Senior Member
She's lovely, thank you too.
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So pretty ; o ; you make me wanna buy all your dragons lol
ayy how do you guys search for adult fodder? like what do you type into the AH?
Lol you're paying wayyy too much for fodder.The AH is pretty much cleansed of EF. You're gonna have to look at the 10ks lol
But what I do is search 7k on the left box, nothing in the right, click price. The oldest ones will automatically be at the top. If there's nothing, I do the exact same process in 500t increments until I find something. After 9k though it's not really exalt fodder anymore.
For the first time ever I literally don't play the site for a day because I was busy doing real life. And my feed bar goes to 65% what the hell dragons can't I leave you alone for a day??
@Sakura maybe max price for each would be 15 or 20K : o
That's odd .3.
iirc, dragons can only go down to 80% within one day??
It wasn't at 100% the previous day so I guess that is why but ugh.
Anyway enough ranting, I need to train stuff.
Does someone need breeding cards? lol I'm working on new breeding cards for the group hatchery :3 and new banners and such lol
Is this kawaii enough? hahaha
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*Correction: working on itty bitty breeding cards XD
LOL I think I actually got the WC girl from you XD
LOL I think I actually got the WC girl from you XD
I wish I can help you do the breeding cards but I saw your post of 40 pairs lol and I have 20 pairs to do for the group hatchery @_@ I'm so sorry </3
I hope so too D: lol that's a lot of pairs. I can help if they don't take the request lol it doesn't take too long to create breeding cards once you come up with a base : ) unless you resize dragons and go to scrying to predict hatchlings with different color of eyes @_@//pats
I'm hoping the graphics person I hired gets back to me soon u v u
same about the 40 pairs tho OTL I thought about making them myself at first, but 40 is just too much :')