FE Heroes discussion

These alts are pissing me off. That Hinoka alt could've gone to someone who isn't in the game yet like Silas, Rinkah, or even Reina, an actual kinshi knight. Now a fates banner won't be coming for a while, which means I have to wait for Silas longer.

Least kaze is finally here

I really want Silas too. Guess we are Silas buddies! xD
Having a new type of lance in the 4* pool would be pretty neat though, even if darting stance seems pretty lame.
Darting Stance is probably the worst Stance skill, yeah. But if Shigure does get demoted, I'm thinking about putting it on Ryoma. His Atk is already fine, but his speed is right on the point of being great but it could use a tiny bump.
But other than Ryoma, I can't really think of any other units that would want it. :/ Maybe Zelgius and the Black Knight if you want to give up the stance skill that they already have?
Darting Stance is probably the worst Stance skill, yeah. But if Shigure does get demoted, I'm thinking about putting it on Ryoma. His Atk is already fine, but his speed is right on the point of being great but it could use a tiny bump.
But other than Ryoma, I can't really think of any other units that would want it. :/ Maybe Zelgius and the Black Knight if you want to give up the stance skill that they already have?

Its wishful thinking but the fact that the 4-5*pool was just cleaned out gives me hope there is a chance both Shigure and Kana is demoted to 4*. As I've said before, the last green demoted to 4* was Boey, [which is almost a year ago, 1 year next month![/B]

Both of their sets are extremely similar, and with the intro of two new weapons for lances and dragons also gives me hope that they could be demoted. then again F!morgan got a new tome but wasnt demoted, but then again she's a fler mage and theyre op af
See I want to summon for Hinoka since she's a flying archer and I've been waiting FOREVER for one but the thing is brides (or grooms) are coming up and it troubles me that there's a chance we won't know who the new seasonals are until after the banner is over.
So I wasn't really interested in any of the new units at first, but then I saw M!Kana's skills.
We're getting Brazen Def/Res on a free unit. He's also got Fortify Dragons if you need that.
Quick reminder that Brazen skills have no inheritance restrictions so you can give this to any unit in the game. Leo with his Brynhildr refinement could do some serious work with this skill. I'm almost certain that I'm going to feed a Kana to S!Freddy, and I'll probably just hold on to the other Kanas in case I need it for someone later. Honestly I was kinda interested in using M!Kana since his stats were pretty solid, but with a skill that good you're going straight to the fodder pile.

Kaze has Atk Smoke which is sorta neat, so now you won't have to kill a B!Lyn if you want to use it (but let's be real you should just use the seal for it). He also has Barb Shuriken which is a Killer/Slaying Dagger; exactly the same as the Mochi. So maybe well be seeing a non-seasonal Wo Daogger soon as well? Even though I killed a S!Kagero to give my S!Freddy the carrot I'd be fine with it. He looks good with the carrot anyways. And the Kagero was +HP -Spd, I don't think you could get worse IV's than that.

with 3.25% lol
hinoka - +res -def
kana - +spd -def (-def isnt the best but its not like many people would go for +def)
I pulled a -Atk +Res Hinoka and was about to break my phone in half out of anger


But then I pulled a +Atk -Res Hinoka and everything was ok
hinoka's default art is great. her and shigure's attacking (special) art look pretty goofy. they definitely did justice for kaze though. i wasn't actually aiming for kana but it was to see if i could get lucky, and i did. i have too many green dragons, though. another red dragon would be nice to add.
shigure's stats look nice, but i doubt i'll pull on it again. i really want hone fliers, and i don't think vanilla hinoka has appeared on a legendary banner? it'll be soon, so i hope she appears there.
yeah there's something about the angle of her head, i'm normally not that big on chiko's art since there's always something off about the way they draw noses but i'd say this is one of their better units. miwabe sakura's style works pretty well for f!kana and i like how m!kana's art is almost painting-like. if i didn't know who kaze was i think i would've assumed he was a woman from his idle pose, but his art is pretty solid.

for shigure... i feel bad being so critical of someone's art but man i ain't a fan.
I wasn't planning on summoning after the first pool, but hearing Shigure sing Lost in Thoughts in one of his lines and seeing his stat line, I want him more than ever even if he'll probably be the demoted one. Managed to get a Linde somehow
Omg there are so many orbs now. But now I am going to hoard orbs for the new banner. There are so many units I want. Halloween Jakob, Dancing Inigo, Fallen Celica. :eek: Sorry Hinoka,I need a Jakob.
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Brought up the video about Legendary Hero Lyn and what the banner of hers is going to have.​

For this upcoming banner... I plan to try to get Mage Eirika and put her on the same team as my Legendary Ephraim. Not sure if I'll be able to get her with the number of orbs that I have... Haven't finished the Tempest Trials yet, so I hope the orbs I have from finishing there is going to help me get her.
The banner appeared today for me and I was able to get Mage Eirika like I wanted. Though her IVs are +HP/-SPD... :T Not sure if I can make it work, but it is worth a shot to try since I don't really want to have to try to get another one. Currently have like 66 orbs at the moment and it took like 100+ orbs to get Mage Eirika. :/ I'm going to wait a while before trying the summoning again for a different unit.
Just spend 80 orbs on the legendary banner. Wanted any of the reds. Only colourless showed up. Now I'm stuck with genny and I didn't even want her as I already had her 2 times :/. This game really hates me. I just wanted an Eirika, Ike or Celica :(.