GARLAXI | ★ A real Nintendo Switch Lite "Animal Crossing" Version ★

It's always interesting to see how art supplies relate to their price tag, and quality variances in brands! I'm glad you're able to experiment with different kinds to find what you like best.

Have you ever used glow in the dark paint?

Not yet, but I will definitely one day! Not sure for what I could use it thought. Maybe the old controller of my bf.
Since he doesn't use it anymore I can experiment on it. :D

So.. I really wanted to try and customize a Nintendo Switch Lite. I don't know why, I just had the urge to do it.
Once I had enough money to buy one, I did. I bought a grey lite on purpose, because the display frame would
fit the best with literally any color. It ended up in one of my favorite themes.. Galaxy!
It was tons of fun to make and I actually managed to make a benefit from selling this one, yay!
I would love to do another one of these, but I can't afford it currently, as I have other priorities.
Anyways.. I hope you like this one


A dream came true!
Since I've learned that the Kyogre GameBoy Advance SP version exists, it was always my dream
to get one of them. Sadly, it never got released where I come from and the prices for them are
suuuuper high, even when they are in bad shape, ugh.
So.. after years of searching for a replacement shell of it, I gave up on the dream, but then..
there it was. I wasn't even searching for it, it just got recommended to me. They now offer
the Pokemon GBA shells!! I haven't been that exited to recive something gaming related
since the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It's beautiful.
I'm sooo happy!! I really liked my
Legend of Zelda version, but it's nothing compared
to the Kyogre one, at least for me. <3



Long time that I've posted here. I recently got into reselling Tamagotchis and did a little mistake
by purchasing one in pretty bad shape. No problem though, as I had a lot of fun customizig it and was
actually able to resell it for profit! I am calling it "Tamagotchi Connection - TeaTime".
The first two pictures is of the original colour / design and the others are what I did out of it.

- Before -

- After -

Long time that I've posted here. I recently got into reselling Tamagotchis and did a little mistake
by purchasing one in pretty bad shape. No problem though, as I had a lot of fun customizig it and was
actually able to resell it for profit! I am calling it "Tamagotchi Connection - TeaTime".
The first two pictures is of the original colour / design and the others are what I did out of it.

- Before -

- After -
Wow, you are extremely talented! Don't ever stop this kind of art!!

I can't believe I forgot about posting those beauties here.
I had two Tamagotchis that had seen better days and I was thinking a long time what
I should do with them and then it came to me.. I still have those Spraycans from my
Animal Crossing Joy Cons, YES. That's it, that is THE idea. I decided to do Animal Crossing: New Horizons Joy Con
inspired Tamagotchis.. or how I like to call them: Animalgotchis. Timmy and Tommy were fitting the theme perfect for them,
so I hand drew them onto the Tamagotchis, after they got their little Make Over. I'm really proud of this idea
and they have been already sold to a lovely new home, yay!!


So... I had this idea for a while. The Switch Lite Animal Crossing bundle comes with a (really nice) pink colored console,
but why is it not Animal Crossing themed? Why doesn't one like that exist?!
I took the colors that are for the normal Switch JoyCons and used them to create this beauty..
let me present to you: The REAL Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch Lite!
It's currently up for sale on
eBay, if you happen to be interested. 😇

