First Nintendo game/system you ever played?

My first Nintendo system was a pink ds I don’t know what my first game was but I remember playing Nintendogs
the first Nintendo system I owned was the gameboy advance sp, and I got it when I was in second grade. The first game I played on it was pokemon fire red.

I don't remember if this was the first gaming system I ever played though. I remember one time my cousin let me play his guitar hero game on his xbox or PS when I was really young, and another time I played a mario game on my friend's gameboy advance. Regardless, I started playing computer games practically from birth since my dad is an engineer/ computer person.
My brother got a Nintendo 64 for Christmas when it first came out. Ocarina of Time was the first game we booted up at my grandma's house. I remember the both of us being totally spellbound by the opening cut scene. That game means so much to me. It's a lovely memory.
My first was the Nintendo DS Lite! It's red, I still have it and thankfully it still works like a charm after all these years. The L/R buttons are a little finicky now, but they usually shape up if I blow air into them. The first game I got for it was Drawn to Life.
My first was the Gameboy Advance SP (the pink one)! I don't remember what my first game was - maybe Dogz? I remember playing that one a ton when I got my Gameboy. I also played Catz a lot. Then, I got into the Pokemon games and played a ton of those too. Other than those, I don't remember much else of what I had.
My first Nintendo console was the DS lite, I got a blue one back in 2010 or so, my older brother had got one two years earlier so I might've played his before I got mine. My first games were kind of shared with us all, New Super Mario Bros, Mario Party DS, Pokémon Pearl were some of the games that I played back then.
My first Nintendo system was the Gameboy Color and Pokemon Blue was my first Nintendo game. I've always preferred hand held devices because of mobility. My first GB Color was green. I got a purple one later but I eventually sold both because my parents needed the money and I that I got GB Advance and didn't play them anymore.
My mom always let me play on her NES and SNES when I was a kid. I can remember her telling me about how much she loved playing SMB3 so she taught me how to play it. To this day it's my favorite Mario game. I have such fond memories playing that with her.
Game cube for sureeee.
loved super Mario sunshine and wind waker ; ;
When I was a kid I played more computer games than video games, but the first nintendo system I played on was a Gameboy that my cousin had. We mostly played games like super mario world and mario kart super circut. I later bought a nintendo DS and the first game I played was nintendogs. My sister and I loved playing that game. We also got other animal related games, brain games and Sims for it.
Fun thread topic idea lol

My first game console was the Nintendo 64 & first game was Super Mario 64, was 5 at the time in the year of 1997. I remember my Mom just buying this for me as a kid not knowing what the heck it was hahaha , after playing SM64, I was completely hooked on the idea of Video games and now playing games till this day. Lol

Share your quick story, doesn't even have to be related to Nintendo also ;)

My first console was the gameboy color with the pokemon and zelda games, I still have all of it and play frequently, almost completed Pokemon yellow and pokemon heartgold again.
My first Nintendo game system is also the first system I ever played, was the Super Nintendo. and the first game that I ever played was Super Mario bros, LIon KIng, F Zero, and some other games for that system. Those were my favorite though,
Probably NES because there was one in my house when I was really young. I think my second was a Gamecube which I remember a lot more clearly.
First in home game system wasn't Atari (yes I'm old) , before that I used to go to the old fashioned Mall arcades.

First Nintendo was the original NES system I still like to go back and play Mario 3 on my switch.
my first was probably a DS lite? and I don't remember exactly my first game on it but i'm sure nintendogs must've been up there. i remember very few of those og DS games but I remember for sure playing club penguin and spongebob fairly early on in my DS days
It was the SNES (Super Nintendo) and I got Super Mario World as the they very first game and first Mario game I've ever played. I remember me and my mom were playing it, having a good time, and she helped me beat the hardest castle in the game. Then we got to the end we were celebrating victory. Since then Super Mario World became my all time favorite game and that explains how I was introduced into video games and the Mario Franchise in general.