FE Heroes discussion

What team did everyone get assigned to? I would've liked to be on Team Anna and even Team Sharena would've been okay.

...So of course it puts me on Team Alfonse.

Those skills are definitely worth it but only on ?emblem? teams. By emblem teams I mean a team of all dragons, or all fliers etc. If running a mixed team then yes these skills are less useful or even totally useless if you don?t have another unit of that movement type on your team. In this case their previous skill is better (as it helps all allies regardless of type though it?s buff isn?t as good) and you can easily just switch which one you have equipped in the equip skills menu. (As you may want to switch back to the later skill if you ever decide to make an emblem team)

Though if you do plan on using Hone Atk 2 over Hone Dragons, you should look into upgrading it to Hone Atk 3 by inheriting it from someone like F!Corrin or Olivia. Of course there are plenty of options for your C slot so you could also do Hone Def or Spd if it's a bigger need than Atk.
Thank you!
Now I know I can at least have that skill in reserve. Can I have other skills in reserve? Like, I know I can only equip one of each, but how many of each type can I potentially equip? I don't want to lose anything. That's my primary barrier here.

Also, pulled for the Tiki vs Nowi. Legit any of the focus units would've been nice, but, got nothing. Kinda spur of the moment cause not often I see Naga's Voice Tiki at 5 stars.

And, I enjoy the Rival Domains style. Grand Conquests is simply incredible.
Seems I'm teamed with Sharena, but, I don't get why I'm fighting over land Sharena already has.
Thank you!
Now I know I can at least have that skill in reserve. Can I have other skills in reserve? Like, I know I can only equip one of each, but how many of each type can I potentially equip? I don't want to lose anything. That's my primary barrier here.
You can have as many skills on a unit as you want, as long as there's no restrictions. I have a LA!Hector I've given a bunch of skills to that I got from a bunch of 4 and 3 stars
Team Anna, code is 7823734432, take your pick


I got team Sharena!
Sensai your Hector is a literal lifesaver

Tee hee you're too kind!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm curious to see the 5* units of players who've played since D1 so imma post my barracks and I wanna see everyone elses


I'm also building my first +10 unit now! Currently have more in the barracks so I can get him up to +4. This one is neutral but I want +spd -hp and built with Blarowl spd refine, Bonfire, Fury, Chill Spd and a flexible C slot.

I got a +atk/-hp Nanna trying to get more saizos in 10 orbs, which would be cool, if she weren't so totally gonna be demoted
This site is a pretty good resource to have as every hero has a couple of builds that'll give you a general idea of whats good and what isn't.

Also if there's anything in specific you were wondering about I'm sure one of us could give you two a hand.

Okay. I feel kind of dumb that I didn't know that there was a site for these things. :/ I'm going to bookmark that site.

Most newer units start out with great base kits so I wouldn't worry about SI that much for now. The only real exception that I can think of is Mage Eirika with R Tome Exp; that skill (and all other Exp skills) are worthless and harm you more than they help. Even then, the rest of her kit is fantastic.

If either of you want to start inheriting some skills, let us know what unit you want to give skills to and if you want them to have a specific role if you have one in mind (physical/magic tank, player phase sweeper, support, stuff like that).

Most newer units? Would it be fine to leave them there despite the IVs? Just wondering.

I'll give one example. My Legendary Ephriam has +Def/-Atk when I used the IV Calculator from the site that Thunder provided. Not sure if I should just keep it as it is or if I should change something. As well as deciding which Assist skill to give him.

I don't really know about roles... :T So... I kind of feel bad already.

I wanted to try inheriting some skills on to my Performing Azura and Innes. Not sure what to do with them. IVs for Performing Azura is +Def/-Res while Innes is definitely -SPD from what I remembered when I got him. Innes is boon is kind of the unknown for me. Shouldn't take to long to level him up. I'm only guessing that his boon is either +Atk or +HP. And... No. I am not pairing these two as a team. Just to clarify things.

Usually when I get these 5 star units they usually end up having bad IVs. :X I'm just grateful that I actually got them since I am a F2P player in Fire Emblem Heroes.

What team did everyone get assigned to? I would've liked to be on Team Anna and even Team Sharena would've been okay.

...So of course it puts me on Team Alfonse.

