Giveaway FRANCINE the snooty rabbit!! [RAFFLE] ends 7pm PST


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2013
Dusty Scroll
100% (24) +
I'm changing this to an raffle! :D

It ends today at 7pm PST. (I'm going to be out for a while, so I won't be able to reply until later)
If you already replied in this thread asking for her or wanting her, you're already entered, so as long as you're around when it ends, no worried about re-entering!

1. You should be able to pick her up right away if you win since she's already in boxes. :)
2. You can enter for other people provided that other person is a member of TBT. (Exceptions made for children of TBT members, parents can apply for their own children)
3. Whoever takes her must want her a a permanent resident and not intend to sell her later.

Please keep in mind I'm looking for RUBY. :D I'm not desperate to have her NOW, but if you see her up for auction/sale/giveaway in the future, please let me know! :D

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Pretty sure they're giving her away, just they'd like it if you kept an eye out for Ruby.
May I have her for my sisters Chrissy? Please?
Sorry, just noticed your looking for Ruby (>人<)
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I'm kinda looking for Francine but hey, whoever would want to give me something I want? (For free anyway...)
she's a giveaway. :) All I ask in return is that if you happened to get Ruby in a campsite or see someone selling/auctioning a ruby, then please keep me in mind. :D

Who's first in line? >_> i got confused in the confusion
I can pick her up today after 10am EST when someone picks up Bertha. PM me if no one else is available. I'd love to have her.
there has been a lot of people talking about this. :) Someone offered me Ruby for her, but if that doesn't work out, I'll do a raffle maybe?
I guess a Raffle would work, I got Kabuki earlier so I probably won't jump onto it quickly ;n;
Francine omg buuut I have to sleep -__- If you do do a raffle (good idea and loads of people want her) then could you please enter me? But only if you can't get Ruby :3 Sorry if i'm jumping the gun Dx
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If I do a raffle, it will end tomorrow afternoon, so don't worry. :)

I might be getting Ruby, but I don't know yet. If I don't get her by tomorrow morning, I'd rather just raffle her off as a giveaway. Free is better, right? :D