon for him. I doubt that I could, but it wouldn't hurt to try to do so.
Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.
Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,399 orbs. Spent 302 orbs on the Double Special Heroes banner. I was able to get a Summer Lute +Atk/-Res (5-star), a Summer Lute +Spd/-HP (5-star), a Pirate Geese +Res/-HP (4-star), a Alm +Spd/-Res (4-star Special Rate), a Celica +Spd/-Atk (4-star Special Rate), a Myrrh +Res/-Def (4-star Special Rate), a Brave Roy +HP/-Atk (4-star Special Rate), and a Lucina +Atk/-Def (4-star Special Rate). I was aiming for blue with 57 orbs for a +Spd Summer Lute then the rest of my spending went towards getting Duo Sigurd. Pressed my luck a bit too much with the Double Special Heroes banner; however, I did gain back 170 orbs for finishing the rest of Paralogues for hard mode. Got 29 orbs from the Bound Hero battle and some other stuff that I can't recall at the moment.
I am hoping and praying that there won't be anything that's gonna tempt me to spent orbs next month. My ideal goal is to only spend on the A Hero Rises banner whenever that comes up. So... I hope there wouldn't be any new Sacred Stones units any time soon.