(GLEE THREAD) okay everyone i admit it

Blaine twerking was the worst thing ever.

I think for the first transgender single-episode-thus-far-storyline for Unique was...mediocre. It could have been worse.

I'm sorry hold the **** up. Will needs to be investigated for being a pedophile because really Blurred Lines. I have nothing against the song like the Tumblr feminists and social justice warriors who think it promotes "rape culture" or whatever bull**** they believe in, but for exactly what Sue said. Will is really ****in' creepy.

I forgot most of this episode to make space in my brain for the VERY WONDERFUL MOMENTS OF SHIRTLESS CHRIS COLFER CAN I GET AN AMEN.


no he's not even hot
he really isn't that hot and the only reason the fandom fangirl over him s coz he's gay SOZNOTOZ

songs are out:

except movin out, but that should be out soon, but im sleeping pretty soon so idno if i'll have it reblogged before i sleep

you may be right is the only good song because it isn't a slow piece of **** but it needed more kitty so **** it

idk maybe i would enjoy them more if i literally wasnt falling asleep at my laptop

... and **** it im going to sleep. go here if you wanna listen to movin' out coz it will probs post soon after i leave: http://fyeahgleeclub.tumblr.com/
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They've cut Don't You Forget About Me and The Fox.
Whenever I Call You Friend is the 600th number, so My Lovin' is 601. Which is confusing storyline wise.
They've cut Don't You Forget About Me and The Fox.
Whenever I Call You Friend is the 600th number, so My Lovin' is 601. Which is confusing storyline wise.

they've been cut?

also just because they film whenever i call u friend before my lovin doesn't particular mean they they'll be performed in that order

also chord said they graduate around episode 14
i really dont think they're cut - i havent seen anything about it
if anything was going to be cut, it'd be dont u 4get about me - because it's the only song from the episode which hasn't got its single cover released, there is one for everything else (even the fox).
can't find the picture but jenna uploaded a picture to twitter(i think) of a poster with 600 songs on. where all the 5x09 songs are there is no DYFAM or TF. But then again they don't show any other christmas songs (not even hcsc) other than LC and MBC (the 2 marnique+tina songs)
doesn't mean they're cut tho, also i looked at that photo yesterday and i could barely see **** on it lol
that creepy guy with a moustache scanned it and posted it somewhere.

orly? i will go check, but like i said, i doubt the fox has been cut

ok I found it, but I'm not going to treat it as the 'gods list of songs' because...


Red from left to right, top to bottom;
- You Always Get What You Want
- Centerfold/Hot In There
- Believe/The Super Bass
- Rain Or Shine
- On Our Own

* You Can't Always Get What You Want
*Centerfold/Hot In Here
*Fire And Rain
*On Our Way

There are errors (probably more, too), obviously some of the names have to be shortened to fit the '600' songs (which is why I didn't correct believe to I still believe). And obviously they're going to have forgotten to include some songs (because a lot of the christmas songs are missing)

Also for the blue ones, Fergalicious, One Night in Bangkok and Revolution, unreleased songs may u RIP :(((( I CRIED


jenna was in the studio recording two songs, one being from a movie (which is one of her favs). So I guess she is singing twice in 5x10 (though one could have been breakaway since for 5x09 but I'd assume they'd have already recorded 5x09 songs)

nope breakaway is in princess diaries, so it was for 5x09. But since she/kevin already tweeted that had recorded song 600 and 601 (which I assume are their duets), i'd guess her second song is for 5x10
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