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Glitches from the Adoption of Villagers

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I believe I invited someone over to help me water my hybrid farm AFTER Molly moved in. She was already unpacked and walking about all around town. A few days later she glitched and the plot said "she moved out"

She was the only person I asked to move in twice too :/
Did you say yes to her twice and how long had you had her before someone came over?

I’ve done a deal for someone who I’m pretty sure is going to arrive glitchy, had the option of inviting him twice although I didn’t say yes the second time.
I believe I invited someone over to help me water my hybrid farm AFTER Molly moved in. She was already unpacked and walking about all around town. A few days later she glitched and the plot said "she moved out"

She was the only person I asked to move in twice too :/

Was she the last of your 6 villagers you had moving in that week? I think you mentioned it a few pages ago.

Did you say yes to her twice and how long had you had her before someone came over?

I’ve done a deal for someone who I’m pretty sure is going to arrive glitchy, had the option of inviting him twice although I didn’t say yes the second time.

omg we can try to isolate this case maybe! Have you visited or been visited by anyone since you did this invite?
omg we can try to isolate this case maybe! Have you visited or been visited by anyone since you did this invite?

Try and save it haha! Someone did come over but I don’t think it would affect anything since the villager hasn’t moved in yet. I was going to not let myself travel or have anyone come over for a bit to see if that would help...
Try and save it haha! Someone did come over but I don’t think it would affect anything since the villager hasn’t moved in yet. I was going to not let myself travel or have anyone come over for a bit to see if that would help...
Do you know if the person who visited you has a full town of 10 villagers and also if they have an open plot?

That's a great idea to put your town into quarantine for at least 4-5 days (which is how many days of play it takes to empty your void queue). Especially so if he unboxes normally and walks around... because we have no idea what then causes them to glitch out after that. So can you make sure to not have anyone try to move out or put down any plots for the duration of quarantine? I mean, you can obviously lift the quarantine if he glitches up on you.

I am wondering if has to do with passing the duplicate voided villager to someone else (so your real villager thinks they moved) and/or opening another plot of land (so the duplicate voided villager tries to move in and the game gets confused and thinks your real villager has moved).

Btw, it doesn't seem to be triggered by TTing because just today someone made a thread that they hadn't TT'd since before inviting the glitched 2-invite villager. Their villager unboxed and walked around normally... then boom. Glitch. They had used amiibo to kick out another one of their villagers and open up a plot after inviting the glitched villager, plus did online play.
Do you know if the person who visited you has a full town of 10 villagers and also if they have an open plot?

That's a great idea to put your town into quarantine for at least 4-5 days (which is how many days of play it takes to empty your void queue). Especially so if he unboxes normally and walks around... because we have no idea what then causes them to glitch out after that. So can you make sure to not have anyone try to move out or put down any plots for the duration of quarantine? I mean, you can obviously lift the quarantine if he glitches up on you.

I am wondering if has to do with passing the duplicate voided villager to someone else (so your real villager thinks they moved) and/or opening another plot of land (so the duplicate voided villager tries to move in and the game gets confused and thinks your real villager has moved).

Btw, it doesn't seem to be triggered by TTing because just today someone made a thread that they hadn't TT'd since before inviting the glitched 2-invite villager. Their villager unboxed and walked around normally... then boom. Glitch. They had used amiibo to kick out another one of their villagers and open up a plot after inviting the glitched villager, plus did online play.
Thanks, a lot of good ideas to try then. I’ll go into “quarantine” once he’s moved in tomorrow until the end of the week. I also won’t let anyone move out. Luckily I already have a full town of 10 villagers, so...we shall see.
Did you say yes to her twice and how long had you had her before someone came over?

I’ve done a deal for someone who I’m pretty sure is going to arrive glitchy, had the option of inviting him twice although I didn’t say yes the second time.
I kept TTing to get someone else out. And since time travel only really counts one active day at a time from my understanding, no matter how far you travel, it was around 7-10 active days until she glitched.
I kept TTing to get someone else out. And since time travel only really counts one active day at a time from my understanding, no matter how far you travel, it was around 7-10 active days until she glitched.
But you had someone else come in after you had the character which triggered the glitch correct? I don’t know, the isolation thing is worth a try at least. If they glitch out no biggie, at least I’ll have had them for a bit and we know how to get rid of it now.
Hi guys, just want to jumped in. I adopted Marshal last Sunday. I wasn't able to talk to him again so I'm not sure if he's glitched or not. Here's the summary so far:
4/12- Adoption Day. Land was sold to him.
4/13- Marshal Unpacking. I could talked to him. No online play.
4/14 to 4/16- Marshal was out about town. No online play. Velma asked to moved and I said yes on the 4/15 and unpacking on the 16th
4/17- AM: Marshal is doing okay and I have an empty plot. PM: Invited someone over but Marshal is doing okay.
Current day: I haven't checked yet because it's 5:32 am and very nervouse about it.

Edit: Just checked. It's too early but Marshal's has the do not disturb me sign because he's still sleeping. I'm not sure if I'm on the safe zone though. The empty plot is still empty though.
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Does the I've Moved Out glitch only effect the last villager to be adopted or can it happen to any villager that's been adopted at any time?

