• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!


Five nights at freddy's

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Do you have agoraphobia? Sorry if that's personal, I'm just curious.

I'm not really sure what I'm afraid of. Probably:

1) What happens after death
2) Heights
3) Being alone forever

I'm not sure, I haven't been officially diagnosed. Also, I haven't really done enough research to see if I might have it.
1) Public Speaking - I've broken down in tears more than once out of fear of presenting or having a speech in class, I hate it so much, and it makes me really worried for farther down the line for college and job interviews, I just can't speak in front of people

2) Death - I don't believe in anything after death, so to me the fact I'm just going to stop existing one day terrifies me. I know it will probably be like a dreamless sleep, so I'll never be aware that I'm dead, but at the same time that's also scary.

These are the two that stress me out the most.
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I have kenophobia... I'm also afraid that I won't be loved and that I'll disappoint everyone I care about, and that they'll abandon me.
Dolls. Any freaking types of dolls. I hate them so much.
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I once was at a birthday party where people brought dolls but i brought my webkinz cuz i was scared and GOSH DANGIT I CRIED watching Night Terrors. My mom fell asleep.

Also house fires, i've seen one happen in my neighbor hood..it terrifies me. And thoughts of my loved ones dying.
Those nightmares when its like real and you jolt..augh.
I'm turning 21 this Friday. I always get uncharacteristically sad around my birthday, it's a big time of reflection for me.

A friend of mine recently asked if I'm afraid of getting older, and I don't think that's it.

What I'm afraid of, my fear, is that my favorite memories are getting farther and farther away.

"What a draaaag Grawr, why you gotta' bring the mood down like that??"

I know.
I think my top 3 would have to be

1. Anything happening to my children. My worst fear ever.
2. The dark. May seem childish but I am night-blind and I fear what I cannot see.
3. Deep water. Lakes, Ponds scary places for me.
Well, I hate spiders, and I'm quite afraid of heights. I'm kind of paranoid or leery about certain things, but they aren't necessarily phobias. I am somewhat of a germaphobe, I don't really like most insects, I sometimes worry someone has or will break into my house, I don't like to look out of windows at night for the same reason, I worry when I hear strange noises (particularly when I'm home alone). I also check things several times just to confirm before carrying on with something else, whether it be making sure the email address I'm sending something to is perfect, if the doors are locked properly, if I'm sending a text (or calling) the right person, etc. I also avoid situations I consider potentially dangerous or harmful, as I don't want to risk loss of life or limb.
1. The fate of the world during my lifetime. Things are getting really screwy and I'm terrified no one is going to do anything about it.
2. Certain heights...Elevators and bridges are the worst, but if I'm in a really tall building, I can't go near the windows, or if it's a high stair case or balcony I won't like it. I feel really weird, like it's going to collapse.
3. The fact that I won't live forever. I guess it's not really a fear, and I definitely don't fear death, but it makes me upset that I'll die without knowing the (hopefully) amazing things humans will accomplish while they're around, and I don't like to think about that.
4. Phone conversations
Freaking cockroaches man. I've had this fear since I was around 3-4. It's still with me 16 years later. I still jump every time I see one.
It may sound crazy, but I'm scared of chickens and frogs. Frogs are the worst. My brother always put toy frogs in my room so I have to sleep on the sofa bcus I'm so scared. I once saw one at a farm, and to this day idk if it's real or not. To make it weirder, I actually find frogs cute, and will look at them on pictures and stuff. Yeah I'm crazy.

Chickens I have no idea they just freak me out.

I'm also scared of psychopaths and stalkers, which is why I often joke about stalkers, to help me get less paranoid (I hav to look in 5 spots around my house before sleeping so screw me). I'm also paranoid of e-stalkers, but that's another story.

Ok the end
1. The dark - I'm not necessarily scared of it. I can have a sleepover and sleep without a light just fine, or walk in the dark, however I get really distracted and can't sleep when it's dark so I have fairy lights wrapped around my bed when I sleep ♥
2. Giving people the satisfaction of knowing they've hurt my feelings - Even when I've been hurt to the point of crying I always blink back tears and keep a brave face not in fear people will think I'm a wimp, but because they don't deserved to be satisfied with what they've done ✿