Auction Francine Packed up [Closed]

I know.. shes going to be scrolling down like omg Francine is going so high! Then it will be revealed that a 10 year old was "seeking revenge on me" Im sorry OP!
I know.. shes going to be scrolling down like omg Francine is going so high! Then it will be revealed that a 10 year old was "seeking revenge on me" Im sorry OP!

[/is actually 19]

And if you would have ACTUALLY apologized like you keep saying you did, I wouldn't have gone so far. Unnecessary? Yes. Worth it? For me, yes.
what part about ”I smell drama” do you two not get
Oh I only called you 10 because you were acting like it. Seriously I am acting more mature than you and I am younger than you. I'm sorry that I didn't initially say the words 'I'm sorry'.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh uh 1.2 mil :)
Guys, whatever's going on cool it.
Auctions go to the person with the highest offer whether people like it or not. Stop goading each other, its far too entertaining for the rest of us
And I'm sorry to have hounded you like I did.

Also, Sorry, OP for all this mess. I get a little over dramatic when upset. And I know that's no excuse, but please forgive my childish actions.
yo guys cool it
just stop posting about it and walk awayyyy
Well I really cant pay that.. Im going to withdrawl my bids also and since Rosie put 1 mil im puting 1.2 mil SO 1.2 MIL!

Hun in the rules of auctioning it is not allowed to bid more than you have ~ thats called scamming. If another user withdraws their previous bid then you have to beat the one that was made before it or completely withdraw from the auction. I understand that shes your dreamie but please play fair for everyone else
Hey guys chill xD Don't want another scene. From what I've seen you can't go back. Unfort the OP is offline so she can't decide but its up to the OP... but I'm not some pro at it but this is why people should say 'No retracting bids'
I am thats why I'm bidding 1.2 mil (Please no more drama!!! <3)

Hm but i don't want to bid off against anyone who pretends to have money as you previously did, its a bad way of getting for people to pay much more for the villagers they're after. Hence i'll make a bid to the OP to avoid it. Not intending to create drama and not having a go, I just want to bid against others who auction fairly.

Retracting bids is a kind of grey area ~ I don't think it can be done by the person who's currently winning except for special circumstances
I'm sorry that i've never really bid before? Trust me I know my limits and now you're just blowing the little mistake out of proportion....

Okay. Basically only bid what you are willing to pay for a villager - if you think Francine is worth 4m then don't go over 4m if you're not willing to physically hand over the money for other people will just assume you're happy paying that and bid higher hence inflating her price. If you are ever unsure never be affraid to ask ~ it saves people a lot of aggro and money asking