Why is this thread still a thing? Didn't Glee get cancelled years ago?
Hell no, and there is still 2 more years to come of it!!!
Why is this thread still a thing? Didn't Glee get cancelled years ago?
Hell no, and there is still 2 more years to come of it!!!
That episode was really good; didn't really enjoy the songs but the story line was great
wait I've changed my mind - but from my new rememberances I've changed my mind and it's not that great
- Finn where are you: Yes I know Cory was in rehab but didn't Will just be like to Finn 'hey come be co-director' or w/e last episode? This was meant to be Finn's last appearance for the season so now his the explanation for his absence will annoy me because he wasn't in this episode
- 'BECKY U LIL **** WAT DO U NO ABOUT COACH SYLVESTER' idk if this was meant to be in the next episode but it was shown in the promo and it seems weird that this wasn't actually shown...
It was probably done because Cory checked into rehab half way through the episode, they would've had to change and add things (possibly why We Will Rock you soloists were changed, and At The Ballet was so long) because they had to remove Cory scenes and fill them in with other things.
I'm really not that pissed off by that, the episode was good, Kitty got decent screen time and songs, Tina still hates Santana lol
B/cos during the musical Tina was ready to play Rizzo when Wade/Unique couldn't do it - but Finn called Santana to play her thus making Tina hate Santana - it's such a cute relationship.
Iunno but that was only Tina's second slushie through out the whole series so be thankful
Oh i know that, but what makes you bring it up now? :O
soz i read your post as 'why does tina hate santana' not 'why does tina STILL hate santana' sorry my bad.
idno mayb she just holds grudges lol? It's kinda funny though - Santana is in Ohio in 4x22 so hopefully we get to see more of the glorious tina/santana crack ship
also; i know the uk episodes are being so do you wait until it airs in the uk? or do you watch online
I live my life on spoilers, I'm the most impatient human being on this planet
And I'm still wondering why you randomly brought up the Tina/Santana thing? xD Was there something to do with the 2 in the last episode?And santina will become best friends, i can feel it >:3
Ohhhhhhhh. Yeah - in the episode that just aired (4x20) Tina called Kurt and is like 'Santana is a useless ***** without a dream lol kthxbai" - or something like that lol i don't remember word for word *goes to rewatch scene*
ok. Kurt is like 'Tina just informed me that you're a bouncer at a lesbian beer garden' then rachel is like 'and you're a go-go girl' then they show tina calling kurt/rachel and she like 'OH YEA I GURL BARRR GO-GO GURLLLL'
idk how tina knows everything obv she is up to date with the twitter news and gets everything she needs to know from fondue for two
Uptight (Everything's Alright) performance;
I'm guessing Rachel got the part then? Or Cass is doing that to cheer her up after she didn't get the part :O