FE Heroes discussion

He's being very helpful. Also got a free summon Azura!
Nice. :0 I skipped out on the legendary banner and used some of my orbs on the New Heroes: Ylissean Travelers banner. I was trying to get Maribelle and got 2 of them. One of them having the IVs of +RES/-ATK and the other one being IVs of +Res/-DEF. I still got like 103 orbs left and I plan to not use them for some time.
I totally want that chrom but yeah got a neutral IV christmas lissa. might splurge on some snorbs bc there are stuff on this i want lel
Got Chrom because the game keeps giving me red stones. The lack of blue disturbs me... I've wanted Azura since launch and could never get her on any of her banners. Probably going to be the same here lol.

Free Celica on the distant defense banner though. Not sure why both iterations of Celica like me so much. She's +atk so I'm finally running a merged one that isn't +def.
managed to snag that new year's cowmilla and i guess it's nice too.. alright ivs i can always increase her spd anyway :3
I managed to summon the Summer Camilla from the banner that disappears in six days.


She’s +HP/-RES, so I added her to my second team, which is now pretty much complete. I’ll probably end up removing the HP seal from her then and adding a RES seal to her.

I still have 18 orbs left, and there’s nothing I want from all the current banners, so I’m going to start saving up so I can mass-summon when there’s something I want from a new banner. :lemon:

probs gonna do another another round on the b8% banner and then save for whatever i guess, shrugs...
Alright so on this summer banner in 100 orbs i pulled
+Atk -HP S!Tiki
+Spd -Atk Leif
+Spd -Atk Mia
+Res -Atk Sigurd
+Atk -Res M!Morgan
and a neutral Sword Reinhardt

What a ride
got a male grima and 5* hana on the free summons today god bless rngesus for once..
I haven't gotten anything good from the daily banners. I did get Maribelle today, but I only picked colorless because green wasn't there. Libra hates me.

I'm happy that Fallen Takumi is back though. Thanks to guides on youtube I currently have 3 of him. I must look for an infernal one next. :) There's no way I can beat that map without help.
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yeah i got the 3* fallen pineapple, idk the two other levels are just too annoying and i cant bother playing that game too "hard" really.
I’ve just been saving up orbs still. I have around 50 now and I’m not stopping anytime soon, or at least not until a banner comes along where I really want one of the heroes from it. :D

These units are coming up pretty soon. I would like to pull for them, but I already spent majority of my orbs trying to get a better regular Ephraim. The regular Ephraim that I have before spending my orbs is +Res/-Def and the new regular Ephraim that I've gotten is +Hp/-Atk. So... It's going to be quite some time before I can start pulling again on banners, but at least I can look forward to the tempest trial units since I missed some of them from what I can tell. Only got like 16 orbs at the moment. :T Probably should have stopped once I got him. Was hoping to see if I could get better IVs than what I've gotten.
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So I ended up pulling on the new banner five times for a first go and this is what I got:


I’m surprised I’ve been so good with pulls lately. It’s probably because I missed all the chances to get a Summer Noire. Either way, I have rearranged my teams a bit and my first team is more of one that’s just for fun, while my second team is the real deal. I’m back up to around 62 orbs and there’s nothing else I want from the festival banner, so I’m going to patiently wait again until a banner comes along where I really want one of the units. :)
I got the silly dancing Xander on the second try! Now I can make a Xander emblem team! lol

I also got a 5 star Linde trying for Ryoma. I think I should do all of my summons on this banner. Also Libra was demoted so I can still try for him too. :)


lucky ducks i keep getting 4* titanias smfh can they please remove her or add more greens D: <
Yeah same really, not too interested in dancers nor the daily banners up. I want to try for another male grima but nah it'd be waste i guess considering it's just a reg banner.
I got a five star Shanna from my free summon on the daily banner that came a day or two ago and left.


She’s -Atk/+Def, so I’m probably going to use her as fodder for one of my other units. I’m sure she has some skill that one of them needs. I’m saving up my orbs still and have around 70 now. I’m also going to rearrange my teams once again and try to come up with a great one as my first team, with the second as just backup. :)