Haha yeah my in-game name is a little different since my username here wouldn't fit. But I'm glad he's come in handy! I still have your Caeda in my brigade as well, though I'm wondering if I should update the list to give your Hinoka a try, those offensive stats are nuts and I don't think I've ever used one before. I like GC a lot, it's really fun but getting in the mood to actually do a few rounds is a little hard since they take a little longer than the regular 4v4 maps. But this mode is so much better with the enemy phase music off, my god. I just wish leveling up through the tiers was a little less grindy, I have like zero incentive to properly grind it lol.
Oh yeah... one thing that I've noticed about arena since it's been reworked; you get punished much, much harder now for using a dancer on your team because of their low BST. That kind of sucks. I've built my team around PA!Azura because of her buffs and she's become such a perfect support, I really don't want to drop her and start rethinking my set up, considering it took so many orbs to get her. Arena has lost most of its appeal for me lately, I've pretty much just been doing the bare minimum and nothing more.