Really hoping next month's banner has a colourless hero and the halloween units since they're the only colurless units left. I haven't gotten any of them and I just want to +10 saizo already :/
If they are colourless, I'd really want them to be a healer or dagger pls no bow
We still have 4 units left between the 2 summer banners and the PA banner, so it may take until the April banner for Halloween units to come back. Although those 4 units are S!Tiki, S!Elise, PA!Inigo, and PA!Shigure. I can't remember if Gunnthra is sitting out the next banner but even if she is, having 3 seasonal green units sounds a bit sketchy to me, so maybe 1 of them will get subbed out another month and a Halloween unit will take their place, idk.
And if we do get a legendary colorless unit I can almost guarantee that they'll be a bow user sadly. :/
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Actually looking at the list of 5 star exclusive colorless units, Mist is the only one left. So maybe IS will dump their 4 seasonals per legendary banner rule and have some Halloween units next month! Or they could just repeat characters we already got like Genny and Elise (which I won't complain about).
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I tend to want to try out my new heroes so I did not look at level 1. I am kind of curious about my Niles stats since I threw a bunch of feathers at him to make him 5 stars. I think he is around level 25 right now though. Probably should have checked before, but he is my favorite character so he had to become a 5 star one. What is with the characters at the beginning of the game that only show 2 stars? Does that mean the main characters are worse than any character you can summon? 
I also have a question about inheriting skills. Can you inherit any skill or are there limits? Like can you give a sword user a skill healers have like Miracle?
Every character can be promoted to 5 stars and Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna are all worth a consideration at the very least since they do rotate as arena bonus units every week. They are in a way worse than other units as they can not get merges but that's something you shouldn't worry about for a long time. If you enjoy using any of them, continue using them.
Skills usually have some alert under their description about what unit types can't inherit the skill, so healing skills are exclusive to healers, Sing/Dance are exclusive to their respective units, only green tome users can use green tomes, etc. The only somewhat odd choice is that _____ Dance skills like Blaze Dance and Earth Dance can be inherited by anyone even though only 8 units in the game can make use of them.