First Nintendo game/system you ever played?

My cousin and I used to walk to our neighbor’s house every day after school because she had a GameCube and we’d play Animal Crossing. I think I was in 2nd grade around that time

my brother and i got the wii when i was around 3 and he was 2. idk why my parents thought it was a good idea to give a 3 and 2 year old a console but i didn’t play very much until i was 5. I don’t remember my first game on it but i remember playing wii sports, Mario all stars (25th anniversary edition) and a lot of Donkey Kong.
Mine is a pink DS Lite that also came with my first Nintendo games, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. The R button won’t work unless it’s pressed at a specific point, but everything else is a-okay after all these years.
I can't remember exactly because I was really young when I started playing but it was either the NES or Nintendo 64, I had both because my older brother gave them to me. The first one where I got serious into gaming though was the Gameboy Advance, that was my first brand new system that was only mine
Ooh, I remember this one clearly. My family bought a Wii in 2007 when I was about six and my brother was four. We all started off by making Mii characters together & my parents wouldn’t let us create our own Miis because the controller was finicky/too hard to use— instead, we pointed at the features we wanted & our parents would select them for us. Fun times lol.

My first actual game was Wii Sports, followed by Mario Kart Wii and Mario Party 8. Both are staples of my childhood— we’ve still got the Wii hooked up to the TV, and my parents will occasionally still play on it😁

The first Nintendo system I played was the original NES and the first game that I played for that system was the original Legend of Zelda.I remember that Zelda was on a fancy schmancy shiny gold cartridge like the one pictured above.
My first system was the SNES in the early 90's I had a couple of games but mainly would play Super Mario and this bubble blaster game but I can never remember the name! I miss it, it was one of my favorites!
I first played the DS, but I don't remember my first game. It was most likely something Mario related. I do remember my first Pokemon game was Platinum though.
Our first family system was the N64 back in the late 90s, and the first system I got all to myself was a GB Advance (the see-through one of course). I think my Dad still has the N64 hooked up to a CRT in his mancave down in the basement of the ancestral home and my Mom still uses the Wii for Just Dance.
Sega Genesis with Sonic the Hedgehog was the first, but I have more memories and remember more about when my brother and I received the N64 for Christmas one year so I’d consider that to be first.

I always had fun popping into his room while he played OoT, Majora’s Mask, Goldeneye, Super Mario 64, and Donkey Kong 64 (I’d try a couple levels occasionally too). We also had Cruis‘n USA for some reason, which was the only game my dad would play with us, and invited the neighbors over to play Gauntlet Legends. Gauntlet was our ‘slumber party and stay up way too late’ game. 🤭
My earliest memory of playing a game was rayman on the gbc.
I got it for Christmas when I was little.
Mainly watched my sister play it as I couldn't get jumping over pits down.
My first console was the NES, which my grandparents owned and gave to me and my brother. I played it all the time but found the games difficult so some of them I would just play the first couple levels over and over, lmao (the ones that come to mind are Metroid and Rygar). But we also had this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game that was soooooo much fun. I'm pretty sure the NES is still in a closet somewhere at my parents' house, I'm gonna have to go dig it out cause wow thinking about it is giving me massive nostalgia
N64 with shadows of the empire and mario kart 64, plus a bunch of other games little me traded for a second controller (huge mistake)
the first Nintendo Console I owned was the Nintendo 64, I got it for Christmas. My mom bought me Super Mario 64, Mischief Makers, and Wave Racer at the same time. I remember I had so much fun playing those games, though my mom had to help me a few times with Super Mario 64 because I wasn't really good at fighting Bowser and I was awful at that penguin race.
Nintendo Gamecube or Nintendo DS. I honestly can't remwmber which came first, but I have memory of playing Smash Bros with my brother and his friends... Good times.
My earliest memory for video games would be playing an NES with the SMB1/Duck Hunt cartridge at my cousins house. The first game system I ever owned though, was a Super Nintendo with Super Mario World included. I also think I ended up getting an original gameboy right around that time as well.
My nds!!! I had it for about 10 years.... it stopped working now but I love it a lot... I remember I played a lot of pokemon platinum + pmd sky + ontamarama