Gender roles? Do you defy them or go along?

Are you sure? I could have a baby right now, but Iḿ not a girl :) There are actually men (trans men) who do have babies! Not to mention there are plenty of gay dads who raise babies.

I may be a boy but I certainly would love to be a stay-at-home dad and raise my children while my partner works.

Yeah, I'm sure. I know what you mean. Actually I have friends who are married, and husband is taking a role of raising child while wife is in the role of affording family. I'm not talking about ability of raising child. It has nothing to do with gender.
What I mean is, not sure how I can explain good enough, but, maternal? So, I was actually the one but, if you were born in a family that's no functioning in certain form, and had no one cares about you or protects you in any form, and if you are certain type of personality, you sure as hell crave mother. This "mother" isn't always your actual mother. Existence as maternal, usually mothers represents.
I know from personal experience, males can't owe this role, no matter how nice personality he is or how good at raising children he is.
I hope this makes sense. I don't mean males can't raise children, because that's not true.
Eh i dont believe gender roles exist i believe that people are who they are
Gender roles? Is that something that I could eat?

Ah, I don't care. People can do whatever they want regardless.
Yeah, gender roles are pretty much outdated at this point, we as a society should just let people enjoy theings without slapping gender labels or roles onto everything. We just need to let people live how they want to live without any gender-role bs interference.

Personally, I've never really cared all that much about gender roles really at all, and as a guy I'm definitely not masculine by any standards, and I'm comfortable saying that. Honestly, why does this society have to give everything gender roles when we should just let people enjoy whatever the f*** they want and live freely and true to themselves without gender role bs interfering with any of that.

whoops sorry for the rant guys
I mean, I am MIXED on them. Part of me wants to be a 1950's housewife, and part of me wants to wear the pants. So I guess I'm kind of split. I love cooking for my honey but we pretty much share every other "responsibility," we both do laundry, he does the dishes more often than me because I have back issues.
I'm kinda starting to think I'm genderqueer... Can anyone give me their own definition of genderqueer? Google seems to have multiple.
My friend is genderqueer! They have described it as existing as something not female but also not male. The reason there are multiple is because its a very flexible term. It Can mean many things, its just about finding what sounds best to you. You can also consider nonbinary or other terms if you don't like the definitions tied with it.
I don't care about gender roles, I do as I want but yes, I'm reminded countless of times that I shouldn't do that, wear this or whatever. People just don't get it.
I don't really care much for gender roles, I wear what I like but recently I've been becoming more girly and my mom is a little excited about it because I've never really been too feminine until now lol
No. I'm a female and I DO like cute animals, but I've never really liked the color pink, make-up, dresses, etc. Even when I was growing up, all of my female friends would run around screaming about the hot new boy band while I would be fantasizing over a comic-book I had just read.

But, from time-to-time, I will like "girly" things, like cute animals and stuff like that. But more often than not I'm not following gender roles.
I think that no one should be confined by gender roles if they don't want to be.
I'm a biological female and love "girly" stuff like dolls, pink, fluffy stuff, dresses, makeup, but that's just what I'm into!!
But I also like some "masculine" stuff like old cars and super heroes and comic books too.

As an individual I do pretty much go along with it though. I would not mind solely being a house wife or a mother or somethnig like that. I would personally like to have the 'role' as 'the woman' in the house doing stuff like laundry and cleaning and meal prep etc. But, that's just me, and to each their own!! I respect everyone's decisions, beliefs, and life path as long as they are not harming anybody and I expect the same respect in return!
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i being gender non-comforming? i love wearing dresses and wearing make up and doing cutesy stuff. wouldnt trade it for the world tbh
i identify as gender nonconforming, because i don't know what to call myself. my gender is basically "don't know, don't care." but since i've been raised and socialized as a girl, there's an attachment to being a girl i can't really get rid of. everyone sees me as a girl and i let them. (that's why i label myself as a lesbian. i strongly believe my attraction to girls is sapphic.) so i guess, in that sense, i follow a gender role.

personally, i don't care whether or not i'm defying gender roles. it's not a big deal for me. the way i dress and act and all that jazz isn't to express my gender, it's how i express myself. not that i have anything against people who feel differently.
sorry if this is nonsense...
i'm nonbinary and don't think of myself as male or female. i do like comics, superheroes, etc. but i also like some cute stuff, and the occasional dress or girly item. i was born female, but rarely go with female stereotypes.
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so im a dude

i like pinks, bright colours and stuff like flowers and illustration, but i don't think i'm "defying gender roles".

i'm just... being me
so im a dude

i like pinks, bright colours and stuff like flowers and illustration, but i don't think i'm "defying gender roles".

i'm just... being me
my version
"So I'm a dude.

I like obsessing over Puyo Puyo ( if you don't know what it is it's sorta anime and follows primary female rolls ), Riki from Xenoblade Chronicles and "ogglein" over porgs in a joking manner

Just bring myself!" ( Your thing perfectly explains me too hope you don't mind! )

Though that doesn't mean that I Don't care ( and watch all of ) about marvel movies etc etc
Definitely defy them, always have. Ever since I was little, I hated that they were a thing, and have consistently aimed for androgyny in life. It made finding out I was a trans guy kind of difficult since I didn't fall into the media-acceptable narrative of "knew I was a boy since I was a small child because I loved sports", but I'm learning to be okay with not being super masculine in my trans identity.
I just do what I want, I've never cared about gender roles. I don't care what anyone does as long as it isn't malicious and it doesn't hurt anyone. If it does, then it's a different story. but none of that has ever had anything to do with what gender you are
I am a cis female but have way more "masculine" traits. I was once told I was a lesbian. Yep told, not asked. Most people assume I'm a lesbian, I'm not. I do play along sometimes with gender stereotypes when others say these things. One kid(boy) called me a ****. I replied with "you're just jealous that I can get a girl and you can't". Or I said once "I'm just a girl with more balls than you, accept it" Shuts 'em up real quick. Especially in combination with my "tough guy/girl" reputation haha