feeling dis-attached from my villagers :,(


Jan 26, 2021
Dreamy Bear Plush
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Dino Plush
Tricolored Puppy Plush
had this problem in my last island. i love my villagers !! i rlly do. some of them i just dont care about :/ i dont really care about any of them ? how do i care about them ? ive just spend bells treating them like trophies n now ion like them :/ how in the world does someone like their villagers ? do i kick them all out and hunt for them on mystery islands ? is this a fault of the player or a fault of the game ?
Maybe find ones you think are cute? Also, consider which personality you like best and try to find that type. For example, I think the cranky villagers are adorable so I enjoy interacting with them. If you find that you just don't care about the villagers, maybe focus on some other part of the game, like decorating or catching bugs and fish?
Maybe find ones you think are cute? Also, consider which personality you like best and try to find that type. For example, I think the cranky villagers are adorable so I enjoy interacting with them. If you find that you just don't care about the villagers, maybe focus on some other part of the game, like decorating or catching bugs and fish?
i think focusing on a personality type would definitely help me. i really like cranky villagers as well ! i think i have difficulties w peppy villagers :/ i always look for the ones i find cute,, atm i have marshal, ketchup, diana, zucker, pekoe n octavian (at least all the ones i plan to keep permanently) the only ones i really care for are pekoe, octavian, n kinda zucker ? all the others i find adorable i just cant find any connection or care for them. gonna take ur other piece of advice as well. i found i liked ketchup a tad more when i attached her to my farmers market n imagined her as the owner. i dunno why im having such a hard time w my friends T^T; ty for the advice tho !
this may not be applicable to you, but i had this issue recently. usually when i tt or do stuff that is time intensive (redecorating or terraforming) i get distant from my villagers because i get tunnel vision for tasks. taking things slowly, avoiding tting, and trying to imagine broader personalities for my villagers for fun makes me care for them more, i have found.

like if my villagers are chatting with each other, i will run past when i'm in doing tasks mode... but stopping to see what they say, even if it is similar to other convos i have seen, makes me imagine a little bit about their friendship (or whatever it seems to be). OH and like you said about making ketchup a farmers market, if you like, personalize the area around their homes based on how you imagine they would do it if they could, that can help :>
this may not be applicable to you, but i had this issue recently. usually when i tt or do stuff that is time intensive (redecorating or terraforming) i get distant from my villagers because i get tunnel vision for tasks. taking things slowly, avoiding tting, and trying to imagine broader personalities for my villagers for fun makes me care for them more, i have found.

like if my villagers are chatting with each other, i will run past when i'm in doing tasks mode... but stopping to see what they say, even if it is similar to other convos i have seen, makes me imagine a little bit about their friendship (or whatever it seems to be). OH and like you said about making ketchup a farmers market, if you like, personalize the area around their homes based on how you imagine they would do it if they could, that can help :>
ohhh yep. totally experienced the same thing. ive always been the type of person to neglect everything besides whatever im working on so decorating takes up a lot of my attention. it was 10x worse on my first island bcs i just TT to no end. i came to hate not just my villagers but my island n just the game in general. i cut down on this a ton so i actually got 2 villagers to be my favorites. i think this will just become a big WIP for me. eeeek and the idea of customizing their house area to how i think they would do it ??? totally helps me when planning out for ketchup. shes peppy so probably gonna plant a ton of flowers for her !! think im bonding w ketchup a lil c: im also gonna make some sort of surf shop for zucker. i got the idea in my head of him surfing, thought it totally suited him. thank u for the advice as well !
I've always liked playing Animal Crossing sort of natural-ish with villagers. Gamecube, Wild World, and City Folk I straight up didn't care who was coming in or out haha. No standards. On New Leaf, I'd let villagers move in and out and would reset/trade for good ones but not really care if I forgot to fill a spot. It got annoying trying to plan where the houses fell, so I stopped even resetting for that.

New Horizons gives a lot more flexibility, but I still let all but a couple of my villagers move out when they ping me (unless they like JUST got here, then I wait for the next time) and try not to dedicate too much time to island hopping. I don't really set out with an idea of who I'm looking for. I just grab the first villager whose appearance I like. I've always been way more into the decorating/design part of Animal Crossing, though, so I'm not really the type of person to be like, "Oh I HAVE to have this villager." It's more like there's villagers I'd love to have come around, hope they do, and if they do and leave or just never do show up at all, that's fine, too. It keeps things interesting for me. That and randomly swapping villager house locations. Enjoy your new front yard, buddy. :d
Be careful with multiple villagers of the same personality, though. Personally, I found that having more than 2 villagers of the same type gets boring and old real fast because there's only so much dialog they can draw from. So having 3 or 4 villagers all say more or less the exact same thing word for word to you could be more of a curse than a blessing.
I stand by this. Lazies used to be my favorites until I ended up with 3 of them at the same time. I feel like i know all the dialog by heart

Diana is my one and only snooty, she came to my island randomly at the beginning of the game and is there to this moment. Because I never had another one, I feel like the personality is her own, not just a robotic set of lines. Makes her special
I know a lot of people spoke out about this but the villager dialogue is really repetitive. The problem is they talk about the same topics everyday like commenting on your outfit, pointing out the items on your island, reminding you who visited your island, and of course the most annoying one asking you if you've been into a villager's home before. These topics are repetitive each day and they don't seem to change over time. I have had my villagers for so long and they all keep saying the same stuff it just got so boring.

