Fitness Check In

I've missed posting for a couple of days but I've literally just been doing the same thing each day since I can't mix things up until my chiropractor tells me I can. But today, I went back for another visit and she did say I could start doing the middle back stretches twice a day instead of once a day now. So hurray for that!

I feel like I want to do so much more, but I realize she's holding me back for my own good so I don't stress out the muscles before they're healed.
quick update! (since I'm too lazy to post everyday lol)

so I've been doing core exercises for almost two weeks now, and just a few days ago I started working on burning leg fat as well as doing lots of full body/leg stretches (Im hoping to be able to put my foot behind my head again xDD)

I can happily say that these hard days of exercise have begun to pay off: when I started doing this, I could only do 6 sit ups. now I can do 15 with no problem (possibly a few more!). I've also started drinking a lot more water and I've been counting calories so I don't go over my 1200 calorie daily allotment.

I also would like to update, that I start out weighing ~183 lbs and now I've been consistently weighing in at 181 so I'm def making some progress! ☺
Happy New Year Everyone! Some words for the people who might be starting their fitness journey as part of their New Year Resolution or having trouble with maintaining a consistent routine.

I view fitness as an act of self care and not a punishment. So it's important to me to dedicate time out of my week to focus on myself and my body. I have not treat it well all of my life but that's not a good reason to continue bad habits. Life happens. You are sick, you need a mental health day, you had to work long hours at work, you are moving, or you have to study for all your exams and write all of your papers, etc. It's ok if you need to take a break to focus on other aspect of your life. It's a journey and sometimes you get a little lost but the important thing to continue forward.

Fitness is all about the delayed gratification. It's natural that progress is slow. It's ok if you can't go as long or as hard as your last session. It's ok to have to scale back the amount you do. Whatever your goals are, it's important to focus on how you feel and the trends and not the numbers and how you look.

As for my update:
I've been taking a break due to the holidays, life stuff, and an injury in my arm. My plan is to work out tomorrow depending on how my arm feels.
I think I'll start joining you guys for fitness check ins!

Day 1
20 minute moderate yoga session to ease myself back into the routine

Day 2
20 minute easy yoga session focusing mostly on stretching and flexibility
Day 3
A 20 minute full body hatha flow to wind down for the night

Day 4
A 20 minute freestyle yoga session (didn't feel like following a video today)
Today the doctor asked how my stretches were going and said that I was ready to move on to doing some of them while laying down instead of sitting. She said that would provide a better stretch now that I've been doing them for a while and my body is getting used to them. It feels like progress to me.
Day 5
A 20 minute easy late night yoga session

Day 6
A longer session of 40 minutes, finally getting into the flow
I got Apple fitness+ to try out since all the gyms are shut in my country and I’m starting to feel restless being on lockdown for so long..

Did 20 mins strength training then 10 mins mindful cooldown stretching. My legs hurt and I burped up some of the veggie soup I had for lunch afterward, but onwards and upwards. :lemon:
weighed myself and I can now say that I'm finally starting to see weight loss results. for a while I was hovering around the same weight cause my body was adjusting to building muscle and eating a lot less.

today I weighed in at 179.0 lbs. still way more than I would like but I'm making progress from weighing over 183!
Day #1
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
20 minutes of low impact fat burning exercises, along with a few weight exercises for the arms.
Short Term Goal: Losing 10lbs, dropping down any jean size
Long Term Goal: portion control, I don't necessarily eat terribly besides eating out way too much but I'd like to cut back on that which will also help the weight loss journey since most foods places aren't typically healthy. Overall it'd be a dream to weigh in at 130-140 or so but I hope for at-least 150.

I'm honestly not really starting out I just can't ever stay motivated, life comes up etc which is okay but I'm hoping checking in here will help keep me a little on the right track. I hope to check in every 5-7 days at-least so that way seeing no progress isn't overwhelming.
Day 53
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
30 minutes on elliptical. Made it through all 30 steps of Weight Loss 1. Onwards to the next program I guess.
Day 2 - Set up ring-fit and played just dance a little.
Day 3 - Was too exhausted after work to get anything in, a little disappointed in myself.
Day 4 - 40 minutes of high fat burn routine with weights
Day 5 - My body is so sore today from yesterday that I have no desire to try anything. I may still try to sqeeze in light ring-fit or a few just dance songs for progress sake but its not looking hopeful.
weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 178.4 (lbs)! for the record, I started around 183.5 so I really like the progress im making! I'll just keep up this diet (maybe add a bit more exercise so I stay active even on my off days) and happily watch myself actually be successful in losing weight for the first time ever!! :)

also, in case anyone is wondering what I do in terms of exercise it's basically a combination of these:
Exercise tape targeting abdominal muscles (30 min, 4 times a week)
Low impact aerobics tape (30 min, 4 times a week)
Moderate bicycling (45 min, whenever it isn't freezing outside lol, I unfortunately don't have an indoor bicycle)
Leg stretches (supposed to help achieve splits but I'm just doing it for a good stretch)

I'm also planning on starting another exercise tape (with Jane Fonda lol) which is a light to moderate exercise, that way I'm not doing this high velocity stuff 7 days a week but I'm staying active. and yes, all three of these tapes are from the 80s lol (I'm a sucker for literally anything from the 80s).
Day 54
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
30 minutes on elliptical. Made it through the first 4 steps of Weight Loss 2. Oooof this is a big step up in difficulty. My mom called mid-workout but I doubt it made an impact tbh because the resistance was at max at that point so I wasn't going very fast anyway lol

Day 55
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
30 minutes on elliptical. Made it through the first 5 steps of Weight Loss 2.
Day 56
Workout/Rest Day Summary:
30 minutes on elliptical. Made it through the first 6 steps of Weight Loss 2.

I hate this one. Weight Loss 1 was so easy compared to this.
After my visit to the chiropractor yesterday, I was given a couple of new stretches to add to my routine. These focus more on the neck and shoulders because I asked for something to relieve the tension there. I was also shown the Bruggers Relief Position to work on good posture while sitting at my desk all day.