I kind of want Camilla to win the voting gauntlet just to see the ensuing ****fest.
Same, go boobzilla
also boring new banner, almost thought they'd gonna go with rest of the top 10 CYL guys oh well if they ever had plan for those that is
I kind of want Camilla to win the voting gauntlet just to see the ensuing ****fest.
+res -spd i guess it's doable lel.
Thanks Cress for letting me use your Alm! He's more fun to use then the sword lords I have
I'm at 4% and still no Lyn :/ colourless orbs never show up and I keep getting 2 red, 2 blue, 1 green summoning sessions
I want to pull so hard on the Ephraim babeer coming up with Eirika (assuming there is one because Peri might ruin my rate) but there might be a Radiant banner in a few weeks. This is so hard and I don't even have a brave unit other then my free one I'm still at 4%