The problem is that when you have villagers that has the same personality like say 4 Normals for example they will talk to the same way. So the best way to do to is to like 3 of them move out and have more diversity of personalities. There is only 8 types in the game (Normal, Peppy, Sisterly, Snooty, Smug, Cranky, Jock, and Lazy) so it might be hard to have the last 2 villagers with different types.

In Conclusion no matter what villager you get just be prepared of them always talking about the same topics. It seems to be a common issue with these villagers where they don't always seem to change up what they say only when there is a new event coming out they do say different stuff but again its not as immersive as it was in past AC games. So I would only talk to them once and not talk to them like 3 times if you're tired of hearing the same things.
I know what you are trying to post. I feel this way too sometimes, its not that I necessarily dislike them? You probably feel the need to purge them all and start over again. I do it on pretty much all of my games, constantly erasing characters or starting anew. Its so hard to commit to things sometimes when you get bored easily!
ohhh yep. totally experienced the same thing. ive always been the type of person to neglect everything besides whatever im working on so decorating takes up a lot of my attention. it was 10x worse on my first island bcs i just TT to no end. i came to hate not just my villagers but my island n just the game in general. i cut down on this a ton so i actually got 2 villagers to be my favorites. i think this will just become a big WIP for me. eeeek and the idea of customizing their house area to how i think they would do it ??? totally helps me when planning out for ketchup. shes peppy so probably gonna plant a ton of flowers for her !! think im bonding w ketchup a lil c: im also gonna make some sort of surf shop for zucker. i got the idea in my head of him surfing, thought it totally suited him. thank u for the advice as well !
i hope it helps! ac should be a lil vacation ^w^ i bet your villagers' yards will look really cute.
I've always liked playing Animal Crossing sort of natural-ish with villagers. Gamecube, Wild World, and City Folk I straight up didn't care who was coming in or out haha. No standards. On New Leaf, I'd let villagers move in and out and would reset/trade for good ones but not really care if I forgot to fill a spot. It got annoying trying to plan where the houses fell, so I stopped even resetting for that.

New Horizons gives a lot more flexibility, but I still let all but a couple of my villagers move out when they ping me (unless they like JUST got here, then I wait for the next time) and try not to dedicate too much time to island hopping. I don't really set out with an idea of who I'm looking for. I just grab the first villager whose appearance I like. I've always been way more into the decorating/design part of Animal Crossing, though, so I'm not really the type of person to be like, "Oh I HAVE to have this villager." It's more like there's villagers I'd love to have come around, hope they do, and if they do and leave or just never do show up at all, that's fine, too. It keeps things interesting for me. That and randomly swapping villager house locations. Enjoy your new front yard, buddy. :d
my only ac game IS acnh, so i was kinda pushed into this idea of having a perfect island w the perfect villagers. (there are an ENDLESS amount of villager hunting videos lol) i felt like i never actually payed attention to the actual game itself, like the holidays, the beginning when u have to do a bunch of stuff for nook. i just skipped through all of it n i spend so much time hoarding seasonal items that i dont even appreciate it anymore. same thing w villagers ? i dunno maybe ill try out city folk on my wii to try n force myself into the original experience. probably just going to have pekoe n octavian stay n let the rest cycle out like u said !
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I stand by this. Lazies used to be my favorites until I ended up with 3 of them at the same time. I feel like i know all the dialog by heart

Diana is my one and only snooty, she came to my island randomly at the beginning of the game and is there to this moment. Because I never had another one, I feel like the personality is her own, not just a robotic set of lines. Makes her special
agreed ! i always tried to have my villager/dreamie list thing consist of all personality types. i dunno which is really right or wrong ? (probably none) i only have 2 lazys on my island and already they are just stuck saying the exact same things. they both are friends w the same bugs in the floor lol, just makes them seem too similar. havent noticed it too excessively w my crankys yet. i also think i tend to talk to my villagers too much in one day cus im just interested in them ! they run out of things to say at some point lol
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I know a lot of people spoke out about this but the villager dialogue is really repetitive. The problem is they talk about the same topics everyday like commenting on your outfit, pointing out the items on your island, reminding you who visited your island, and of course the most annoying one asking you if you've been into a villager's home before. These topics are repetitive each day and they don't seem to change over time. I have had my villagers for so long and they all keep saying the same stuff it just got so boring.

