okay I'm back with a spectacular update!!
so the whole reason why I started this journey to lose weight was because back in November I bought a really cute pair of palazzo pants from a thrift store but I couldn't get it to button at the waist at all. I had noticed recently that I wasn't able to fit in any of my older jeans as well, I kept having to buy new jeans and dress pants to fit me. I got irritated and finally decided that I would start working out to lose weight and get back to the weight which I was at at the beginning of my Sophomore year of HS, which was around 135 lbs (62.3 kg).
I started out this weight loss journey in mid-December at around 182 lbs (82.5 kg). may not sound too bad but I'm only 5'3". I wasn't visibly fat but I was definitely overweight. three months later, I'm sitting around 163 lbs (73.9kg) which means I've lost almost 20 lbs so far! I met with my dad yesterday cause he was bringing something to my dorm and he commented on how much weight I've lost. I'm really happy with my progress but I'm not done yet; I want to start toning my legs and hips as well, and I still need to lose another 30 lbs. lately I've been slacking a little bit because the pressure of schoolwork is catching up to me and putting a lot of pressure and time constraint on me. Once it starts to lighten up I'll be right back to it. until then I've just been doing lots of crunches and trying to do push-ups.
my big update, however, is an awesome thing I found out today! I tried on those palazzo pants again after... what four months now? they fit my waist perfectly!! there's even a little bit of room in there for me to move, so it's not squeezing my waist at all! so I spent my day today wearing my palazzo pants and a black turtleneck sweater, and it really shows off my new slimmer waist so well! this is the first time I've ever truly made an effort to lose weight so I'm really happy I'm starting to see some results!

just as well I'm starting to notice that all of my older jeans are fitting again and that the jeans I had bought for myself recently are actually quite loose now (which tbh I absolutely love).
so I'm gonna continue my 1200-calorie diet and hopefully find some time to exercise soon. I can't wait until I finally get back to my target weight!! :0