That's their choice. Are you implying that people shouldn't have the right to chose who to play with?dragonflamez said:Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but people are refusing to play with other people unless they've signed the agreement.stormcommander said:If this "pressures" anyone to force themselves to do something they don't want to do, there is probably something wrong with that person. This isn't a rule. You either care about it or you don't care about it. What you're saying is like if a group of people chose to eat an apple, orange eaters would feel pressured to change their eating habits even though they like oranges better. In the real world you eat what you want and mind your own business.JJH0369 said:I'm gonna have to agree with dragonflamez. Really, if you wanted to not hack/transfer, you don't have to. All this thread has done is pressured people into agreeing to this. You could just as easily put in your signature that you don't hack, and avoid creating something like this. This has done nothing but cause seperation between those who hack and those who "play legitimately", and pressure people who didn't wanna agree to this into agreeing.
On a final note, I still don't agree, but I'm putting in my signature that I do. Let's see how many people catch that. >:^D![]()
Now normally I wouldn't care, but I'm trying to be nice for a change.