The problem is that when you have villagers that has the same personality like say 4 Normals for example they will talk to the same way. So the best way to do to is to like 3 of them move out and have more diversity of personalities. There is only 8 types in the game (Normal, Peppy, Sisterly, Snooty, Smug, Cranky, Jock, and Lazy) so it might be hard to have the last 2 villagers with different types.

In Conclusion no matter what villager you get just be prepared of them always talking about the same topics. It seems to be a common issue with these villagers where they don't always seem to change up what they say only when there is a new event coming out they do say different stuff but again its not as immersive as it was in past AC games. So I would only talk to them once and not talk to them like 3 times if you're tired of hearing the same things.
yep i definitely talk to my villagers a ton (sucks that i have to force myself to engage w them less bcs theyre flawed ? :c ) i remember watching a video by jadenanimations of her memories with wild world ? or the first ac ? cant remember. but she had agnes in her town and she was just absolutely brutal to the player lol. just bullied her to no end. when i heard that i was so shocked (my only experience w ac is acnh) bcs all my villagers in my town just love me no matter what ? i feel like as ur friendship grows w them, cus there ARE friendship points n levels n such, that they gain new dialogue and lose some. so if ur friendship is really low they probably say some pretty shady stuff or mean things to u, but as ur friendship grows they lose the mean dialogue and gain kinder ones. i feel like that would be more immersive in general and also give us the feelings of building the actual friendship w them. it could also make personalities less repetitive bcs u could have a cranky ur super high friendship w and a cranky that just moved in. they wouldnt say too much of the same thing bcs of the different level of friendship. sorry i totally rambled in this one.
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I know what you are trying to post. I feel this way too sometimes, its not that I necessarily dislike them? You probably feel the need to purge them all and start over again. I do it on pretty much all of my games, constantly erasing characters or starting anew. Its so hard to commit to things sometimes when you get bored easily!
yep !! did that w my last island. i had some of my FAVORITE villagers on there, yet i actually completely erased the whole thing. the only reason i was able to do that is bcs, like the title, i was so dis-attached. wish the villagers were less boring !! :/
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I ignore mine almost completely, because they keep giving me shirts after I say NO I DON'T want it.

I shut the game down as soon as they force the item onto me.

I find myself just saying FO to them, and I hate feeling that way.

Never felt like that with any other AC game.
If you bring in too many of the same personality you'll probably regret it. I remember having three peppy on my NL town. Talked to one and went straight to the other and boom...they both said the same exact dialogue. It broke me out of the immersion. Had to let one of them move out because I had 3.

NH kind of put the villager dialogue and interactivity on the backburner. So it's a bit more lackluster then NL and that game has always been given flack (and rightfully so) for having the most barebone villager dialogue for its time.

Maybe try to find villagers you think are cute and like their interior/exterior and see if you can somehow landscape their home around the island. Like try to think of the different possibilities and themes.
Like others said, TTing too much makes me feel less connected to my villagers, same if I spend too long focusing on decorating, so I try to keep things balanced. The dialogue is very limited, once you've met one lazy you've met them all so you need to slow down to find little things about your villagers you like.

To feel more attached to my villagers I like to give them clothes, because it looks cute and it makes me happy to see them wear what I gifted them. I also like to decorate certain areas with a specific villager in mind, like around their house, or I make a gym for the jocks, a playground for the peppy/lazys, a library for the cranky/snooty's etc.
Overall I like seeing them interact with what I give them and what I put around them. It can create interesting situations, like when I just adopted Diana and didn't know she was gifted until I saw her sleeping oustide on a hay bed under the rain in only a bath towel 😐.

I also like having villagers of different species, I loved getting Apple because she looked so tiny compared to my other villagers. I didn't know hamsters were this tiny! And octopuses, their little legs are fascinating. Also villagers with interesting interior design, like Monty looks a little dull but he lives in a mushromm forest? For some reason Eunice's house is a laundromat? Gala is a sweet pig but I've seen her house and I'm pretty sure she's part of the mafia???

So yeah, take your time watching them and finding little things you like about your villagers, or get new ones. I personnally don't notice a difference between island hoping and adopting, just maybe don't change them all at once? I'm learning to slow down and let my villagers move out naturally.
How long did you have them for? i find that some villagers ended up unexpectedly growing on me as time passed, or you could maybe try others if you dont end up clicking with some of the ones you have right now.
Despite their weak personalities, I find I still get attached to my villagers even if I don't like them. I think that part of the reason isn't the villagers themselves, but that this time I decided not to let anyone move unless they have given me their picture first. It makes the townsfolk stick around a lot longer and then they're sort of fixtures of the island at that point.