FE Heroes discussion


Ready to die.
I think I got 4.25 on that one then got pitybreaked by some random ass D: <

Anyway got a 2nd summer elise when trying on that old summer banner, fml i just wanted a xander swim toy lol D: <
Wow, why are all of the banners so unlucky lately? I got pity broken by brave Ike twice in a row and one of those times was at 4.25%. My brother got to 4.75% on the Takumi one before getting pity broken by Legault. I also just used the 20 free orbs to try for Libra. The only mildly interesting thing I got was Sheena for Silvain shield, but she is a 3 star so I have to up her rank to steal it. Libra's banner is at 3.5% for me now.
Yeah I dunno, I doubt they've changed anything, we've all just been quite unlucky. I did end up getting Camilla this morning with the free orbs, but it was literally on the last 5, and I was getting 3*s far too frequently for that pity rate. Definitely one of the worst banners I've had without a single 5* in 200~ orbs, but then I remember how lucky I was on the bride banner. So it's give or take I suppose.

Still, my most aggravating experience was the legendary banner with SM!Eirika, where I had actually saved 300 orbs and didn't get a single Eirika. At all. I left that banner on 10% and I was pretty pissed, cause I got every other red except her multiple times. Desire sensor is real.
Started playing this when Libra got released. I'm not sure how many orbs I've used but I haven't had any luck getting him so far after grinding orbs for three days ;_; I just need him to stick with this game and actually play it...!
I've spent at least +100 orbs sniping for green orbs for Libra. 2 5*, neither of them were Libra. I'm losing hope and wondering if i should keep going. I really do love Libra but this is absurd and i'm the type to actually buy orbs when I get desperate.. So i dunno.
The average amount of orbs to get a 5* on a regular rate banner is around 160 orbs :lemon:

To be honest, I’ve probably used that many in the amount of tries I’ve had at Summer Noire by now. I’m going to give up on her because she’s not worth it (and the banner is about to end), and go for Camilla instead I guess.
So Walhart the Conqueror was released in Grand Hero battles. Don’t know why no one has said anything yet, unless he was already released earlier and I’m missing something. Now I’m just wondering how strong a 5 star Walhart would be.... lol
New Legendary Banner
Mhm... To spend my 230-ish orbs on that banner or not... :T

From what I've seen in the video these units below are part of the banner:

Blue Units
Legendary Lucina

Green Units
Legendary Lyn
Winter Lissa
Valentine Lilina

Red Units
Legendary Ryoma
New Years Camilla
Exalted Chrom

Colorless Units
Legendary Robin
Brave Lyn
WF Hinoka

If I were to use my orbs on that banner then I would just focus on the green units since I really liked those units and would like to get them. But... I'm probably gonna wait a while because I'm still deciding if I want to try to get a different unit on a different banner.
The legendary banner is cool, but all of my orbs are currently going to Libra fails. I have no orbs to try it.

I kind of want Walhart just to steal his skill that helps calvary units. Really any other villian from Awakening would have been cooler for me.
Dang, i was hoping for the new legendary hero to be Micaiah. I'll try for Exalt Chrom and LA Lillina, but i'm not gonna put much into this banner. I already spent way too many orbs on Libra, anyway.