Hoi, I'm Torterraxe (it's based on a Pokemon's name), but you can also call me Sophia, Sophie, Soph, and maybe also Soap. Not sure about that last one, though. I am 11 years old, turning 12 on November 30th. I also have two cats. One of them is called Fearless, and he's a fat, fluffy, gray cat that only runs when 1: There is food or 2: There's a laser. I have another cat called Nina (I don't like her name), and she's the whiniest cat I have ever met. I really, really like Pokemon, Animal Crossing, blanket forts, cats, birds, animals in general, but I hate bugs. And spiders. And I especially hate bees. I'm currently trying to find friends on the internet because all my friends are on vacation. And speaking of vacations, I hate them. Traveling is horrible. Also my favorite color is blue. I also have an obsession over animals. And I'm terrible at writing (this post, etc.). When I write I add cat face things

3) because I feel like it makes me seem more friendly somehow and a bit less awkward. But in general, I'm an awkward person, (I can't stop being awkward, it's just kind of there forever) and this about sums up my life :3