FE Heroes discussion

Yeahhh!!! I finally got a Halloween Jakob! :D He has the worst IVs ever, but I really just wanted the character. And he sounds so annoyed when you poke him. lol

The game also gave me 2 female Grimas while I was trying for Jakob. My Robin is now a +2 without trying. I'm done spamming hard story missions for orbs for now. Maybe I'll try the banner with Hinoka again later.
I wonder who's getting demoted here. I guess Lene is the obvious choice since she's the only one without a prf weapon and even though feh's never demoted a dancer before, it'd be a bit different from f!Morgan since there's already a red dancer in the 4* pool. Could depend on how her stats differ from Olivia's I guess.
What are some good B skills or green shield skills? It seems like I am missing those slots on a lot of my units. I am also not sure what special to give to Easter Xander. He currently doesn't have one and I want him to say stupid Easter themed things. :p
How does this lineup look?

5 star Tiki, 5 star Commander Anna, 5 star Fjorm, and 5 star Takumi.

I may be replacing one or two of them pretty soon, but it seems pretty formidable when I have them auto-battle in Training Tower.

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What are some good B skills or green shield skills? It seems like I am missing those slots on a lot of my units. I am also not sure what special to give to Easter Xander. He currently doesn't have one and I want him to say stupid Easter themed things. :p

Reposition is probably the best assist skill for most units. You can also go reciprocal aid or ardent sacrifice if you need help getting into desperation range I guess.

- - - Post Merge - - -

How does this lineup look?

5 star Tiki, 5 star Commander Anna, 5 star Fjorm, and 5 star Takumi.

I may be replacing one or two of them pretty soon, but it seems pretty formidable when I have them auto-battle in Training Tower.


Team seems pretty good if proper skills are given to them. Though I'd replace Anna and Takumi with stronger units
I checked GC after the update and some of the spaces have a gold border now, wonder what that's about?
What are some good B skills or green shield skills? It seems like I am missing those slots on a lot of my units. I am also not sure what special to give to Easter Xander. He currently doesn't have one and I want him to say stupid Easter themed things. :p
B skills are going to vary wildly depending on the unit using it. But a general tip is that speedy offensive characters usually want Desperation, and tanky enemy phase units want either Quick Riposte or Guard (your Niles would LOVE Guard for example). There's also Breaker skills if you want a unit to hard-counter a certain weapon. Wings of Mercy is pretty much required for most Singers/Dancers and it can be pretty great on healers too. Renewal can work for healtanks. Pretty much everything else is either bad, can be good but only under super specific conditions, or are great but are locked behind 5 star units that are sometimes seasonal as well (Bold/Vengeful Fighter, Wrath, Wrathful/Dazzling Staff, etc.). Oh, but if the unit is one of the few that has an exclusive B slot skill (B!Lyn, B!Ike, L!Ephraim, Gunnthr?, Sigurd, Arvis, Arden, Leif, and Zelgius) then you should use that skill.
Green shield skills are called Assist skills. Reposition is the go-to for most units, but Swap and Draw Back are nice to have too. Healtanks can use Ardent Sacrifice or Recip. Aid, and those skills can also be paired with Desperation units to get them into the HP range for that skill to activate (I feel like I'm just copying Mudkipz, sorry :lemon:). Units dedicated to being buffers can also use a Rally skill. Healers will usually want Recover+ or Physic+ (or Restore+ but that skill just came out so it's sort of a premium). And of course, if the unit is a Singer or a Dancer, then they should always have Sing/Dance equipped.
Bunny Xander would love to have either Bonfire or Ignis with that huge Def stat.
How does this lineup look?

5 star Tiki, 5 star Commander Anna, 5 star Fjorm, and 5 star Takumi.

I may be replacing one or two of them pretty soon, but it seems pretty formidable when I have them auto-battle in Training Tower.

That's a really solid team to start out with. Tiki (assuming it's Naga's Voice Tiki) is your defensive wall, Anna is the speedy gorl, and Fjorm and Takumi are kinda balanced. Also 3 of those 4 units can counterattack at any range, that's a really great thing to have.
first two pulls were a reinhardt with a +atk iv and a +def -hp tana. honestly this makes me feel so much better after getting to 12% and getting **** all
That ishtar was +atk/-res and Lene is neutral, so I'm happy with those.

I was mainly going for a Shigure now that he's demoted
Thank you guys for the advice/comments. I’ll take your advice into account. And yes, she is Naga’s Voice Tiki. :D
Thanks for the help, if you are both suggesting the same skills, they must be good. :) I don't really get guard though. Does the enemy's special countdown go up if you hit them? Would it really stink with Astra?

I have another random question. Does it matter what blessing you give to someone or does it just let you play the blessing themed challenges?
Thanks for the help, if you are both suggesting the same skills, they must be good. :) I don't really get guard though. Does the enemy's special countdown go up if you hit them? Would it really stink with Astra?

I have another random question. Does it matter what blessing you give to someone or does it just let you play the blessing themed challenges?

