FE Heroes discussion

This is hard. I don't know who to vote for. I'm lucky enough to have most of the candidates except for Seiros and Dimitri. Selfish reasoning is telling me to vote for those two, but I think that I should pick one that would benefit the most people. Is Micaiah's fodder still considered good? I stopped paying attention to competitive skill sets after the third year arc. LOL

I think the main consensus is everyone other than Edelgard would be a good choice. Of course Edel is a really good unit but many of us got her for our free CYL pick plus she’s in the regular summoning pool. All others are good seasonal duos, mythics or legendaries so they aren’t always available like Edel is.

Micaiah would be a solid choice though I know most units prefer atk/spd push 4 over her atk/res push fodder wise. Mystic boost is solid though.
Wasn't Seiros last months New 8% banner unit? I'm actually happy Legendary Claudes finally in , but I feel like I've seen too many 3H units the last few months lol

At least it's not Legendary Xander like many were saying otherwise I would be sad having to summon
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A new Legendary Hero is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


Pretty much going to skip this banner because I spent some orbs on the Double Special Heroes banner and I'm also planning to summon on that A Hero Rises banner. Can't wait to see what four units are going to be on that banner when the time comes.

In any case... I was a bit surprised to see that Claude would be the new Legendary Hero because I actually thought he would be a wind elemental legendary hero. I guess Byleth is gonna be the wind legendary hero instead since they decided to go with Claude here. Legendary Claude seems pretty cool and I hope to be able to free summon for him. I doubt that I could, but it wouldn't hurt to try to do so.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,399 orbs. Spent 302 orbs on the Double Special Heroes banner. I was able to get a Summer Lute +Atk/-Res (5-star), a Summer Lute +Spd/-HP (5-star), a Pirate Geese +Res/-HP (4-star), a Alm +Spd/-Res (4-star Special Rate), a Celica +Spd/-Atk (4-star Special Rate), a Myrrh +Res/-Def (4-star Special Rate), a Brave Roy +HP/-Atk (4-star Special Rate), and a Lucina +Atk/-Def (4-star Special Rate). I was aiming for blue with 57 orbs for a +Spd Summer Lute then the rest of my spending went towards getting Duo Sigurd. Pressed my luck a bit too much with the Double Special Heroes banner; however, I did gain back 170 orbs for finishing the rest of Paralogues for hard mode. Got 29 orbs from the Bound Hero battle and some other stuff that I can't recall at the moment.

I am hoping and praying that there won't be anything that's gonna tempt me to spent orbs next month. My ideal goal is to only spend on the A Hero Rises banner whenever that comes up. So... I hope there wouldn't be any new Sacred Stones units any time soon.

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I forgot there was an Azura rerun so soon after her last revival, so I used half my orbs to try and get more merges for her (so sorry Charlotte please don't be the this upcoming banners new unit), and I managed to get 2 Azuras in 70 orbs so that's not too bad. She's at +6 now and hopefully I can finish her by next rerun

But they came in +spd and +attack, and I'm not sure if I want to change my +def or not because with max investment and certain skills she gets 59/56/44/45/45, which seems really nice to me. I am stuck if I wanna have 3 less def for more attack or speed lol

New Heroes are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


Oh... Ingrid and Dedue. :0 I'm kind of tempted to spend orbs on this banner to get those two, but I think I am going to stick with summoning on the A Hero Rises banner. Pretty sure that this banner will win the voting for a Forging Bond revival. So... I'll probably summon for them when that time comes unless I am already saving for something when this banner comes back around. I hope I get lucky enough to get Dedue with just the free summon and the 4 forging bond tickets. It is mostly because I'm probably gonna try to get Summer Ingrid when that Summer Banner comes back in circulation. I'm currently missing L!Dimitri and Summer Ingrid for the Blue Lion House roster as of right now.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,466 orbs. It is pretty good that I haven't been tempted enough to summon again after saving more orbs again. I was kind of close to wanting to go back on the Double Special Heroes banner to summon once more.

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Easy skip on this next banner for me. I know many people are excited about more Three Houses characters though. Only 3H character I still want is Ashe. Good luck!
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O wow I didn't expect Seiros to lose. Now I'm kind of sad I don't have an extra one to fodder Dragon Wall off to Garon. Idk what to do with Lyn haha
My mind is blown that Lyn won. I went to get my feathers fully expecting “you lose” but nope. I stared at my phone screen for a good min thinking “how in the...!?”

Anyways I was fine with either winning but I ending up picking Lyn in the final round as I don’t have her yet and she’s an insanely good unit. I already had Seiros and honestly don’t use her much other than plunking her on my AR defence team.