On Battle 1... I ended being on Team Sharena. But... Battle 2 in the Grand Conquest... I ended up being on Team Alfonse.

I'm pretty curious if anyone got switched to a different team or ended being on the same team as of Battle 1 for Battle 2.
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O cool, I also managed to snag a +spd/-def Leif in 9 orbs. I actually need help saving

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'll give one example. My Legendary Ephriam has +Def/-Atk when I used the IV Calculator from the site that Thunder provided. Not sure if I should just keep it as it is or if I should change something. As well as deciding which Assist skill to give him.

I don't really know about roles... :T So... I kind of feel bad already.

I wanted to try inheriting some skills on to my Performing Azura and Innes. Not sure what to do with them. IVs for Performing Azura is +Def/-Res while Innes is definitely -SPD from what I remembered when I got him. Innes is boon is kind of the unknown for me. Shouldn't take to long to level him up. I'm only guessing that his boon is either +Atk or +HP. And... No. I am not pairing these two as a team. Just to clarify things.

Usually when I get these 5 star units they usually end up having bad IVs. :X I'm just grateful that I actually got them since I am a F2P player in Fire Emblem Heroes.
I don't have Ephraim, so I can't really say, but +def could help him become bulkier, which I think would work great with his weapon. His attack can be fixed with a seal or horse buffs.

For Azura, she's a dancer, so she won't be doing much attacking, so I think leaving TA on her is fine for when she needs to take out blues. For her B skill, WoM is usually the go to for a dancer
I'll give one example. My Legendary Ephriam has +Def/-Atk when I used the IV Calculator from the site that Thunder provided. Not sure if I should just keep it as it is or if I should change something. As well as deciding which Assist skill to give him.

I don't really know about roles... :T So... I kind of feel bad already.

I wanted to try inheriting some skills on to my Performing Azura and Innes. Not sure what to do with them. IVs for Performing Azura is +Def/-Res while Innes is definitely -SPD from what I remembered when I got him. Innes is boon is kind of the unknown for me. Shouldn't take to long to level him up. I'm only guessing that his boon is either +Atk or +HP. And... No. I am not pairing these two as a team. Just to clarify things.

That's actually a really solid Ephraim! +Def is great as it'll turn him into a defensive monster. Keep his A and B skills for sure. You'll probably want to dump his special for Bonfire or Ignis. And I don't have L!Eph myself so I don't know how well this would end up working, but with Solar Brace, he should be healing himself often. That means you could give him Ardent Sacrifice for his assist to turn him into a pseudo-healer. Otherwise just go with Swap or Reposition or some other basic movement assist.

Performing Azura should inherit Wings of Mercy onto her B slot, and keep the rest of her kit. Her special could be Moonbow or Luna.

Innes... he's fantastic but a bit difficult to use. Mine is +Atk -Spd (so possibly the exact same as yours) and I've tried a bunch of strange builds on him but none of them work as well as I'd expect... His base kit is perfect for countering mages and if he does end up being +Atk then that'll help counteract Fortress Res' downside. But no matter what you choose to do with him, Iceberg should almost always be his special.

Also imo Gamepress is okay for getting build ideas, but you really shouldn't commit to using anything the have listed exactly. A lot of builds there require sacrificing rare units which you won't want to do as you just started playing AND you're F2P. Plus most characters there get their page put up when they're released, but then are ignored for months even when a new weapon or skill gets released that would fit them perfectly.
The alternative is Gamepress which is just plain bad for giving build ideas. But the site itself is layed out nicer for checking stats and skills. Asking someone is usually the best way to build a unit since everyone has different IV's and units they could fodder off.
Mhm... I see. :0 Thanks for all the input. It really helps.
On Battle 1... I ended being on Team Sharena. But... Battle 2 in the Grand Conquest... I ended up being on Team Alfonse.

I'm pretty curious if anyone got switched to a different team or ended being on the same team as of Battle 1 for Battle 2.

I was on Team Alfonse for the first round and got shuffled over to Team Anna, Anna's got more areas under control than Sharena and Alfonse combined atm tho so no complaints from me.

I got blueballed by the legendary banner so I never got my own Ephraim, but of the two skills Cress suggested I think I'd lean towards bonfire. Ephraim's speed means he's slow enough to doubled most of the time, so if he's attacked while Flame Siegmund's passive is active, bonfire ought to activate in a single turn.

