oh yes
are going to hatch a nest of three tomorrow u v u
They'll probably be 30-40k each ^^
If anyone wants to reserve one, I'll bump it down to 25k
what sorta dragons do you guys buy to lvl up to 25 to sell for profit? like are there any breeds/genes that sell really well or anything?
I don't level dragons for resale, but I usually see people looking for imps and coatls. The nicer the colors/genes, the more likely they are to buy. I'd stick with more universally appealing combos, like irishim gem/smoke/circuit, or maybe a nice crystal if you find a nice looking one for cheap.
Laf, can you hold him for me for a bit?. I'm doing a sniping order right now. I can still pay the full 35k.
I'll take him off the AH ^^ Send a CR whenever you're ready
u v u
I'd totally buy the teal one but im so poor. I'll try to get some money later today so I an buy.
oh god why the babies i wanted have sold,,, rip
laf stop having 3 egg nests have five T-T /wallows in self-pity
i just spent 75k to buy a dragon just like the ones laf birthed. i hate myself. good. it doesnt have smoke tho.....and smoke is rly expensive :/ sigh.
You'll have to PM/VM me next time so I remember to come back and check![]()