This almost feels like team Shanna all over again. Haha those were fun times.
Gonna skip the banner. Honestly I barely have the interest to keep up with the banners and events these days because there hasn't been many characters that I'm familiar with and like. Give me more seasonal Chroms, Lucinas, Tharjas, Ephraims, and the Fate characters... then i'd probably go bananas again
Got my free Lynja today. I look forward to training her. Thinking back now she’s probably the one I wanted most of the 8 options despite all 8 of them not being an overly high want for me. It’ll make skipping the Hero Rises banner easy at least.
Well I personally found the bunny banner to be an easy skip. I did free pull a +Spd -Def Inigo though haha. I suppose I’ll build him. He’s one of the more likeable gen 2 Awakening characters in my opinion.

New Seasonal Heroes have arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I was pretty surprised to see Myrrh on the new seasonal heroes banner as well as the fact she ended up being the Harmonized Hero. She's the first Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones character to be a Harmonized Hero of the game. I was actually expecting Eirika to be the first Harmonized Hero since Ephraim is the first Duo Hero for Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. It would of been an interesting contrast between the two of them. Then again... Eirika is the first resplendent hero of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones in FEH. So... I suppose it is something.

I was hoping not to summon until the A Hero Rises banner, so I can get a copy of Legendary Dimitri for my Blue Lion House collection.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,502 orbs. Spent 78 orbs on the banner and was able to get a +Spd/-Def Harmonized Hero Myrrh. All I need now is Spring Saleh to complete the Sacred Stones category once again in Fire Emblem Heroes. Feels like this game likes to torment me with completing my catalog for Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Can't wait until Brave Eirika comes around.

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Hopping in to say I’m EXTREMELY excited for the next hall of forms, because my main girl Sonya is making an appearance
Well I wasn’t overly excited about the free Saleh until I did a thing:
Spring Chrom is by far my most heavily invested unit. I’ve been using his old Carrot Axe since I got him way back when. I don’t like changing weapons on seasonals for aesthetic reasons even if there are better options out there. But this is the first inheritable Spring Axe aside from Spring Alfonse and I didn’t/don’t have the heart to sacrifice him. I don’t mind giving Chrom the Springy Axe as it still matches his Spring theme.

I also like has it has an added flower and egg effect when he attacks. The Carrot Axe didn’t have any additional effect at all.
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I managed to snag a good IV L!Corrin and a Seiros in the same circle under 20 orbs so I'm happy about that. They were also who I was aiming for lol.

Problem is I wanted to fodder this Seiros to Garon for Dragon Wall but now I'm second guessing it because I don't know what to run him with that'll work well. So now I just sitting with this Seiros that idk what to do with
I managed to snag a good IV L!Corrin and a Seiros in the same circle under 20 orbs so I'm happy about that. They were also who I was aiming for lol.

Problem is I wanted to fodder this Seiros to Garon for Dragon Wall but now I'm second guessing it because I don't know what to run him with that'll work well. So now I just sitting with this Seiros that idk what to do with
Congrats! ^^

I got lucky as well and pulled Legendary Dimitri on my first summon. I’ve been waiting for him for a long time. He’s + Def/-Atk but some fruit should be able to fix that.
I summoned last 2 nights ago w all my saved orbs because I was tryna get more fodder and I didn't think Silque or Charlotte would be coming soon, so I was kind of mad at myself when I saw the Silque banner this reset haha.

I managed to get 19 orbs to summon with and I guess they took pity on me because I got my first one on the third summon. She's -atk but I don't really mind since I plan to start saving for her and Charlotte so hopefully I'll have enough next time she shows up, but I'll keep summoning until this banner disappears. I'll probaly end up using trait fruits on her coz I want to make the best with the one I have rn

I foddered off a bunch of 5 star healers for their staves, heals, and certain c skills and a NY!Alfonse for CC and his c skill, so I'm really happy to finally have her even with bad ivs
My boy Morgan is finally getting a refine! I don’t currently use him on one of my main teams but he is fully built and invested in so I look forward to seeing what kind of refine he gets.

Also legendary Chrom returns later this month... I definitely don’t have a huge orb stash for him but I hope to get him a couple more merges at least. I’d like to get him to +5 if I can (he’s currently +2). Legendary Robin is the only other Legendary I wanted to and have fully merged and it took me a couple years to fully complete her so I’m in no rush to finish Chrom.
I'm glad that M!Morgan is getting a refine. I like using him in Mjolnir's Strike, so hopefully his refine will be helpful. However, I won't expect too much because of dirty IS did my boy, Lyon. Seriously, quick riposte 3.

I tried summoning in this month's mythic hero banner because I'm trying to get all of the FEH OCs. Unsurprisingly, I didn't get Dagr because I only had 20 orbs at that time. I did get an extra copy of Legendary Marth and turned him into a manual for now.

Aww, I know that April Fools is over but this is hilarious.

Well done Nintendo.(y)(y)🤣
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Been having fun again with this game. I downloaded it again sometime when the rerun xmas banners were up and then deleted it later again since I got overwhelmed with where to start back up. Downloaded it again a few months later and have been playing it again - pretty regularly. Got my three houses “dream team” started. now if only they made a new hubert unit (timeskip please 🥺), timeskip Bernadetta, a new Felix, I’ll be all set on most of my favorites. Been really enjoying the new claude. 🥰.