Shop Free Fruit for New Members! 🍎🍊🍑🍒🍐 Avalar Farms: All Fruits! All Veggies! All Flowers! Bush & Pumpkin Starts!

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  1. TBT Bells
Timezone and availability: PST, whenever after 3pm today!
Number, type, and color of flowers desired: x5 pink windflowers, x5 green mums, x5 purple roses
also: 10 carrots, 10 wheat, 10 sugarcane
Total tbt: 75 tbt?
Can I come over? can I have five of each crop except tomatoes? I’m willing pay you any price for those crops…
Timezone and availability: PST, pretty much available all day today/tomorrow!
Could I get 25 white azalea bush starts? Would 12 tbt work? :)
Hi !

Could I please buy 5 Sugar Cane, 5 Potatoes, 5 Wheat, 5 Carrots and 5 Tomatoes ?

For 50 TBT ?

Thank you !