Cooldown goes down when you get hit or attacked. With Guard, when you are above a certain HP threshold, it reduces cooldown charge by 1. For example, Astra has a charge of 4, normally, it will decrease to 3 when an attack is made or received. When Guard is used, Astra will not charge. So if you are running Guard and attack the oponent, Astra will still have 4 for it’s cooldown thus preventing it from triggering. When used against units with special accelerators like Bold Fighter, Vengeful Fighter, Steady Breath, etc. Instead of charging by 2, it will be reduced to being charged by 1, slowing down the special cooldown.

Blessings do matter as they give buffs based on which legendary hero you use. For example, if you use a unit with a Wind Blessing and Legendary Lyn in your team, the unit will get a 2 point buff for attack whereas when Gunthra is used, you get a 4 point res buff if I remember correctly. For Earth, you get 2 attack with Ike and 3 Speed with Female Grima. Do note however, that blessing effects do stack so if you use a unit with Earth Blessing and both Legendary Ike and Female Grima in your team, the blessed unit will gain +10(+5 per legendary hero) HP, +2 Attack, and +3 Speed.
Wow someone redo the arena tiers smfh. You lose once, maybe twice and you go down.. and win significantly x10 more yeah right lol
I just started playing the game yesterday. I'm not very far but I do love me some Fire Emblem. Any tips?

- There are 3 free 5* Heroes you can receive. The first one is a choice of 4 Heroes. These are the winners of Choose Your Legends; an event held before the games release to determine who would receive special variations. The winners, Ike, Lyn, Roy and Lucina, received special alts and you can pick one of them for free. If you haven't picked one already, press the "Summon" tab along the bottom and look for this banner:


When you summon on this banner, there will be 4 coloured stones, each one representing a Brave Hero; Green for Ike, Red for Roy, Blue for Lucina and Colouress for Lyn. The one you pick is your choice but from a meta standpoint, Lyn is the best of the four. Don't let that change your choice though and pick who you want.

- Other two heroes; Fjorm, an original character to the game, can be received by completing chapter 1 of Book II. Do this by pressing Battle -> Story Maps -> Main Story -> Switch from Book I to Book II -> Book II, Chapter 1: The Flame. the final free 5* is a variation of Ike from Radiant Dawn. Him and Fjorm are special heroes known as Legendary Heroes, which offer a boost to allies stats during a specific season. to get Ike, press Battle -> Story Maps -> Paralogues -> Xenologue 3: The People's Hero. Complete the map and Ike will be yours.

- Save orbs. The currency used to summon heroes, for the Hero Fest banner new heroes have access to, as well as Legendary Hero banners that take place at the end of each month. The current Hero Fest you have access to features Brave Ike and Lyn, from Choose Your Legends, Sigurd and Nephenee. All of these are strong units. Legendary Hero banners feature a strong roster of 5* exclusive Heroes at an increased rate of summoning them at 8%. Hero Fest banners have an increased rate of focus units to 5%, and off focus at 3% totalling at 8% for a 5*. We get plenty of free orbs so its not a bad idea to put them aside and wait for something that interests you.

- Don't mess with skill inheritance until you understand what you are doing. Speaking from experience and many others in the community too, don't fodder units off until you understand how stats and skills on Heroes work.

Have fun! This seems like a lot to take it but you will understand what you are doing as time goes on. Make sure you get your free 5* units to help make clearing content easier.
I don't know what I'm doing with skill inheritance xD

I picked Lyn for the one free summon of choice. I've summoned a few heroes already and I earned Tiki, Gaius and Gunter from the Three Heroes quest rewards. I also have Matthew, Raigh, Nino, Virion, Seth, Niles, Camilla and Takumi (he joined me right during the tutorial). Aside from that I have Anna, Alphonse and Sharena since they're game exclusives and auto unlocks.

I spent a little bit of time leveling up all my heroes so they're all at level 6. I'll definitely see about getting Fjorm early on though. I'm on Chapter 4 of Book 1 right now so I'm really early on. Haven't opened Book 2 just yet. As for Ike...I tried Xenolouges 1 and 3 and the floor was wiped with me...so I probably need to train a bit more before I try for Brave Ike again.

I'm interested in getting Ephriam and Eirika, but I dunno what the odds of summoning them are.
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I'm interested in getting Ephriam and Eirika, but I dunno what the odds of summoning them are.

There's 2 versions of each of them. The easiest one to get is standard Eirika who's available at 3 and 4 stars, so getting her shouldn't be too difficult. Standard Ephraim and mage Eirika are both 5 stars only, so you probably won't be getting either of them unless they're on a banner. Then there's Legendary Ephraim, which means you can't get him at all unless he's on a banner, and even then he's going to be pretty tough to get. The last legendary banner just ended, and he's swapping out with Fjorm for the next one, so you won't be seeing him until late June.
All 4 of them are great units. Standard Eirika and Ephraim are both great supports for buffing other units, and most of the good buffers in the game are blue units so being red helps Eirika stand out a bit. Mage Eirika hits fast and hard; nothing unique but she's certainly great. Legendary Ephraim is a 1-man army which fits him perfectly :p
Sounds like Legendary Ephriam would be really helpful in a few pinches lol. Is there a difference between Fjorm on a banner and Fjorm from Book 2, Chapter 1?