FE Heroes discussion

Yeah I p much only use Shanna's as fodders because she's got skills lol. Nice though, I think I got a Sheena today smfh lol...
I summoned on the new daily banner and used up ALL of my orbs to try and get Sonya, but I failed. However, I did get Rhajat in the process.


She?s -HP/+Def, so I think she will be interesting to use on a third team. I also ended up getting a four star Libra in the process, which I unlocked the potential from to become a five star.


He is -Atk/+Spd, so he would also be pretty interesting to use on a team (though I would probably use Rhajat). I?m glad they are both green units, because I needed more green units, and now I have different ones for different situations. Now I?m going to be saving up orbs again, and the next time I summon I?ll definitely be looking to try for more five star colorless units. :)
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I?ve gotten ridiculously lucky on free pulls lately that I just can?t even.

Got 5 star Gordin from the Vantage Banner (the cutie had better IVs than the one I promoted to 5 star ages ago so I reverse merged him)

Then I got 5 star Ephraim from the Threaten Def Banner (His IVs were meh so I merged him into the other one I had)

Next I got a 5 star male Grima on the Armor Banner (already had him with good IVs and didn?t really have anyone to give vengeful fighter too and I have low barrack space so I just gave him a merge too)

Finally on the new Summer Banner I got Summer Elincia on my free pull. (-ATK but I don?t even care my free pull luck has been insane!)
^^ that just incredible luck man ^^

also god bless male grima banner is gone lol.. so wanted another one so i could get +1 at least but no greedy **** green lol
I didn't really summon on the Grima/ Hardin banner. I still can't get Hardin, but I was having good luck on the festival banner so I kept summoning there. I have Xander and Ryoma now. I am trying greens next. Then it might also be a Libra.
female grima?? yes please.

also really liking this TT. Hope I get time to get up to 20k before it ends. :3
CYL is out.
Spent about 400 orbs and got Veronica Spd+/Res-, Ephraim HP+/Spd-, Gray Res+/Spd-, OG Celica Res+/HP-, B!Celica neutral, and got pitybroken by B!Celica HP-/Res+ while sniping for Hector.
I ended up summoning 5 star Veronica with the free summon as she’s the only one I wanted. I tried using orbs for Celica too, but didn’t get her. I replaced Jaffar on my main team with Veronica because I think she will be more useful there. Saving up orbs again until the next banner. :)
Does the free 5 star summon stay there until you pick one? I want to try to summon on the banner and wait to free summon a unit I didn't get. Veronica is cool, though I wish she was the mage one. She would probably be good for a calvary team. I also want Ephiram just to steal his armor march.
Does the free 5 star summon stay there until you pick one? I want to try to summon on the banner and wait to free summon a unit I didn't get. Veronica is cool, though I wish she was the mage one. She would probably be good for a calvary team. I also want Ephiram just to steal his armor march.

Banner should stay around for a whole year until the next one comes out next year so no need to rush. Made that mistake last year where I chose before I finished summoning from the banner. Ended up with everyone except Lucina(Still don’t have her). Had 2 B!Ikes because I chose him then pulled him.
Spent 265 orbs and managed to snagg myself 2 Hectors, Azura and Takumi which I then picked Ephraim as my freebie. Hector and Ephraim are absolutely busted...
Spent 90+ and got Celica, Hector, and Veronica. That lucky man. I kinda want Ephraim as well but eh mostly wanted the others so I'm good man. Got pitybroken by Olwen as well but I didn't have her so ^_^
My free summon on the legend banner was Libra. I also got another Legault. I was super excited and I plan on upping Libra to 5 star the next time I have enough feathers.
Spent 200ish orbs on this banner so far and got Veronica, Sigurd, and Lucina... And I used my free summon on Veronica for the +1. Idk why Sigurd likes me so much but he's +4 now and I've never summoned for him once. Hoping to get a Celica and Hector in the next few weeks, and maybe another Veronica!
(yeah Hector was my choice so yeah I was lucky to get the other ones aha)

Yeah I always get pitybroken by Sigurd as well.. I mean he is a good unit but the pools of x color units are so uneven lol
In theory, Celica with her og outfit and Ephraim wearing Fado's gear sounds cool, but considering we get one CYL event a year, the outfits are kind of underwhelming, not to mention a little goofy-looking.

Which is unfortunate because I love Wada Sachiko and I've been looking forward to Hidari since forever.
For the Choose Your Legends Banner 2... I chose Ephraim from the banner out of all the other heroes. It was a no-brainer for me that I was going to choose him. My Ephraim collection is now complete with Regular Ephraim, Legendary Ephraim, and finally Brave Ephraim. Now... I can start making Ephraim Emblem. A dream come true. My free unit from the Arrival from the Brave Banner I got a 4-star Nanna, but I was hoping that I would get lucky enough for Brave Veronica. At the moment... My orb count is pretty low, so I'm not going to be summoning units for a long while. I'm going to be sad if I miss an opportunity to get a better Sacred Memories Eirika. :T
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I got Brave Lyn on my free summon for the new banner. Then I decided to go for Ephiram as my free hero for armor march. I gave up on Veronica because I figure Brave Lyn is just as good for online guides. I am also attempting to hoard orbs until Halloween because it is my favorite holiday. Must resist urge to waste orbs.... :p
I tried for Ephraim but yeah I'm giving up unless they announce the September deal before it ends lol... Got the other 3 though so I'm gud \o/