Flight Rising General Thread (original) (no longer in use)


But like really self? The ONE familiar you don't have at least 2 of.

- - - Post Merge - - -

iirc someone in the sales forum is hoarding Rainbow Sprites
they were offering a bunch of nice stuff, too u v u

Ohhhh really?? I must go see this thread
Is Pinkerton broken for anyone here? Whenever I go to the Pile, the image doesn't appear and I can't even see what I grabbed.

Is Pinkerton broken for anyone here? Whenever I go to the Pile, the image doesn't appear and I can't even see what I grabbed.

I can see the picture of Pinkerton and the dialog, but when I click "Grab a item", the button fades to grey and I have to check my Hoard for what I got.
Stupid computer, all these cute babies and it won't let the pictures show up! :p Don't worry, I will look at the pretty babies soon!
This is a morning for beautiful babies, clearly. : D

You got lucky with their genes toooo~

I wished one was circuit though, lol. 3/4 GIRLS, THE GODS MUST KNOW I DON'T LIKE NOC. MALES.
cries because the crystal/fac is a male

Thank you all for the compliments, NOW LET'S PRAY THEY SELL.