Flight Rising General Thread (original) (no longer in use)

I have a few dragons for sale if any is interested

Price isn't set in stone. If there is a dragon you;re interested in, just offer me a price you're willing to pay and I'll consider it.
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If someone wants to give me one of their dragons for the day to level in the Coli, feel free to send me a CR. Profile here. I'll take them for the day and level them as much as I can/feel like it : ) & of course, I'll send them back to you at the end of the day/once they're 25.

one per person please, lmao

*edit - this is free of course, lol. I just don't want to level up my dragons right now because they're all level 10 and it looks nice. don't judge me

Please message me here or on FR when you're free to do some more! u w u
I won't be able to take her until tomorrow then : ) You can't send dragons that are currently on a nest.

Great. Thanks Nintendo Stormlight.

Earlier today, I posted that my nest wasn't able to breed due to the common ancestry issue. Five generations is too much to search for, plus I just assumed. I've given up on my hopes of a triple crimson nest, so I've put up all three for sale. Yes, three, I bought one as a brother sister pair. About 27.5kT on the AH.

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If for some reason you don't want to keep her, I'll def trade you some exalts for her. O: I think I know someone who would love that id.

yOU mEAn Me?????


tfw someone tells you to offer above the base price for a dragon
and you offer double their base price
and then they want double your offer

Don't set a base price if you don't want to sell for the base price