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of a slow archer is a brave bow build cos i'm unimaginative. The downside is it's expensive since you need to inherit a Brave Bow+ from either Klein or (preferably) Gordin, the other hitch is that he'll be more susceptible to being doubled by mages with a brave bow tanking his speed (That being said, 31 speed ain't gonna do much to stop doubles anyway).
That's actually a really solid Ephraim! +Def is great as it'll turn him into a defensive monster. Keep his A and B skills for sure. You'll probably want to dump his special for Bonfire or Ignis. And I don't have L!Eph myself so I don't know how well this would end up working, but with Solar Brace, he should be healing himself often. That means you could give him Ardent Sacrifice for his assist to turn him into a pseudo-healer. Otherwise just go with Swap or Reposition or some other basic movement assist.

Performing Azura should inherit Wings of Mercy onto her B slot, and keep the rest of her kit. Her special could be Moonbow or Luna.

Innes... he's fantastic but a bit difficult to use. Mine is +Atk -Spd (so possibly the exact same as yours) and I've tried a bunch of strange builds on him but none of them work as well as I'd expect... His base kit is perfect for countering mages and if he does end up being +Atk then that'll help counteract Fortress Res' downside. But no matter what you choose to do with him, Iceberg should almost always be his special.

Also imo Gamepress is okay for getting build ideas, but you really shouldn't commit to using anything the have listed exactly. A lot of builds there require sacrificing rare units which you won't want to do as you just started playing AND you're F2P. Plus most characters there get their page put up when they're released, but then are ignored for months even when a new weapon or skill gets released that would fit them perfectly.
The alternative is Gamepress which is just plain bad for giving build ideas. But the site itself is layed out nicer for checking stats and skills. Asking someone is usually the best way to build a unit since everyone has different IV's and units they could fodder off.

Try a dual stance, preferably Mirror Stance, or Fury, Quick Riposte or Guard, and Def Ploy with a QR seal if uding Guard or another Ploy, maybe Atk Ploy, on Innes. He's a weird archer but he excel 's at his niche of a mage tank.
I would like to make a 10+ unit, but I never get any repeat 5 stars. Would it still be good to make a 10+ 4 star unit? I have like 8 4 star Virions for some reason.

Also why do some units need to be 5 stars just to be able to take some of their skills? Should I make Kagero a 5 star just to steal poison dagger+ or should I just give poison dagger to all of my dagger units?
I would like to make a 10+ unit, but I never get any repeat 5 stars. Would it still be good to make a 10+ 4 star unit? I have like 8 4 star Virions for some reason.

Also why do some units need to be 5 stars just to be able to take some of their skills? Should I make Kagero a 5 star just to steal poison dagger+ or should I just give poison dagger to all of my dagger units?

4 star +10's are getting in a somewhat dangerous area since older units are now getting their own personal weapons (which you need to be at 5 stars to get). The safer thing to do would be to 5 star the unit and maybe wait on merges until you're ready to invest all of those feathers. Plus the border for 5 stars looks so much nicer than the one for 4 stars.

I'd say upgrading her to a 5 star to get the + version is very much worth it, but it depends on who you want to give it to. It's not the best weapon for units with a lowish attack stat (which is sadly most dagger users).
Been put on Sharena, Anna, then back to Sharena for the Grand Conquest. My team covered the most land the last 2 battles, so hoping we can do it again coz I need those feathers

Also finally got my perfect iv saizo so I don't mind that I used all my orbs
Managed to get Leif today! +HP -RES ideal bane meh boon, but I?ll take it as I usually get bad bane and boon or ideal boon and detrimental bane. xD
4 star +10's are getting in a somewhat dangerous area since older units are now getting their own personal weapons (which you need to be at 5 stars to get). The safer thing to do would be to 5 star the unit and maybe wait on merges until you're ready to invest all of those feathers. Plus the border for 5 stars looks so much nicer than the one for 4 stars.

I'd say upgrading her to a 5 star to get the + version is very much worth it, but it depends on who you want to give it to. It's not the best weapon for units with a lowish attack stat (which is sadly most dagger users).

Ugh, my heroes need so much feathers. At least you can win a bunch in grand conquest.

I was just figuring everyone could benefit from poison dagger because it is effective against infantry units, which seems to be pretty much everyone. :p