Like, if I adopted villager A, and then villager B in my town asks to move out, and then villager C, (and new villagers naturally move in to replace them) does that mean villager A, the one I adopted from another town, is safe?
My glitched out villager was kiki she didn’t glitch until I had 3 other villagers move in
Hi guys, just want to jumped in. I adopted Marshal last Sunday. I wasn't able to talk to him again so I'm not sure if he's glitched or not. Here's the summary so far:
4/12- Adoption Day. Land was sold to him.
4/13- Marshal Unpacking. I could talked to him. No online play.
4/14 to 4/16- Marshal was out about town. No online play. Velma asked to moved and I said yes on the 4/15 and unpacking on the 16th
4/17- AM: Marshal is doing okay and I have an empty plot. PM: Invited someone over but Marshal is doing okay.
Current day: I haven't checked yet because it's 5:32 am and very nervouse about it.

Edit: Just checked. It's too early but Marshal's has the do not disturb me sign because he's still sleeping. I'm not sure if I'm on the safe zone though. The empty plot is still empty though.
I hope it all works out for you!
here's a fun new side to the glitch!

1. i go to adopt lopez from someone's town and receive the repeat dialogue. we terminate the first visit/invite without saving. the empty plot is still empty when i reload and shows no other names.
2. we try again (bc i didn't know at the time repeat was a sign of glitch). repeat dialogue happens again, but right before we call it quits, i invite him one last time and he says yes (i do not talk to him again after). i go back to my town expecting the same empty plot but instead it's taken by lopez! i do not return to the town, trader immediately time travels to a new day.
3. lopez moves in completely fine. fully interactable, house and everything is great. i isolate my town offline for in-game weeks, checking every day with lopez and his house - even move his house! to a new location, everything is dandy.
4. lopez is fine for MONTHS in game, round abouts 3 months, bc i've been time travelling to put other villagers in boxes - they have left & moved in and he was fine.
**here's the kicker!!!
5. i load my game after a one day jump following a new 15 day jump cycle (talked to lopez the day before) and his house has disappeared. he did not glitch, there is no name on the sign, it is just empty. this happened over the course of one day and showed no outwards signs other than the initial, months old repeating dialogue of being glitched.

what does this tell us? we need an update obvs, but beyond that? iunno. maybe that glitched villagers are inherently not going to stay in your town. the game tries to right its own code or whatever. time progressing (not just travelling) will inevitably lose them to the void to correct the glitch. but this can happen without any outwards signs, or advance notice.

i'm p heartbroken since i loved lopez, but more than that i'm full pell shocked? has anyone else experienced no 'i've moved out' warnings before a villager just disappears into the void? OR do you think this shows that villagers can actually leave without requesting permission? lol
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Hello. I tried this! Took 10 minutes and worked like a charm! Got rid of Molly's glitched spot!

PLEASE please tell us how you did it!! I cannot click on the link anymore (it seems that Reddit got sent to the abyss along with my villager), and the methods others have listed here have not worked for me :'(
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BTW, here is my story -

Day 1) My villager Goose asked to move out, I said ok, then tt'd a day forward

Day 2) He was in boxes

It was either day 1 or 2 here (can't remember) that I visited a friend - Said friend had Stiches (from an Amiibo card) in his town who had just been picked up by another friend earlier that day. He had made it so Stiches was kicked out via another amiibo he had, Rosie. I had never talked or interacted with Stiches.

Day 3) I tt'd forward a day after Goose was in boxes. The plot of land that was his had Stiches name

Day 4) Isabelle told me Stiches was here, and I should go say hi. His house was dark and had the "I've moved out" sign, and has been that way since
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What if I get a villager to move in via amiibo but then get him to leave via tt, can he still glitch for the person who gets him? Or is it just because you get him to move via another amiibo?
What if I get a villager to move in via amiibo but then get him to leave via tt, can he still glitch for the person who gets him? Or is it just because you get him to move via another amiibo?
There's a possibility. Some reported that they have their villager a week and doing their routine and when they invited someone over. Their adopted villager was gone. If you plan to adopt, take a precaution. A red flag is when you talked to the villager and you could invite them twice. But it's not 100% safe even though you could only invite them once.
I had raymond move in and he acted fine :O well his dialog was scummy in the way he asked to move twice to my town.. well.. no biggy :/ i take him and hes doing alright, UNTIL my siss came to visit right before she came i checked, he was fine, right after POOF! "i moved out" i was devestated D: so i kick the plot out with an amiibo and make a new villager move out, picked up a new raymond and now i qurantined and locked down my entire island for ppl DX no risking it until nintendo patch or something! but i can send and recive mail :D
Yeh it is definitely the online aspect which makes them glitch away. I hope they fix it soon otherwise I'm going to give it some time and hope it's been long enough. I know people say they've tried TT to tackle this, but I hope real life waiting will have a different impact?
Is this only villahers adopted from other people?

I got Judy moving in from my own campsite today and am wondering if my town ought to go into quarantine til a patch..
Is this only villahers adopted from other people?

I got Judy moving in from my own campsite today and am wondering if my town ought to go into quarantine til a patch..
if shes from the random islands or campsite she should be fine :)
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