anyone know how to calculate IVs and stuff mid level? my dumb ass just summoned performing inigo and forgot to check stats before leveling :|
You can't. You'll have to make him lv 40 before you can check.
Wait... you can get multiples of the same characterr? ( I'm a noob)
Would've preferred Azura, but I'm not that mad. More dancers/singers the better! I know that if I got Azura first, I would've just stopped pulling on the banner entirely.
Really hoping October is better for me with 5 stars unlike September, where it took me a 4.75% to get a Bow Lyn and a 4.50% rate to get a 5 star that isn't Elincia. It isn't looking that good tho, since I used my October orbs to get him, because green orbs never show up.
I also promoted my Saizo to 5 star coz he's so cool, but don't have the skills to build him
Saizo loves to be a debuffer. He love's a good Atk Smoke from Bow Lyn
I sadly haven't gotten a seasonal unit yet . My luck with them is terrible. In the bunny banner, I got up to 5% but got nothing. Same on the Bride banener for lyn and 4.25%. Ylissean summers also didn't have any luck for me for a 5 star with 6.25% and this time I am not pulling for any seasonal unit because sigurd is waaaay more important than a ranged dancer I probably won't even use in the end. Only have 1 orb r/n tho.
Aw, damn, I can't sack a Bow Lyn for even Saizo . I'm really tempted to give him CC because of his high defense, but then I'd have to sack my only Takumi . I started using him as my lead for my Defense team tho, and I already got 3 wins, so that's cool
Awesome sig btw!
Thanks! Notice who my user title is from
I wouldn't sack her either unless I got another one with worse IV's or sack my current one if I got one with better IV's.
And never sack TAKUMI
Speaking of Takumi, I still have a +atk -def takumi I got from hero fest. I still haven't figured out how to build him. I tried the Fujin Yumi, Vantage, Close counter, Threaten speed, Recipirocal aid and vengeance build but that doesn't make him anything special and get him outclassed by my other characters. I've heard of the brave bow build but I wouldn't know how to build him like that and It would make him really really frail with like 19 defense and resistance. I'd also need to promote and sacrifice a brave bow + user and a Life and death 3 person so there is that. Does anyone of you know a good build for him that isn't too expensive?? I hope so because I like Takumi but he's not that great especially with brave lyn.
Alright, I guess I won't use him then. Brave Lyn will be my main archer. Also what is a good blue tome unit that you can get at 4* that isn't reinhardt? I kinda need one as the only other blue tome I have is Olwen who really only works on my horse emblem team consisting of eldigan, brave lyn, Camus, and ofcourse Olwen. I really need blue magic users because Ike and Eldigan and BK are such a pain to deal with in TT and I really need something good. Does someone have any suggestions which blue tome I should use? I don't have the 5* exclusives btw.